Sunday, March 10, 2024

Thanking Me

WARNING: Caustic, even sarcastic, writing ahead ⚠️ 

My Acceptance Speech

Why thank you all, for this great award. I am not really shocked, since I have it coming to me, and it was only a matter of time before it was publicly recognized how worthy I am to receive this acclaim! Actually, you kind of took a little longer than I anticipated, but I will forgive the delay, if not the certain someones that procrastinated in finally giving me what I deserve. You people, I have taken notice of, and let's just say, two can play at that game. 

Anyways, I would like to thank a couple of people, for being there for me when I needed them the most. I will start with my mother, that divine goddess who chose me to be her daughter. You did a great job mom, just look at me now! I am successful, gorgeous with a winning smile, personality, and hot body to boot! And mom, this award, it will look GREAT in the middle of my mantel, along side all the other trophies I have accumulated over the years. You taught me how to be self-focused, to win at all costs, and to do it my way. It makes me tear up to think that you were right, and all your words of wisdom really work! I am soaring high in my career, and kind of you know, untouchable: I recall you telling me accomplished people are like that, no one can catch and hold them, and I am climb climb climbing my way to the top, with a whole heap of people beneath me! Ha, feels so good ma, so good to be me.

Ok, where was I? I was going to thank a couple of people but I realize that yellow flashing light is suggesting my time up here needs to wrap, so I will just thank one more special someone: ME!

If it weren't for all my hard work, my self-teaching, my mentoring me when I needed to sharpen and become more authentic and genuinely me in all my talents and abilities, I just don't know where I would be right now. I am self-made, self-taught and motivated, so wowsers, I guess I get to congratulated me, in front of all of you, on this and every IWD ~ International Women's Day. If I have to explain what IWD stands for, you need to get out of that cave you have been living in. Wake-up for goodness sakes. Don't you know women rule the world now, or at least, we should! 

Okay Okay, red light flashing, I must take this glorious award that so becomes me and say adieu, until I am awarded again!

Thank Me, and thank you, um, you people that um, well thanks. 

Ciao for now fans!


Dear reader, this short and spoofy acceptance speech is my way of mocking a question I was asked on a professional business forum, designed to make me feel special in the asking:

"Whether it's a friend, mentor, or even yourself - who do you celebrate this #IWD24?

This entertained me beyond measure! See in the right hand upper corner, my public response to this idiotic invitation to pay obsequious homage to hint hint, another female, including MYSELF! 

I do not bite the bait, but I sure can make fun of the pretending, and the grotesque suggestion of self-aggrandizement via celebrating me. Just a little entertainment for a snowy Sunday March afternoon 🤪

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