Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I Thought She Was A Dude?

I was at the gym, and I observed a strange phenomenon ~ strange is becoming more common, especially at the gym ~ a girl boy entered the woman's bathroom! What? Why? I thought she was a dude?

I am going to take a liberty in my next few statements, for the entire female population, that has had the privilege of growing up with running water, and toilets at their disposal (pun intended), in their homes, schools, local restaurants, places of employment, on highways, and even on public transit like trains, planes, and tour buses. 

‼️ When possible, we prefer the bathroom to ourselves
‼️ When given a choice, we like the boys in their room, and we girls in our own, and may the twain never meet!

The bathroom is a reminder of human necessity, a humbling of the prideful. I need not go into too many details, except to say, that what comes out of us isn't glamorous or pretty, compared to the instagram pictures of food presented BEFORE consumption. There is absolutely nothing sexy about bathroom/toilet use.

The girl pretending she is now a boy, the female feigning conversion to masculinity, did what she has always done when needing relief. She entered into her own territory, her "safe" place to privately use the facilities: she went into the women's bathroom. And why not, dear reader? Just because she has attempted to eradicate who she is and remove unnaturally what was designed before her birth, doesn't change her true identity. She started out as a female in life, and no amount of tampering will alter her psyche, the part of her that shouts the loudest, I belong with the girls, and the boys room just doesn't feel right for me! 

I haven't heard once, during all the nonsense we are perpetually exposed to daily on social media, about males objecting to females in their change-rooms, locker rooms, or bathrooms. Why is that? I'll tell you why... they just aren't going in there, unless they are desperate and have no other options available.

I presume, men too, would prefer to keep up a smidge of elegant persona. In polite society, when men and woman are checking each other out as possible mates, especially at the gym, it doesn't make much sense to expose the oppose sex to what happens in the bathroom. I kinda think people pretend they are just going in there to wash their hands or something... you know, as in, I don't actually go to the toilet, that is beneath me (pun intended again). 

Only PERVERTS want to enter in where they do not belong, and where they are not welcome. Only PREDATORS savour the violation of space that is considered safe... 

The girl boy, is harmless. She has to figure out that she has been tricked and manipulated, lied to and deceived, afflicted and imposed upon. She publicly pronounces she is one thing, when clearly, she is another: these are the choices she may one day regret and attempt to reverse. Sadly, this is the case for many a confused young person: we must pray for their release from the chains of bondage that hold them hostage. 

I suspect there is a little girl still, residing in that now boyish body, that in her childhood days, wanted to get married, and make babies. She wanted to be seen and heard, loved and protected, and perhaps, she learned that taking care of herself was the only option, and that being "manly" was her solution. The swap attempt has failed, but the delusion continues, because pride drives people to do and say and act in ways that betray them. The limelight for being openly "brave", and having life and body part altering surgery, is dimming quickly. The novelty has worn off, because transitioning has become a mass hysteria phenomena. The devil is laughing: the damage he wanted done, has been gleefully accomplished, at the excruciating expense of those that gave into vain imaginations. 

I thought she was a dude... no, I didn't, not for one minute. You and I are doing lots of double takes these days, and rightly so with all the pretending we see. Seems the public prefers to clothe themselves in lies, rather then do the hard work of self-assessment, course correction, integrity establishment, and character development. 

🔥 What is nasty in me that needs extirpation? 
💖 What is valuable in me that I can enhance and turn into a trait, a quality that is admirable?

Course correction:
🔥 What path am I on, and is it leading me to my own destruction?
💖 What do I need to do to course correct, and live an honourable life?

Integrity establishment:
🔥 What habits do I have that betray me, and others? Am I deceptive and self-serving? What is my reputation amongst those that know me?
💖 What attitude, perception, approach to life and the people I meet, do I want to be known by? If honesty is the best policy, am I willing to tell the truth, at all times, especially when it might cost me something that I hold near and dear?

Character development:
🔥 Am I perceived as weak, wimpy, easily influenced, and swayed by what I see, and hear, and know others are doing?
💖 I will do the hard work of figuring out what I value and feel deeply convicted to convey, where ever I am, with whomever I meet.  

When I was four, I recall repeating, only the truth God, only the truth. For many reasons I can now look back on, I see why this was my request... but at four? If children know when they are being lied to, this means there is an innate ability that must be overridden in order to embrace lies, in order to become a full fledged self and other deceiver. Lying is taught, and can be untaught too, but we must do this:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)

The evil we see is the exalting of self against the knowledge of God. Our thoughts must be captured and held obedient to Christ, as the Truth. Once we have recognized our disobedience, our sin against God, self and other, we must do what is required, searching our own souls with God spotlighting our depraved ways, so they can be rooted out, extirpated. 

So, dear one, I challenge you today, to not play by the devils deceptive rules. When you see a confused person, pray for them to be told the truth, and for them to be set free therein. If you are a Christian, you know the lies you have lived and told, and how mercifully God has treated you. Do others the same courtesy, and bring them in your thoughts and prayers to the feet of Jesus, the one and only, Saviour of souls. 


  1. We all know this is the plan of satan. He wants to eliminate as many of the human race as possible since we are all made in God's image. Thus, the gender bender dysphoria and homosexuality movement which all prevent reproduction are his evil designs. Ultimately the abortion industry is part of that plan also. I strongly believe we don't have much time left on this earth as God will not put up with this much longer. Sodom and Gomorrah, and the great flood were a foretaste of what happens. The next event will be more eternal. I can't wait for the Rapture. I know where I will spend eternity.

    1. I agree Bob, all the signs are pointing to the end and my concern is for lost souls. The Gospel MUST be preached... the cup of iniquity is filling fast. Talk soon? Hugs to you and our Lynn

