Monday, March 4, 2024

Writing Without An Audience

If I were writing without an audience, I would say some terribly true things

Like single moms are sad, and dads that abandon family aren't dads at all, they are absentee little boys that treat the world like their oyster

I might be tempted to say other things, while you are looking in the other direction, something along the lines of, mega churches treat people like commodities, selling them Alpha, without Omega: they start what they have no intention of finishing

Hmmm, what else might I think and type, if it was just little old me with a keyboard and nothing to see here, except for with my eyes only... Maybe that children are handed to strangers to be raised, while parents go off to work, to make a living, to pay for daycare, cuz they don't care enough to take care of their own during the day

I might add that children light up when a stranger pays them attention, clapping for them as they land pluck at the bottom of a slide: is this why they will do a strangers bidding, to please them, cuz mom and dad are on their phones flirting with the world instead of focusing on their little ones? 

O, and what about all those pride flags, marijuana shops, druggies and tent cities: I have a lot to say about these, so maybe now is the time for you to really not pay me any mind. Proud of disgusting acts, willing to fry the mind, out of work lazy sucks on society... yup, that sums up them flags, those shops, them vagrants. 

And how about this one, when we, say you and me, you and someone else, us and a them, pass each other on the sidewalk, pretending we do not take notice of one another; no eye contact, no good morning, hey, nice day, smiley face greeting. Nothin'... nothing to see here: let's look anywhere but at one another, shall we? 

Without an audience, I can say and do and think and act however I please, without responsibility, consequence, repercussion, or reproval. Wait a minute, I can do all this WITH an audience! Holy cannoli that's RIGHT, who cares, it's me time, and I get to do what I want, when I want, whenever I want, all the frickin' time!

I got the caustic out, now for the reason for my writing, with you reading, if you are still with me?

I have a someone on my mind while I type. I met her this morning, a single mom with two little boys, separated from a man she called her husband and described as a mean man. She has been attending a mega church that loves to sell the idea of attendance at Alpha, but they do not go past this video related messaging, because they are too big to take notice of people that need a village to raise their children. Funnily enough, the church I hint at has "villages" where families meet in someones home to "do life together"... the mega church theme has become a monstrous idea, and people are lost in the fray. The woman I spoke to was in tears, wondering why the pastor never interacted with her... she, is one of many, just a face in a crowded sea of them. 

The thing with mega churches is the marketing: the money invested in getting people in seats is well spent when all of them are occupied. What attendees discover after many a feel good Sunday, is that they are the fluff; they are being entertained in order to keep them coming back for more cotton candy Christianity, and when they realize that perhaps they love Jesus more then the on stage actors and "pastors" (also actors), they find they must look elsewhere to be discipled. A person that seeks the truth can only be satisfied with half measures of it for so long. Eventually, if they gently blow on the surface of the service, they will discover the foundation is made of sinking sand. 

The lady I met wondered about her own Christianity, and being a good Christian. There is no such thing of course, there is the grace and mercy of a loving God that knows our hearts, but I could only do so much for her in the way of encouragement. I pointed her in the direction of another church that loves children and community, investing in both. I pray she finds the comfort of belonging, and I guess, as I look to a close for this piece of writing, that is what I am writing about... belonging.

People are very, very lonely, tired, and in need of encouragement. I cannot say this is me, so don't worry on my account. I have all I need with many a friend and family member watching over me and praying for me too. But it is those that really need a helping hand that we must look out for and even ask, May I help you? Is there anything you need that I can do for you today, or this weekend?

Dear reader, we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Sadly, most churches have proven that improving the building is far more important then investing in it's people, and now we have broken families with no where to turn, except of course, I am hoping, to us; those that have something to offer them in the way of time, comfort, and edification. Some people just need ONE FRIEND, to help them realize they are precious, not alone, and worthy of much love. 

Will you, be that one friend to someone in dire need?

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40)


  1. Very clever opening and segway to the topic. Love it. I always voice my opinion hoping there is an audience since I don't care what others think about my thoughts, except for God and if I'm wrong He will deal with me accordingly. The Bible is not very soft on issues and is actually very to the point and critical. This becomes more clear every day as I read it. No woke crap in there just to be nice and accepting without conviction. Wish pastors were less concerned about offending people when it comes to sin and more about not offending God. As you said, mega churches are famous for that. The term is seeker friendly not matter what.

    By the way, I hope you weren't referring to Hillary and her comment "it takes a village to raise a child" which is Marxist and demonic to the core designed to minimize the role of the family against God's plan.

  2. Since churches with tax exemption status had to sign an agreement that they would not speak from the pulpit about abortion, homosexuality and one other item that escapes me, it makes perfect sense that the mega churches are the disney land of the lost! Artur Pawlowski lost his tax exemption status in 2010 I think, for refusing to do the governments bidding, then he was AUDITED... ha, persecution of the SAINTS is promised, and man alive, we can see by comparison, the cowardice in the hirelings, can't we Bob?

    Hilary did not coin the phrase, It takes a village to raise a child, and I see how disgusting her point of view would be as she appropriated this phrase... I was NOT thinking of that witch, to be sure!

    Ciao for now pal! LGB
