Friday, May 17, 2024

Covidism & Curses

Curses befall those that mangle the minds of the young... If you are going to use this phrase, give me a little credit, would ya? I have noticed my blogs are lifted and placed untraceably elsewhere, and I have no idea who has absconded with them. This is called intellectual thievery, but then again, it is a sign of the times, isn't it, dear reader? Let us get right into our topic, of curses. 

We now have abundant evidence that undeterred corruption emboldens the brazen, to take liberties they believe are consequence free. The ridiculous occupation by squatters on university campuses comes to mind, and I want to point out up front, that the universities deserve to be desecrated because of their willingness to subjugate vulnerable students to socialism, communism, atheism, nihilism, paganism, and lastly and most recently, covidism. Curses befall those that mangle the minds of the young...

Do you recall your university days, and the book stores that soaked students, charging them exorbitantly for the annually updated textbook editions that had to be bought this year, because the very same textbooks from last year were ever-so-slightly outdated; or the fatten-the-calf meal plans that could be directly blamed for the freshman fifteen, the extra poundage that students put on because nutrition wasn't a consideration in the cafeteria, rather, calories were paid for at great cost, to the wallet and the waistline. Money money money, wasted and difficult to repay, with loans burdening the graduate and no guarantee of employment to follow. 

Far from home for some, further yet from God, the young are mentally mangled in our schools, with higher education viciously attacking ethics and morals in a competitive and condescendingly controlled environment. Students are free to fail, made to feel responsible for themselves while being negatively influenced and put upon, by those that think nothing of manipulating young minds. I speak, dear reader, in generalities, and more specifically, of what has occurred in our most recent past: Covidism dominated, and professors, supposedly thinkers able to impart wisdom to the young, fell head long into the trap, and dragged with them those that held them in high esteem. 

The curse of covidism has befallen the universities and I dare say, it is not students that speak with forked and vulgar tongue. Masked marauders with no purpose feigning an important cause, occupy space in fenced areas, annoying passersby, and vexing the peaceful: I wonder in print, Do they know they are fire fodder, human twigs tossed on the funeral pyre to distract others from what is really going on? (I will address this thought below in a NOTE.) The masks they sport speak of their cowardice; they haven't the guts to naked face be bold because they haven't a clue about what they really believe or know to be true. What ushers out of their mouths is nonsensical and vulgar, and often times they physically demean themselves with hand and body gestures that drops them down into a category all their own, known as YUCK and reprobate. 

The curse on campuses in the Western world ought to be an embarrassment to all university administrators, unless of course, they take pleasure in seeing the demise of higher 'education'? I liked university, I really did, but there is no way I would send my son, if he were school age now, to kindergarten, grade school, high school, university or college. Why would I trust someone I love with strangers that teach strange things that ultimately wound the soul? 

University professors tacitly enjoyed tenure, but alas, curses befall those that mangle the minds of the young, and favour has left them to be replaced with peace-less-ness in their professions. They have vexed souls and in return, they are reaping what they have sown. Am I sounding harsh, dear reader? Yes, even to my own ears (I hear my voice as I type), I sound brassy as I bash the people I hold accountable regarding the injuries the young have suffered under the influence of their elders. I recall talking to students on campus at Western in London Ontario a couple of years ago. Most wore masks, and as students, followed politically motivated protocols in order to continue with their educational endeavours. They didn't know it at the time, but they had been groomed to follow orders that would ultimately teach them to be the unthinking, the lackeys, the uneducated and mentally malnourished. Indoctrination rather than education was what they dearly paid for without cognizance. 

Curses befall those that mangle the minds of the young...

There are many answerable adults that are learning quickly this Biblical truism:  

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea (Matthew 18:6)

All administrators, teachers and professors for universities, colleges, high schools, grade schools, and kindergarten: if you forced masks and injections, and any other wicked command upon those under your charge, you are guilty of betrayal and I highly recommend you repent, beg God for forgiveness, and start praying that the curse you brought upon yourself and others does not show up as consequences that you cannot escape, talk yourself out of, or heal yourself from. 

Now is your time to come clean before God and man. God is mighty to save and redeem, but you must do your part to turn things around, or live with the dire upshot of what you have done. 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up (James 4:10)

NOTE: Above I stated: Do they know they are fire fodder, human twigs tossed on the funeral pyre to distract others from what is really going on?

What is really going on is people are sick and dying from the poison injections so many took just a couple of years ago and for some, even more recently. I believe latent anger directed at self and then at other, is fuelling an unholy fire in the bellies of those that unconsciously recognize they were duped, and fell for a massive hoax. Rather than accept the error in the choices they made, there is leakage, with rage building up and spilling out, looking for a place to be expended. Instead of going after the perpetrators, the victims go after those that can do nothing to fix or change the situation. Someone has to 'pay' for the pain and suffering, and scapegoating is an old fashioned way of misplacing guilt and personal shame, onto another...

Mangled minds do not perform properly, and this, we see, all around us. 

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