Saturday, March 30, 2024

Pocket Idols

Ahhh, dear reader, isn't it wonderful for us to see the beliefs of people manifest in the physical realm, to vindicate what we know is true? 

Trusting in talisman is a silly superstitious thing to do, and if a person has the slightest hint of arrogance in their personality, this gets highlighted when they put faith in wooden or plastic beads, or ugly little statues that supposedly protect those that hold, decorate, kiss, and adore them. 

In the golden olden days of the game Survivor, players were somewhat worldly and wise. They read people and situations, and took time to contemplate and assess their opponents, and use others as allies until of course, they managed to manipulate them too, out of prominent positions of perceived power. The emotionally charged, those that can be swayed by the colour of their feelings, don't last long on the island of life, or in the game of Survivor. High one minute, low the next, participants show their inner workings to ever present cameramen, and decorum is ditched in favour of ugly showmanship: amateurs, the producers have brought forth wimps and weasels to be celebrated and perhaps just plain old mocked, by a viewing audience that thinks them sweet idiots. 

It used to be, in the old era, now replaced by the new era ~ hmmm, to what do the producers hint, pray tell? ~ that finding an idol was a top-secret-mission accomplished event, that could potentially move a player forward in the game, securing them a spot until the next tribal council, if they needed to protect themselves from being ousted by unpopular vote. Having an idol meant there was a target on a person's back: let us face it, dear reader, in this dog eat bigger dog world, no one likes it when someone has an advantage, even if it was earned and fought for. Socialism screeches, UNFAIR, UNFAIR! That advantage will NOT be tolerated: I am going to KILL you or STEAL that safety from you to make ME feel secure. 

Years ago it became observable, that the giddy finders of hidden idols trusted far too much in their pretend powers of protection. Once found, many a player acted the fool, trying to throw shade on others in attempts to fake out their tribe, and present themselves as innocent, with a secret they were bursting at the seams to share: they wanted others to look and feel stupid in comparison to their own glowing brilliance and accomplishment. The cameramen heard and saw it all, and to their shame, many a talisman locator has gone home with sad little bead and string idols in their pocket;  in fact, some have gone home with more then one, this, after plotting and planning the demise of those they thought too stupid to know how stupid they really are. 

Of course, the producers of Survivor just plain old love folly. They enjoy controlled savagery, and when someone makes themselves look completely silly after many a prideful commentary, you know there is a set up of sorts. Pride does indeed, cometh before the fall. 

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)

The cameramen, as I stated twice, are always watching, and then scenes and scenarios are diced and spliced frankenbite style, to give us a portrait of personalities. Who we are is unhide-able: we convey messages with our words, body language, moods, and attitudes. If we saw God as the one always watching, would we want to outwit, outplay, outlast one another? Is that the goal in life, to have the "best" most manipulative man standing while all around him, lay the fallen?

Back to the pocket idols
Dear reader, many a man, woman, and child, trust in little talisman, tiny treasures that will give them magical powers and a false sense of security. They think things will protect them and we have more than enough evidence that things, put in viles, and shot into arms, did the exact opposite. Rather than protect those that thought they would be made safe from harm, the drug idols have caused devastating destruction. It was and is arrogant to think that we can dodge death, dear one. Death, happens whether we plan on it or not, in fact, our opinion isn't really taken into consideration!

This brings me to my point, presented in the form of questions:

🔥 Are you trusting in idols, amulets, or talisman to save your soul?
🔥 Do you believe ritualistic prayer and chanting can preserve you?
🔥 How inclined are you to be superstitious, believing in horoscopes, palm reading, fortune telling, tarot cards, signs and omens? 

🔥 Do you have a pocket idol riding around with you in your pants or purse?
🔥 Will you die trusting in it, and be made an eternal fool?

If God is always watching, and he is, dear reader, what pray tell, will you do differently? Let this be your warning against arrogantly trusting in a dead thing rather than God Almighty:

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3)

Monday, March 25, 2024

Three Types Of People

I have observed there are three types of people, and we can know which category they fall into, by how we feel about ourselves, following interaction. I have had extensive exposure to each of the types, and I presume you have too. Let's see together, if we can relate?

The three types are: Edifiers, UnderminersFlat-liners

Edifiers: This type of person engages others in such a delightful way, that energetic enthusiasm is transmitted. To edify means: to instruct someone morally or intellectually. Interaction with this type of person brightens the soul: the edifiers expectation and hope, is to bring out the best in others. This is the harmonic iron sharpening iron that the Bible speaks about. 

