Monday, May 6, 2024

Blood Splatter

Nothing brings ruin on a people sooner than persecution, Matthew Henry, page 490 from his Commentary On The Whole Bible. 

A re-enactment of our most mutual and recent past...

Voice # 1
Listen, and listen good. Something bad is happening, and I want to warn you. I don't know all the details, and that doesn't matter too much. What matters most is the vile scent of evil wafting on the air waves. I feel sick at the thought of what awaits if you don't pay attention and catch the drift. You are in danger, physically and spiritually, if you refuse to absorb emotionally and mentally, what I am trying desperately to get through to your mind, your heart, your very soul.

Voice #2
No no, YOU listen to ME. Yes, there is danger, and you are it. You are the obnoxious scent, the annoying voice, the repugnant and vile odour that I cannot rid myself of fast enough. GET AWAY FROM ME, you are despicable. You repulse me!

Dear reader, which voice do you relate to? If you are Voice #1, you and I spoke loudly while trying to beseech the vulnerable to steer clear of what we discerned and perceived early on as a dangerous situation brewing. You and I warned, and in some cases pleaded with perfect strangers to heed, but alas, we heard in reply, Voice #2 over and over again.

If you happen to relate to Voice #2, then I am firstly surprised you are reading my writing, and secondly, grateful you are here, because it may be that you have come to terms with what happened, and what continues to occur, regarding the demise of the human race via masterful manipulation and murder. I have a few questions for you:

■ Do you regret your neglectfulness in being duly diligent when you were confronted with the possibility that something was desperately wrong; and that you had been warned? 

■ Do you wish you had taken some time to consider what friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues were trying to alert you to, concerning the pending disaster we are now commonly living? 

Dear reader, blood is splattered everywhere, and it coats and covers messengers, the prophetic, the ones that tried, and tried again to sound the alarm in whatever way they could to let EVERYONE know, that death was the stench in their nostrils and they/we, could not stand the idea of humanity being wiped out in one fell swoop by the enemy of our souls, Satan. Blood is also splattered all over those that refused to heed, and it is with great sorrow that many of us watch the suffering and with heavy hearts plead almost without ceasing, with God to please make people well, take away their pain, heal their brokenness and more importantly, that they come to saving grace knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour. 

Satan is a persecutor but he is legless, he is voiceless, has no arms nor any strength without humans doing his bidding. Voice #2 was his when it came from beings created in God's image directed at other beings also created in his image. Don't you see, dear one, how persecution brought our global society down? Don't you now know that if you used Voice #2 and justified separating yourself from anyone that had the authoritative #1 Voice, that you need to repent and make amends with those you dragged with you into this mess? 

The blood of prophets and messengers of the Lord has been splattered throughout the history of mankind, only to have said prophets and messengers vindicated after death. Satan hates us and dividing and conquering is his modus operandi. It saddens me greatly that so many bought into his death plan so readily, at the expense of self, and relationship with other. If you relate to Voice #2, you are guilty of injuring many by way of persecution, and it is your duty to hold yourself accountable for blood shed, and also to make recompense, by way of apology firstly to God for not trusting in his Sovereign and perfect will, and secondly to all those you treated as pariahs that went against the wicked grain and tried to alert, alarm, warn, beseech you to not go toward a fire that threatened to burn out of control. 

Holding others at arms length is unhealthy and unholy. The masses were willing to do so when ordered to, and this begs the question: From whom do you, take your orders, dear reader? 

While you have breath, you have time. Perhaps now is the time for you to write some emails, texts, messages, letters, or pick up the phone and make calls to those you maligned and thought of as malicious, when all they wanted for you was to have the peace that surpasses all understanding through Christ our Lord. If you spoke anything like Voice #2, you have some work to do, because you thought it okay to carry on enjoying life, while condemning anyone that did not think or respond as you had done when decision time arrived. 

It is decision time, once more. Will you be part of the blood splatter clean up crew, or continue to believe that while you have been dead wrong, you remain steadfast in justifying yourself and pretending you were righteously right? Pride is an ugly character trait, and stubbornness is akin to stupidity. We all have options, and the best one of all, is humility before God and man, when we have deviated from the path he has carved for his people. 

What's it gonna be, dear reader? 

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world (1Peter 5:6-9)

NOTE: You have been warned

Post NOTE: If you didn't have a voice at all and remained silent to avoid and evade conflict in the past four plus years, you have contributed to the destructive cause significantly. It does not bode well for you to be passive, while the world around you is being raised to the ground in hell fire flames. 

You will be fodder for the fire if you continue to remain disengaged from the spiritual battle that rages all around us. You, voice number three, have also been warned. 

LASTLY... if you were a poison pusher and insisted that others get injected, while threatening that if they did not, you would disassociate from them, you are culpable. You desperately need to go down on your knees, and beg with tears and snot flowing freely, for forgiveness from those you have wounded mortally, that either listened and did your bidding, or had to walk away in sadness, knowing you were temporarily (or perhaps permanently if you have not come to terms yet with reality) insane for believing the biggest lie of our mutual life time. 

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