Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Switch

Two woman look at one another and individually decide, I am attracted to you. They agree to do something about it by getting physical, engaging in sexual acts.

Two men meet at a bar, admit they lust, and make arrangements to complete in real life, what their imagination has conjured up.

Over time, one of the women decides that she was born in the wrong body, and since science has made available transformative drugs, hormones, and surgery, she begins the process of change, and in the mean time, dresses like a male. 

The men too, have ideas that run along the lines of opposite sex representation, of effeminacy: one fella is more inclined to being girly than the other, so he gets to act like a she: now the couple has one male, one pseudo female to complete the pairing. 

The switch is being lived out by these miserable people, and what strikes me, is that it is a cruel joke that has been played on them. In other words, what God designed and deemed holy and sacred, somehow these mixed up people are trying to unconsciously live into. They were lied to, believe the lies, and make permanent changes physically to accommodate what should never be tampered with. 

Isn't it fascinating that one partner has to be feminine, the other masculine, in same sex relationships? Isn't it odd to the perverted participants, that they are mimicking opposite sex relationships while pretending that they can actualize what is impossible? 

I cannot imagine the pain of discovery, when a person has taken permanent measures to alter their voice, body hair, genitals, and persona, in order to be someone they are not, and then having to live with the rash decision and damage irreversible. Going too far does not begin to describe how atrocious and demoralizing these choices are: turning back is not the equivalent of returning to factory setting. Some things cannot be repaired and restored. 

In Genesis, a description can be found of God making man, and making woman from a rib taken from the man. There is something romantic and marvellous about this; and that they were fitted for one another, with all of their parts being complimentary, rather than identical. When humans tamper with God's plan, there is always hell to pay, and for many, the hell has become personal, because they just couldn't see that going against God, meant eventually, they would feel the sting of self and other mockery for doing nasty things in private, and then making themselves into clowns in public. 

We cannot help ourselves, dear reader. For as hard as we try to be something, anything, other than who God has made us, we will compass needle spin back to what his original design entails. These frauds think they can outwit God, alas, they have outsmarted themselves, and become fools through their pretending. 

The switch is not real, and no matter how furiously people argue for "trans-ition-ing", they speak from delusion and confusion, and only demons would want for them what they feign they want for themselves. 

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient (Romans 1:22-28)

🔥 Might I suggest that you, dear reader, refuse to collude with this corrupted concept of relating

🔥 Might I suggest also, that you make it clear, if and when this issue comes up in your life, with people you know and love, that there is no such thing as a female becoming a male, and visa versa. 

We do a disservice to the mentally and spiritually ill when we go along with their fairytale love affairs. We do them harm when we enable their twisted, disobedience to God's ways and will. 

If you love someone, you speak the truth. If they do not listen, you pray that they will listen to God before they do nasty things to themselves, and others too. 

We are our brothers keeper, our sisters protector. As long as we have breath and words, we must speak truth, because it is the only thing that makes us free. The end is coming, and we know this because scripture describes perfectly what we are witnessing. My hope is that many make it to heaven, but they have to know of a certainty, that they have sinned, before they can repent and be redeemed by the blood of the Saviour.

How will they know, dear reader, if they do not hear truth from someone, someone like you?


  1. Nailed it Linda. Some things just need to be said and you did. Really sad that these effeminate pastors like Andy Stanley and Alistair Begg, to name a couple, have bought in to the demonic narrative and affirm this type of behavior. And they're not the only ones. Just means it's up to us in the pews to set the standard using the actual WORD OF GOD and not some made up gospel.

    1. The Word of God is the only one that matters, and we know when people that profess Christ have deviated from it, ONLY if we are familiar with the wisdom therein. They damn themselves and their flock by disobeying the gospel and colluding with demons.

      Thanks for your acknowledgements Bob!