Underminers: This type of guy or gal has an insidious subtlety. They are ninjas with insults and suggestions, leaving barely a mark, at first, on the soul. To undermine means: erode the base or foundation; to lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. They throw almost imperceptible slights and verbal digs, with swipes at a persons self-worth, self-esteem, and sense of capability. They undermine other out of jealousy, and with competitive fervor, they often hold grudges and plot revenge. You know when you have been with an underminer: there is a residue of ick, and a recognizing that they have somehow denigrated your looks, your personality, your character. This type of person hunts for ways to take others "down a few pegs". 

Flat-liners: This type of person is forgettable. When in their company, nothing shifts, nothing changes. Energetically, they are nowhere and the outlook is sameness: what is, will always be, and nothing will change. There is a coasting along, with no signs of excitement, interest, enthusiasm. Flat-liners exist, and when you have spent time with a flat-liner, you have that feeling of nothingness, and wishing you hadn't wasted your own energy trying to charge them or find a spark. Flatline means: fail to increase; remain static; die, as in no rhythmic or even erratic heart activity! 

I will be blunt with you, dear reader. Underminers still shock and surprise me. I don't understand their intentions, but I can pick-up who they are with a rapidity that is almost lightning flash fast. Still, I resist the intel when an underminer enters my life, or when I deal with one that has long held a place in it. I don't want to believe they have mean intentions. I don't want to accept that they hold grudges, and that when they get the opportunity, they zing an emotional ninja throwing star right at the heart or being of another. But they do, and they like it...

Understanding humans requires observation, and a sense of detachment. The detachment is critical, because it allows us to extricate ourselves from relationship before damage of the permanent variety, can be done. Now leaving a relationship is not always possible, depending on the circumstances, but one can certainly circumvent injury, by deciding not to allow insults slung by the underminer, to penetrate the skin and enter into tender places, like the heart and soul. 

Here is how you know, who, or what type of person, you are dealing with:

1 You can't wait to talk to them again. Conversely, you have a sense of trepidation or dread when they initiate interaction

2 Your confidence in your natural abilities increases after being in their company. Alternatively, when you see them coming your way, or they open their mouth to speak, you wanna run, or tell them to shut it before they can utter a word

3 You engage freely and openly with the person, and share what is on your mind and in your heart. Comparatively, you are guarded, careful, cautious, and say as little as possible, and look for ways OUT of the interaction

4 WARNING: you know you are dealing with an underminer when you feel pulled in, and wonder what they have said, and it starts to make you feel insecure before even reading or hearing what they have to say. 

I will leave you with these observations. 

Edifiers love people and want the best for them: they love to see people thrive

Underminers intentionally manipulate and insult in order to feel superior: they enjoy seeing people struggle

Flat-liners somehow died before life began: they need prayer and a spiritual jumper cable boost

I am not sure which category you fall into, dear reader, that is for you to determine. I will give you a hint, if you are not too sure... Edifiers have lots of good and close relationships. Underminers struggle to maintain friendship. Flat-liners, well, they got nothing and nobody, except for those that love them so much, they won't give up hope that someday, a flint will spark their heart to life!

If I may, dear reader, suggest to you, this cool and sunny spring day... be an edifier. Be the kind of person that sees the best in others and highlights it, for the sake of their soul, and for that wonderful sense of well-being you will get, that you served the mind and heart of another for their ultimate gain.  

Friday, March 22, 2024

Cackletta Conquered

To get results, there has to be some kind of push, some kind of up the ante intensity. As an example: a child is conceived, and starts to grow. The mom feels a little funny, because something is different, and then, everything is different, and said mom can smell the raw meat in the grocery store. Before she knows it, what used to be a flat stomach, is moving around, as though she has swallowed some kind of alien! Feeling sick is somehow naturally normal, and when the time comes, she is told, You must push and then stop when told to, to prevent tearing. 

Let's just say the woman in the example above gained a bit of extra chocolate weight during pregnancy, and had to work really hard to deflate and de-puff after the little alien became an outdoor adorable baby, delivered into the arms of his daddy. Said new mom knew what fitness felt like, and knew the freedom of a body that worked efficiently, competently, confidently. She really didn't like wearing her husbands t-shirts, and feeling the snugness around her midsection. SHE felt like an alien now, in her own body, and had to do something NOW, to regain a semblance of herself that felt threatened and lost in the weight she lugged here there and everywhere. 

