Sunday, May 19, 2024

Who You Mad At?

Misplaced displaced floating in the psyche anger is a raging caged ornery bull that snorts, head down, ready to charge, given the right circumstances.

Latent is defined as: present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic

Dear reader, do you have latent anger? Is your anger present and capable of emerging or developing but is currently invisible, inconspicuous, passive, or asymptomatic?

Have you heard or read the term, passive aggressive? This is latent anger hiding behind excuses to lash out at those that have absolutely nothing to do with the origins of your feeling miffed, cheated, mistreated, mishandled, maligned, unheard, unseen, forgotten, abandoned, plain old hurt. Angry people are hurt people that couldn't express feelings of sadness, sorrow, disappointment, because no one had an ear attuned to their stingy feelings when they needed it the most. Stifled sentiments are what many have labelled 'stuffed' down emotions, and one way or another, anger will express itself when it hasn't had the air time to be vented: repressed anger leads to a temper. How do I know this, you ask? I have been there, done that, and figured myself out, that's how. 

We all have reasons for our feelings, and dare I say that while there is some validity to our emotions, we don't always have a full picture, a completed puzzle as it were; and so, we often feel minus all the facts. If I have learned anything big in this lifetime, it is that each individual is very much self-absorbed with their own thoughts and reactions. Very rarely do we meet someone that is completely altruistically other focused to the point of self-sacrifice. I can think only of one Man/God of this unique calibre, and he just so happens to be known as Christ, the King. 

🔥 Latent anger is sneaky and insidious. 
🔥 Latent anger lurks looking to pounce. 
🔥 Latent anger is one of the most unsavoury, misguided weapons that seeks revenge on unsuspecting victims, and it slashes this way and that, indiscriminately with bloodlust. 
🔥 Latent anger casts about to be directed, looking for a target, because it is vengeful and wants its pound of flesh. Recall, repressed feelings don't stay that way, especially for those that in time, feel entitled to retaliate. 

I see a lot of latent anger these days, with much more to come. I see that people have been mistreated and wounded, and have done their fair share of the same to others. I see that trust is costly and rare, and rightly so, given the fact that betrayal on a universal level, has been our most recent common and mutual experience. Who do you trust, dear reader, and why?

I admit, the past couple of days, I have been a little mad: not crazy mad, just a tad miffed. I am disappointed that people reject Jesus and then, when they are in need, or trouble, they turn to God as though he is a magic trick or a vending machine. Plunk in a prayer request and voila, your pleading pays off. If you are a fornicator, a liar, a cheat, a gossip, a fortune telling lover, someone that holds horoscopes or palm reading near and dear... hey, I could go on and on; if you are anti-Bible, anti-Christ, then you reject Jesus. I am not telling you not to pray, go ahead: I am telling you that when you pray, know to Whom you speak, and man alive, show some reverence and display some awe, because you be talkin' to your CREATOR, and hells bells, his wrath for being dismissed, and disregarded matches nothing you have ever seen or felt from a mere human, or demon for that matter. 

NOTE regarding prayer: God will hear you, dear reader, but there is a price for admission into the throne room, and it is this: you must repent after being reproved. You must forsake your old ways and accept that you cannot pay the price for all of your sins, and that they were paid for for you, by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary. 

God's anger may very well be described as latent: present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic, but unlike human anger, his is never misplaced or derived from misunderstanding. He has all the facts, the completed picture or puzzle, and when he gives vent to this powerful verdict of righteous anger for all the wrongs we humans have cumulatively accomplished, it will blow our hair and ears right off our heads and melt us at the knees. That is my prediction, dear one, and we will see this in the very near future.  

Anger usually stems from a sense of unfairness or injustice, and a feeling of helplessness too. The most angry people I have known, were severely put upon as children, and never really recovered from that state of perpetual shock at being mistreated. The only solution I have ever seen work to heal the wounds that cause latent anger, is the salve of salvation. Telling God that our heart hurts and our soul aches with tears of sorrow, is the most wonderful curative process I know of. 

God's love heals all. If only everyone knew this...

Dear reader, figure out who you are mad at, with the caveat that you cannot say you are mad at God. It is humans that hurt other humans, so we must not blame the Almighty for our soul cuts. Once you have taken the time to observe your own pain and figure out its genesis, you can begin the work of processing your angst and resolving it, so that your aren't a walking talking unwieldy weapon that aims itself at innocent victims that haven't harmed you, nor plan on ever doing so. 

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath (Ephesians 4:26)

Notice, dear one, that the Bible does not say, Don't be angry. The Bible points to the fact that angry happens, but when it does, we are instructed to sin not. Anger is dangerous when it is hot and given its way; we must be very aware of ourselves when this sentiment rears its self-righteous head. Dealing with what enrages or hurts us is vitally important, and the suggestion is to figure things out before you lay your head down for rest, and not carry the irksome item with you into the next day. 

Sage advice, wouldn't you agree?

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