Friday, May 3, 2024

Broken Moral Compass

Today I became hot under the collar, as the saying goes. I was on LinkedIn early this morning and was greeted with a picture of a woman, sitting atop a bucket, pants and panties about her knees, looking out at the water surrounding her as she eliminated: she was on a boat. The author of the commentary gives marriage tips, and suggested that this female was a keeper, willing to stay the course and do what she had to, to remain in the fishing game. 

My question is, was her man a keeper? Someone took a picture of her in a private moment and perhaps it was a joke between them and somehow, someway, SOMEONE took a liberty and posted it for public display: with, or without her approved, this is a disgusting exhibit that demonstrates how very far away from decorum we have travelled as a people.

The man that made the post calls himself a Christian. I too, call myself a Christian, but we must ask ourselves daily, Am I following in Christ's footsteps, or have I deviated and gone off course?; in other words, Is my moral compass malfunctioning and perhaps, a little or even a lot, broken? 

As a female, I am appalled at how un-lady like women have become. Butts, boobs, and bellies hang out and over clothing. Nothing is off limits for displaying or discussing regarding bodily functions and fluids. Gross, just plain old GROSS. 

I had a lengthy back and forth with the man that thinks it okay to display a female in a compromised position, on a public forum. I asked him to ask his wife if she would pose similarly, and if she would approve of being in a post like the one we disagreed upon. Would it be okay with him if it was his daughter, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother? He did not answer these questions, but said, I am comfortable before God ... eeeck! These are dangerous words spoken by a man that perhaps hasn't spent much time in his Bible lately. No one has EVER been comfortable before God, and his suggestion that his Christianity and faith are sound, puts him in a danger zone with his open and very public stance, that females in a vulnerable state can be used as click bait for his posts. 

We are witnessing an anything goes society devoid of elegance, and far removed from feeling shame. People justify their words and deeds, and others flood in to support reprobate behaviours, because they too, are guilty of all manner of disgustingness. Humour is now the translucent curtain people hide behind to make their demeaning jokes, directed at an already depraved populace. 

If professing Christians read the Word of God and next, measured their own words and deeds according to the commands of Scripture, perhaps they would speak a little less, and when they do speak, minus any hint of liberality. Men are not men of God when they are not protective of the weaker sex. Men of God are appalled when women are put on display, without any regard for how it might impact them. I boldly state that professing Christians that do not live like Christ, are no Christians at all: they are quite simply, hypocritical heathens that have lost their way, with their moral compass needing recalibration to Christ.

If a man declares himself a Christian, wouldn't it be wonderful to actually see this on display, rather than showing off what ought to be another persons private moment? I issue a warning to men everywhere, that they might hear and heed, that our Righteous God, does not suffer the impenitent, or trifle with fools that suggest they are not sinners: 

And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off they feet, for the place whereupon thou standest is holy ground (Exodus 3:5)

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant? And the captain of the LORD's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereupon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so (Joshua 5:13-15)

Any man that thinks he can comfortably stand before God, has another thing coming to him and hey, don't be mad at me for speaking truth, go to Scripture and see if you can out-argue God Almighty.

NOTE: Our work according to Jesus is this: 
Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent (John 6:29)

Let us be fishers of men, and not fishers for followers that we may lead astray because our moral compass has spun in the wrong direction. 


  1. I, like you, was horrified to see "Christian" people backing this behaviour. If it were a man in the photo I would have felt the same way. Demeaning a person in any way is ugly in the sight of God. The fact that many called the offended names was even more concerning. Our world has become a cesspool of evil that has been normalized by that very same evil.

    1. Thank You so much for your note... it always feels good to know I am not alone and that others can relate to what I am seeing and saying... yes yes, anyone in the photo ought to be mortified, regardless of sex!

      Yup, a cesspool of evil indeed, well stated anonymous! Yours in Christ, LGB
