Sunday, March 10, 2024

Shock Of Sick Insanity

Has the shock of sick insanity worn off for you yet, dear reader? Depravity is now the cultural norm for the masses, and those that tentatively question said depravity, are cautious for fear of reprisal from liberal militants. The more bold amongst us, that dare to openly, frequently, and confidently push back against the imposition of wickedness, tend toward obvious displays of repulsion and disgust. In other words, barf... some things are so reprehensible, that we simply cannot stomach the sight, sound, or smell of them. 

My question though, is about shock value, not about being grossed out. Have you come to terms yet with the everyday life of debauchery that presents itself where ever we glance? Decorum has all but disappeared, as though it never existed: have parents neglected to teach their children constraint, self-control, a sense of self-possessed elegance? Is show and tell all they have to offer a world that has seen far too much already?

I think I am going to label and describe the stages I have gone through these past several years, and perhaps, you can relate as you read through them:

What? What is going on? What do you mean everything is shutting down?

Counter Argument
That doesn't make sense. I need to understand what is happening and why... running out of toilet paper, how? Since when? Don't we still have trees and leaves and whatever they make the stuff from, and how come all of a sudden?

Masks! No flippin' WAY. No one is going to wear those stupid things, and I sure am not! Whose with me?

Unsure & Alone
Maybe I have to wear a bandana around my mouth just to get groceries. What if I am not able to buy food. This is nuts and everyone seems so strange right now. Why aren't we saying hello to each other or talking anymore? This bandana thing is for criminals; no one is looking at me and I just cannot make myself wear it. NO, I won't do it, but I will keep to myself, mind my own business, and get what I need. I have to get outta here, these people are all wearing masks! O, the horror.

Irritated & Aggravated 
Lori, if it isn't about fear, what is it then? No, I will not be wiping down furniture and keeping distance from my clients. I will not be zooming my business. Stop, stop now, or I will hang up. 

Hurt & Disappointed
What do you mean you don't want me to park outside of your house? How can you possibly refuse to have me over? A fine? You are afraid of the police giving you a fine? I cannot compute what you are telling me: please tell me you aren't falling for this bullsh%t? Don't you know what communism is? How can you so easily fall in line with the Fuhrer, a dictator?

Grievous & Betrayed
I am sad you are getting the shots. Response: I am sad you are not... this moment in time broke my heart, and my relationship with a beloved and trusted friend.

Abashed & Deeply Saddened
Pictures of injection events with thanks plastered on SM, to the front line workers, that did the dirty deeds of poisoning people, lined up and ready to be saved via a vile filled with well, vile stuff.

Spiritually Impaired
I feel dizzy and discombobulated. I am disoriented after being in that store. I learn it is the spell cast that causes my confusion: the humans are masked and breathless, compliant with and reliant upon strangers, telling them what they can and cannot do.

Sorrowful & Protective
I see videos of brave souls resisting the regime, and they are duly rewarded for their good works, with violence.
Repulsed & Disgusted
Gay this, queer that, blending bending, maiming masquerading; messing with what is sacred and holy, killing the willing and those that have no say, no voice... babes in the womb subject to being sliced and diced and terminated... while human flesh is grown to be eaten, in Frankenstein labs; and dog DNA is replicated to clone a dead beloved pet. 

Emboldened & Admiring
Manure is manoeuvred and poured in front of palaces, to let fraudulent princes know that the people will not cow tow to oligarchs.

I am confident you can add your own stories, sentiments, remembrances to this list, dear reader. I didn't realize that my apathy this week was directly related to aftershock, over-shock, recurrent shock? Sigh... I kind of thought I was coming to a conclusion, that the shock of the sick insanity has worn off, but alas, I have a sense of grieving that washes over me, because it all amounts to tremendous, significant, horrifying loss on so many levels. 

No amount of good food and exercise, great company and conversation with believers, has been able to wipe away this sense of loss that has once again snuck up on me. Knowing that nothing will ever be the same, or better again, is what I am coming to terms with. The days of innocence are gone, and we must brace ourselves for the wickedness that will amp up and increase as the days get long and our time on earth shortens.

Upon reflection, I recognize that I am no longer shocked with how empty so many minds and hearts are. I thought that depth was a human capacity for all, but alas, it is not. Some people prefer fluffy superficiality, and by God, this is evident in so many telltale ways. 

As an encourager, and someone that edifies others, I will not leave you here, desolate, or with my mood rubbing off terribly onto your spirit. I have hope, and it springs eternal, when I read the Bible, or hear the truth spoken by a saint, or immerse myself in Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. I still laugh, a lot, but I am also realistic, and understand that in this darkening world, God's people are indeed, the light, as I was reminded today by a newer friend that loves Jesus too. We are to be in the world but not of it, and take our lead from the King of kings, who foretold what we are living, and how we are to keep him in our sights to steady our course. 

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds (Hebrews 12:2-3)

What a glorious finish for our time together, dear reader! The Word of God never fails to uplift me, and I pray you discover that same spirit soaring feeling too, when you interact with the Author of Life. 

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