Have you heard the news? Everyone is talking about it, except of course, those that would rather not get all political or serious. The news is...
The world is ending! That is correct, dear reader, dear audience, dear stranger that I do not know. The UN, the WHO... The WEF the WTFB (what the fudge brownie), have all decided that humans need to be bouncy castle kicked out of their homes, off their land, and out of their minds too!
Since the world is the playground of demons, humans haven't a hope in hell... wait a minute... that is what they are telling us, and yeah, I would have to agree! There is no hope in a hellish world, and those that cling to what they have, those that plug their ears and close their eyes, those that think they can move somewhere else to avoid and evade the ugly end, have done a good job faking themselves out of reality.
The other day my son and I were in a big box store. There was a masked woman standing in front of the freezer I wanted to get into. There were plain old frozen blueberries, and for a little more cold cash, organic blueberries. My son said, It's all a lie, there is no difference, no such thing as organic. For the fun of it, I said, I wanna buy the lie, as I navigated around the masked woman. I think my joke may have been lost on her...
Is my joke lost on you too, dear reader?
There are many people that can explain what is happening, and what we can anticipate, because they have done their research and understand that the demonized are hell bent on dehumanizing and destroying other creatures. The demoniacs are absolutely and resolutely clueless, despite their bravado and cavalier devil may care attitudes about killing. They damn themselves, they are fodder for the fire: they haven't the remotest idea that they are tiny tools wielded by claw hands that will snap them in two, just prior to shoving them into a stoked inferno.
There is a bit of scripture that I just plain old love to speak and quote:
See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive: I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)
Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but I am getting annoyed with the small minded people that think they can somehow change the future with wishful thinking, play acting, pretending that all is as it should be, when clearly, we are heading for an iceberg on a spiritual titanic. Souls are willy-nilly drinking and eating, ready to dock and explore islands, and they have no clue that they may have over eaten their last all inclusive meal with that premix overpriced and artificially sweetened bevy.
The devil is a master of delusion. He loves when we buy, sell, trade in lies. He loves when humans believe they have control over life and death when clearly, the Author of creation has indicated plainly, that this just isn't so.
If it were not for my faith, I would despair and perhaps believe that the psychopaths of this world have some kind of power over life and death. They have power to persuade, but alas, those that belong to the Almighty, are not inclined to be easily misled:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand (John 10:28)
The same God that said:
I am he
There is no god with me
I kill
I make alive
I wound
I heal
Neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand
I give them eternal life
They shall never perish
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand
Hmmm, WHO said this?
While the UN, WHO, WEF, WTFB expose themselves as imposters pretending that they are the great I AM, they make utter public fools of themselves. When God deems it time to kill, whether it be you, me, your bro, sis, or one of the hooligans whose's egos are in overdrive, we won't have a skinny or oversized leg to stand on! Now the beauty of what I am sharing with you dear one, is that God says he makes alive, he heals, and that those he has given eternal life to, will always remain in his trusted hand! Sure, we are going to die, but we do not know the when part, no matter what the predictions and prophecies are... God only knows ~ Phew!
In the mean time, we get to turn to him, trust in him, read his word, be comforted just as the faithful and saved by grace did that went before us: walking the earth, threatened, dying, and discovering that the transition between this life and the next is smooth sailing, when we have God as our eternity cruise ship director!
You can watch all the Alex Jones shows you want, and at this point redundancy is rather redundant, but if you are not doing your own research and looking into the only Book that ever predicted perfectly what was, is, and will be, then you will be dismayed and perhaps become somewhat despondent with disappointed despair.
You know, just for fun, I will share with you what I learned this morning about a prophet named Elisha. There was a famine in the land, but this man of God provided food for the prophets he presided over. He was like a father to them, and the potage, as it was called, was made with herbs, and oddly, a poisonous plant made its way into the broth, and the prophets could taste it, and feared for their lives. Elisha "cured" the food, as men of God are inclined to do, and it became edible and nourished the bodies of the dependant prophets. Moral of the story, you ask?
Depend on God, no matter what poison the wicked ones try to "inject" into your plain old, or organic for that matter, blueberries. Pray for the tic tac toe sky chemical trails to turn into pure delicious aromatic air for your lungs to luxuriated on. God will never leave you nor forsake you, but that human being you think you can count on, may be inclined to save his or her own skin, rather then stand beside you, when you face off against the enemy of our souls, the lying, cheating, murderous devil and his henchmen.
Is the news I tell you correct, dear reader? Feels true to me, but what do I know, except for what the Bible reveals. The News in there is the only kind that has never steered readers wrong... if you haven't picked up a copy recently, or ever before this moment in your lifetime, then perhaps you will consider taking up my challenge, and getting your hands on one, reading it, and learning about the Good News from the Author of life.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; And in his law doth he mediate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish (Psalm 1:1-6)
Lastly, dear reader, I tell you this. While watching the News, if whomever you are listening to is reporting what is happening, but never ever points you in the direction of seeking God, praying, and taking refuge from the world's wickedness in God's loving arms, then perhaps they are just talking heads that agitate your already ruffed-up soul. Perhaps the pragmatic side of you needs solutions, and know this, they will only ever come from God, and never from the secular humans that have lots of doom and gloom words, and no heavenly inclination.
Go with your troubles and cares to him, the great I AM.