Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Devil Is A Liar

Oh, to lie to yourself, dear reader, is one of the scariest things you could possibly do! You are with yourself day and night, night and day. The only person you cannot hide from is you and yet, if you are a liar, you are playing hide and seek with your own soul. Behold, as a fraud betraying yourself continually, you simply cannot make sense of the world you live in. With those silly multicoloured tinted glasses you look through, you are a walking talking ball of confusion, and others will know you as deceptive and difficult to associate with, because you shift from leg to leg on sifting sand.  

How can you stand yourself as a liar? and what makes you think anyone else can for any length of time? I heard a newer friend say just the other day, The devil is self-deceived... this comment floored me. I know the devil is a liar, that he is the father of lies and misleads others to their own demise, but I never really thought of him as self-deceived, which now that I think of it, is so crystal clear as to make me feel foolish in not considering it before. Of course he is self-deceived, a liar of the first degree and order, preferring his own version of 'truth' over reality, his own way over The Way... and isn't that precisely what he tries to sell as a slick purveyor of all things perverted? Isn't he first and foremost in suggesting that a little white lie doesn't hurt anyone, and yet, the white lie tarnishes many a soul and blackens many a relationship, and requires the liar to commit to deception, once, then twice, then trice, then... you get the picture. 

You don't have to lie. You don't have to lie, I said. Did you hear that? If you choose to lie, then expect the person that is lying to be your biggest enemy. Think about what you just read... when you open your mouth, you cannot trust the you that is talking. When you stop talking, you must run over those words and flatten them out in your mind, kill them so that they cannot rise up and speak against you; if they live on and you have to address them, they will accuse you and call you all manner of names. 

Liar, hypocrite, deceiver, fibber, falsifier, perjurer, false witness, fabricator, equivocator, prevaricator, spinner of yarns, fake, fraud, untrustworthy, unworthy, ruthless, self-serving, troublemaker, coward, deceptive, destroyer, shameful

It would be some kind of wonderful if truth didn't require bravery. It would be so fantastical if honesty was the norm and not the exception. But dear reader, so many just plain old love to lie, that it is a way of life, and why not, I ask you? Why shouldn't people act exactly like their parents? If your daddy is a liar, then you, bad fruit with the outward bruising and inward rotting, will speak and behave accordingly, if you do not forsake his wicked demonic ways. 

God cannot lie, it is an impossibility. With his strength, we are emboldened to speak the truth not only to others, but more importantly to ourselves when alone. Are there things a person, that belongs to God, would prefer to sugar coat, avoid, not think about and look at? Of course, and yet before God we know we are naked, vulnerable, and incapable of hiding, because he is God for goodness sakes, and he hears and sees all we say and do! So in due course, we must self-assess and ask, Am I an honest person, or a downright cowardly deceptive liar? 

As created by God beings, we all sense that we are being watched, and I don't mean by the thought and behaviour police that want so much to control our every word and deed. God knows what is going on in our lives, and that is precisely why conscience must be overridden in order to sin against him. You and I both know that when we do wrong, there is a pang of guilt followed by the sting of shame. Eventually, if you lie often enough for an extended period of time, your conscience will be seared, you will no longer feel guilt or shame, and you will be left to your own deceptive and lonely devices. Lonely, dear one, because you will no longer feel a pull toward heaven. Turn your back on God, and he will after long-suffering your disobedience and ingratitude toward him, turn his back on you. 

The devil is a liar, and my questions to you are:

  • Are you a liar too? or;
  • Do you value truth over lies, with honesty working as the cementing agent between you and others?
I could, if I felt energy surging through me in this moment pick-up once more, the theme that Satan is self-deceived, but that is a moot point. God has established the fallen angels future, and they know it. But what about your future, dear reader? What about your relationships and interactions with God and others? The goal in living this life is to love, and there's just no room for deception when love is present. Love God, and then love others the way he loves you... is this too difficult an idea to grasp? 

If it is, too difficult an idea to grasp, too much to ask of you that is, then I am concerned for your soul. Truth in love is powerful, but when people cling to lies as a way of life, it weakens the fabric of society, and opens the door to diabolical forces that threaten dastardly destruction. And that, dear reader, describes the state we find ourselves in in the year 2024. 

What are you willing to do to turn things around, if that is possible this late in the game of life?

Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight

Abomination or delight to the LORD: you chose.

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