Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lies Are Killers In Disguise

I have a reminder on my desk, a koi fish that stores loonies and toonies, that harkens to the faithfulness of God, and his Providential hand on my family.

While the government malls what does not belong to them; while they put their hands in pockets and steal from citizens, I see my koi fish filling up, with what amounts to dollars, as the world continues to make no sense! 

Am I rich, dear reader? Yes, beyond measure, because my little piggy bank represents where my treasure is, and it certainly isn't here, on earth. 

Don't get me wrong now, don't misunderstand me! I love so much about being a human on planet earth (a globe or a plane, it matters not to me, since God is Lord of all), and I treasure relationships, and parks, and God's creatures greatly. But my home is not here, this is where I temporarily reside: and you know, dear reader, that with every passing day, you may too realize, that you rent and do not own, the body you occupy. 

With all the money governments have spent on marketing death, it had to come from somewhere! Unfortunately, people are paying for the poison they thought their governors where handing out for free, for their protection and well-being. Those of us that didn't buy the marketed BS, are paying too, because let us face the facts, dear one, our accumulated sins have us "all in this together."

God is "inflexibly just": I borrow this thought and these words from Matthew Henry. And isn't it so, that we are so flexible, so bendy twisty, that we back ourselves into immoral corners, secretly sinning and helping the world amass wickedness? We have colluded, you and I, and now is the time to STOP by strictly speaking truth.

🖤 Lies are killers in disguise 
🖤 Lies steal love and murder relationship
🖤 Lies tangle and enmesh
🖤 Lies whispered, repeated, then shouted, injure ears, minds, hearts and souls

Liars seek first the kingdom of this world, denying the life here after, and the lies damn manipulators to an eternally hellish existence:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death (Revelation 21:8)

One more:

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king (1 Samuel 15:23)

Samuel warned king Saul that rebellion against God is considered witchcraft, a serious charge levied against him. Stubbornness is called iniquity and idolatry, because Saul sought counsel from idol demon God's, and a witch, to tell him his fortune and future. Rejecting God means he will in turn, reject you. 

Hmmm, if this isn't jarring to you, I wonder what will startle you out of your revelry?

It is our duty to own what role we have stubbornly and rebelliously played in the demise of the human race. What sins of disobedience have we committed that we must confess to God and ask forgiveness for?

The Bible is the best CON VICTOR that ever existed, to convince you and I that we are like petulant self-absorbed-want-my-own-way CHILDREN! It leaves no emotional, psychological, spiritual, or physical, stone unturned. There is no inner sanctum that we can hide ourselves away in, that God cannot find us there! He is God and has entrance to where ever he pleaseth to go! 

Ha, so there! 

Back to my Koi fish... I have written about this desk top ornament before, delighting in the story of Jesus getting tax coins from the first fish Peter pulls from the water. The joke is on the government, if they think they can kill all the koi, and capture all the fish of the sea, and sell them to the lowest bidder! 

God values life, and the lord of the flies loves his lies. We get to choose to glorify God with truth, or submit to satanically ruled governors that represent the masses. They have been placed by God as a form of punishment, as a way of letting us know that when we walk away from him, we also open ourselves up to persecution and punishment by way of wicked hands, men and women willing to do their fathers bidding. 

Where, pray tell, is your treasure, dear one? 

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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