Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Security & Sensuality

Sodom, sodomy, sodomites, sodomize

I have a girlfriend and during two distinctive and separate conversations, I recall her confused facial expression followed by a question, What is that?, when I used the words sodomy, and more recently, bestiality. 

I love that she just didn't know what these words represent, and wouldn't it be grand if no one in the whole wide world knew of them, or lived them either! 

It is a frightful state of existence that we are now being exposed to, when sodomy is championed, encouraged, embraced, and fought so very hard for. I learned just yesterday that Spain has legalized bestiality: humans have become filthy animals, and beasts are prey for the depraved.

Think with me now on how casual the abhorrent have become. They are so secure in their sensuality as to tamper with laws that protect children, adults, and even animals. The bastardization of justice is the epitome of debauchery, and we are living to see ancient Sodom, shamefully reenacted in our modern day. 

Demons debase and destroy minds and souls, and when humans use their bodies in deplorable ways, you can be sure that they are infested with evil spirits that delight in the ruin of their host. At this point in our mutual now, if you, dear reader, are inclined to be in disbelief about the spiritual realm, then I am very concerned for your soul. You are lying to yourself if you think that all that is happening is for the sake of freedom of expression, that love is love, and no matter how it is conveyed, it is worthy and valid: nothing could be further from Truth. 

I read this morning about gold being hidden in dross, wheat concealed in chaff, and this precisely describes all Christians that speak quietly and confidently, or shout loudly and with warning, that repentance is called for for the saving of souls. We are attacked and maligned by those that have not eyes to see, that they are contributors to the demise of others via collusion, and to their own demise by sinning against the Lord and breaking his commandments. Just as in old testament times, there is a remnant. Then there could only be counted 7000 that did not bend the knee to Baal... how many now is there in the world, dare I ask? Could it be there are only 70 000 of us? 

I would rather be counted in the number of 7 that praise and honour the Lord, than to see myself standing against my King, the one that died for my sins. All the world's population would not die for me, or you, but somehow they are willing to kill themselves, bring their own blood upon their own heads, and that of their children, by condoning that which is despicable and disgusting to the LORD.

Dear reader;
🔥 Have you sinned, by making a pack with sodomites?
🔥 Have you made acceptable in your mind, in your heart, unnatural intercourse that is leading us to the end of humanities tether? 

Know that you are a contributor in all you do. Know that what you think, what you speak, ushers out of your heart, and it either edifies and enriches, or it corrupts and condemns. If what you think and say and then do, go against God's commands, you are damning yourself, and by virtual of the influence and sway you have over others, you are helping them walk the plank that will drop them into a fiery pit, never to be quenched. 

Honesty is the best policy. I suspect that those that argue for sodomy, are seeing that things have gotten out of hand, and that unreasonableness has turned into heinous and grotesque displays of depravity. The protectors of sexual immorality have weak arguments, and sound childish in their defensiveness. My hope is that they ask God for forgiveness, and become reformed in thought and deed. 

Just the other day, I was watching a Seinfeld episode. Elaine had her nails painted toxic waste green, and made this statement: Ya know, revulsion has become a valid form of attraction... 

Seinfeld had his finger on the pulse of depravity. The reruns have me seeing the set up for all we are living. I don't blame the show, and yet, the line: Not that there is anything wrong with that, referring to homosexuality, is used broadly by many that know not from where this statement initially issued. It infiltrated the minds of those that ought to have kept their eyes trained on God's word, rather than focused on TV and the influences placed there by the enemy, know as Satan. Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish, and like his ancestors before him, he bows the knee to the God of this world, and has lead many astray. The brilliant writing is engaging, the antics filled with hilarity, and these make fun of what God takes very seriously. 

As I suggested earlier, we contribute in small and large ways and affect or infect others. Heaven bound or hell sent, each human must reckon with God, and he takes note of where we lead our fellow humans. 

Dear one, is revulsion a valid form of attraction for you? Have you committed to favouring toxic waste that is hideous to the eye, and a stench to the soul? The enemy wants you to embrace the opposite of what God calls good: Are you like Elaine, a character that snuggles up to ugly to fit in with what the perverse world suggests is attractive? 

Eeeeck, Lord help you if this describes who you have become. I pray God factory resets you back to childlike wonder and delight in what he has made, and that you become repulsed by demonic and worldly perversions.

Here is a warning:

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination (Proverbs 28:9)

And a suggestion filled with hope;

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16)

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