Monday, May 20, 2024


Indirect messaging, that is what implication suggests; a way of implying without being specific, you catch my drift?

Wicked and malicious people have a way of adding numbers to their single-mindedness; they propose they have a majority on their side of the fence, and that this larger part, will strong-arm any opposition to their destructive plans. When this tension presents, we see a battle of the wills and wits, not amongst all peoples, dear reader, only between those that recognize the realms of good and evil. The minority I speak of, make up perhaps 10-20% of the population, if the Pareto Principle is to be believed as accurate. Do you agree, that 80-90% of the population is stupefied and ill equipped to face off in the spiritual realm?

Follow with me as I do a little x's and o's deductive reasoning. If what I imply is true with this ratio: 

❌ 10-20% of people comprehend the existence of the spiritual realm
⭕️ 80-90% of people haven't a clue about God, the devil, angels and demons 

Then we are looking at 10-20% of people engaging in spiritual warfare, and this is typical of humans historically, with a minority doing the majority of the heavy lifting of influencing populations:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:13-14) 

Let's say 10% of the warriors are Christians of the authentic variety, that live their faith based on Biblical principles and the commandments of God Almighty, while the other half of the 20%, in other words, the other 10%, work as minions for the Satan, doing his bidding and living his dastardly demands. That is a standoff, if you ask me, and while the wicked and malicious people I mentioned above would have you and I believe we are outnumbered, they do what they do best, which is lie. God doesn't need paltry people to win battles; in fact, he could call it a day and snuff us all out with a wink or a nod, but alas, he made us in his image with free will as our gift for choosing, and it behooves us to do our part when it comes to establishing publicly, whom we will serve. Are you battle ready, dear reader?

⭕️ dear, I am very concerned for the 80-90% of people that cluelessly go about their daily business without consideration of the peril they are in
⭕️ my, they witlessly contribute to their own demise 
⭕️ boy, what will become of them if they never see that the enemy of their souls holds them captive already, because they refuse to let go of superficiality and acknowledge that they are beholden to One Triune God

❌ Christians vs Satanists ... ❌ marks the spot

All good stories have a theme and generally speaking, there is a mix of good and evil sprinkled throughout. The evil we see is loud and perfidiously proud, unabashed and unafraid. The good we see is has the stamp of godly righteousness, with no need to parade and preen: 

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Revelation 22:11)

I did a little black and white, wrong and right work with you today, dear reader. We played x's and o's, and if you have ever played this game, you know how simple and easy it is to win, and to lose too. Misplacing our faith, or not placing it at all, is a mistake, and I pray you are a player, and not a bystander that allows your fate to be selected and sealed without you uttering a word of approval or refusal. I am asking you to get out of the 80% if you find yourself there, and join forces with those of us who understand what is going on, and how vitally important it is to take a stand of faith in Christ, while we still have breath in our lungs. 

The flood, Sodom and Gomorrah: these are perfect examples of the mercy of God and his long suffering. He gives us ample time to change our minds and ways, but when we refuse, he does what only he can do righteously, which is pass judgment. We are here now, you and I, watching debauchery and waiting to see what will happen next, knowing it will only get worse. Our warrior weapons include the Word of God and prayer. The more time you spend in both, the better for your soul. 

Time to go now dear one, I pray you go with God. 

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