Monday, March 25, 2024

Three Types Of People

I have observed there are three types of people, and we can know which category they fall into, by how we feel about ourselves, following interaction. I have had extensive exposure to each of the types, and I presume you have too. Let's see together, if we can relate?

The three types are: Edifiers, UnderminersFlat-liners

Edifiers: This type of person engages others in such a delightful way, that energetic enthusiasm is transmitted. To edify means: to instruct someone morally or intellectually. Interaction with this type of person brightens the soul: the edifiers expectation and hope, is to bring out the best in others. This is the harmonic iron sharpening iron that the Bible speaks about. 

Underminers: This type of guy or gal has an insidious subtlety. They are ninjas with insults and suggestions, leaving barely a mark, at first, on the soul. To undermine means: erode the base or foundation; to lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. They throw almost imperceptible slights and verbal digs, with swipes at a persons self-worth, self-esteem, and sense of capability. They undermine other out of jealousy, and with competitive fervor, they often hold grudges and plot revenge. You know when you have been with an underminer: there is a residue of ick, and a recognizing that they have somehow denigrated your looks, your personality, your character. This type of person hunts for ways to take others "down a few pegs". 

Flat-liners: This type of person is forgettable. When in their company, nothing shifts, nothing changes. Energetically, they are nowhere and the outlook is sameness: what is, will always be, and nothing will change. There is a coasting along, with no signs of excitement, interest, enthusiasm. Flat-liners exist, and when you have spent time with a flat-liner, you have that feeling of nothingness, and wishing you hadn't wasted your own energy trying to charge them or find a spark. Flatline means: fail to increase; remain static; die, as in no rhythmic or even erratic heart activity! 

I will be blunt with you, dear reader. Underminers still shock and surprise me. I don't understand their intentions, but I can pick-up who they are with a rapidity that is almost lightning flash fast. Still, I resist the intel when an underminer enters my life, or when I deal with one that has long held a place in it. I don't want to believe they have mean intentions. I don't want to accept that they hold grudges, and that when they get the opportunity, they zing an emotional ninja throwing star right at the heart or being of another. But they do, and they like it...

Understanding humans requires observation, and a sense of detachment. The detachment is critical, because it allows us to extricate ourselves from relationship before damage of the permanent variety, can be done. Now leaving a relationship is not always possible, depending on the circumstances, but one can certainly circumvent injury, by deciding not to allow insults slung by the underminer, to penetrate the skin and enter into tender places, like the heart and soul. 

Here is how you know, who, or what type of person, you are dealing with:

1 You can't wait to talk to them again. Conversely, you have a sense of trepidation or dread when they initiate interaction

2 Your confidence in your natural abilities increases after being in their company. Alternatively, when you see them coming your way, or they open their mouth to speak, you wanna run, or tell them to shut it before they can utter a word

3 You engage freely and openly with the person, and share what is on your mind and in your heart. Comparatively, you are guarded, careful, cautious, and say as little as possible, and look for ways OUT of the interaction

4 WARNING: you know you are dealing with an underminer when you feel pulled in, and wonder what they have said, and it starts to make you feel insecure before even reading or hearing what they have to say. 

I will leave you with these observations. 

Edifiers love people and want the best for them: they love to see people thrive

Underminers intentionally manipulate and insult in order to feel superior: they enjoy seeing people struggle

Flat-liners somehow died before life began: they need prayer and a spiritual jumper cable boost

I am not sure which category you fall into, dear reader, that is for you to determine. I will give you a hint, if you are not too sure... Edifiers have lots of good and close relationships. Underminers struggle to maintain friendship. Flat-liners, well, they got nothing and nobody, except for those that love them so much, they won't give up hope that someday, a flint will spark their heart to life!

If I may, dear reader, suggest to you, this cool and sunny spring day... be an edifier. Be the kind of person that sees the best in others and highlights it, for the sake of their soul, and for that wonderful sense of well-being you will get, that you served the mind and heart of another for their ultimate gain.  


  1. Wow Linda, this is a tough one for me since I can be any of the three depending on the other person and what I want to accomplish.

    When I have a conversation with someone who is able to carry on an intelligent conversation even when I may not agree with their opinions I can most definitely be edifying. However, when I encounter someone who does not have that capacity and just is so set in their ways even when they know they're wrong and have been duped by false doctrines especially another believer then I will be seen as an underminer. The plandemic and the satanic mandates were enough proof of that. And then to have believers use Romans 13 as their justification to follow satan instead of God is abhorrent to me so I will be undermining on purpose. And then other times I just choose to not waste my time on these people and so I'm just indifferent and as you put it a flat liner. Life is too short to argue with mental midgets who think its better to continue getting duped than to admit they were wrong.

    1. BOB, you are an edifier through and through! Ha, ha, ha, you couldn't fit into the other categories if you tried! You work for God in calling out truth when lies are spewed all over the place, and you THWART the enemy, but you do not purposefully undermine anyone, since you want them saved!

      You are the cutest for thinking you could be a flat-liner, hahahhaha, so funny! Say hey to Lynne for moi, yours in Christ, Linda G
