Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Scurrying into darkness

Cockroaches are defined as: any numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests

The word cockroach curls my lip; the thought of even a one, makes me feel disgust. The thought of a room full makes me uneasy and queasy. I know that when bright light enters a dark cockroach infested room, they scuttle and scurry to find the cover of darkness, where they can again feel at ease to do whatever it is cockroaches do.

All manner of human hidden things are like cockroaches

This brings me to lies: lies of omission, manipulation, rationalization, gossip, and all manner of human hidden things that are like cockroaches of the soul, dark and ugly, hidden from sight with insidiousness as their companion of doom and gloom. 

The lies seem to serve: sometimes they are told for the purpose of stolen pleasure, justification for speaking cruelty out of a sense of selfishness and entitlement, or perhaps, jealousy? You name it, we all have our masquerading "reasons"  for allowing cockroaches, the pleasures of the flesh, into our lives. Temporary pleasure is the allure, and giving into the pleasure means that we compromise our integrity and walk with hidden guilt and soul crushing shame. You may be able to hide the truth from others but you and I, we can never fully escape the knowing that niggles at our being, the one that says, "You, I see you and what you have done: I will make you feel dis ease until you speak the truth out loud."

Truth kills pestilence with The Light

Then, there is the light, the dawning of day. As light splinters across the floor in intensity growing rays, the cockroaches flee, perhaps as gradually as the light rays appear? a withdrawal for fear of being seen. They are creatures of the night. The light scatters them and they must find darkened corners and cracks for protection.

Lies are like this, they cannot stand the Light nor can they survive it. Truth makes us free, and kills the pestilence that causes soul infection. 

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