There had to be a push, a shove, a hard moving of the needle in the direction she wanted to go. The scale never lies, telling many a story about what went into a body and stayed. Pushing the number or needle goes in both directions, and extremes must be taken for too much of anything, good or bad, to take place. Too much food in, scale number shoots up. Too much exercise, scale number goes down. If we were goldilocks, we would know what just right feels and looks like, and maybe that is what we must all learn: but dear reader, few of us ever do, isn't that right?

Extremes are statements that belie inner workings. To be called an extremist is an insult, since leaning too heavily in one direction can throw a person out of balance, injuring equilibrium and homeostasis of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual varieties (of course, the physical is always impacted too, with extreme thoughts and actions).  Dear one, we are out of balance now; do you see this with me? The left and right leanings have us wobbling. Evil is loudly proclaiming victory, while the godly have just risen from a cozy slumber, having fallen asleep in utter complacency. Awoken from ease and the comfort of never having had to fight, the saints are being readied to march, to push back. We know this:

And I say also unto thee. That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)

It is our time, as the battle rages in the spiritual realm while manifesting in the physical. 

Here are the enlightening notes I read from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible this morning:

He foresaw they would destroy themselves at last, but as yet he would reprieve them, and give them space to repent. The slowness of God's processes against sinners must be construed to the honour of his mercy, not the impeachment of his justice (page 430).

This is a reference to the kings of ancient Israel, and dear reader, we can apply this example of God's merciful approach to todays earthly kings, because we see them in their obvious sin, and yet they are permitted to rule and reign wickedly, giving them space to repent. God remains just, and gives us time to recalibrate to Christ when we have gone astray. 

Now, I have mentioned the saints have risen from their beds, and we find them presently wiping sleep from their eyes, readying themselves to do the work that God has called them to. We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers: in other words, our battle is a spiritual one!

While our battle is of a spiritual nature, we must acknowledge again, that wickedness, AND holiness, manifest in the physical realm, and they always have, dear one! So, with this having been stated, I will take you on a short story trip, to make our next point poignant. 

Have you ever played Mario Brothers? I have obsessively played some Atari, and then Gameboy Mario Brothers games. I tell you I was HOOKED, on killing the witch that held princess peach captive at the end of one of those games. To get rid of monsters, in games and real life, many blows must be landed. They have to be swiped at and hit repeatedly, and understanding their pattern of movement helps with when and how to strike and weaken them. The same goes for the spiritual realm. Demons are relentlessly restless. Their only task is to mislead, manipulate, and maim souls, winning them to the dark side. As created beings, they have seen and heard all the silly excuses humans make to justify sin, and they are right there, ready to encourage us to keep it up, at the expense of our relationship with God. Our natural inclination to lean away from God gives the devil and his workers an advantage: course correction, or being straightened up, only happens when Christ is our strength. 

With short story trip concluded, I urge you to sense and feel the spiritual realm if you have not yet tried and tasted. There is a bitter sweetness in the air, a pull and push in only two possible directions. One pulls sinners to fiery eternal hell, the other pushes saints away from the flames, to the haven of heaven. 

Here is the observation given by Matthew Henry in his Commentary:

To weaken a factious party gradually, when it is not safe to provoke, often proves the way to ruin effectually. Justice strikes surely by striking slowly, and is often executed most prudently when it is not executed presently (page 430).

Dear one, let us weaken the factious party gradually, blow upon blow. Let us study them and find where they are frail, feeble, fragile and delicate, and hit them over and over again until they show signs of cracking and crumbling. It is just and right to fight lies with truth. It is advantageous to meet the enemy out in the battle field, knowing that we do not meet them in our own strength... it is God that will frighten them, have their knees knocking in terror, and have them running at the rustling of leaves. 

Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another (Daniel 5:6)

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1)

And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth (Leviticus 26:36)

This is how the story ends, dear one... and I leave you now to ponder and pray about the role you plan to play while the world as we know it, comes to its end. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Defending Lies & Liars

Brenda: Ahhhgh, the poor thing! 

Me: What do you mean the poor thing, he's drunk! 

My former husband and I were in the pub we frequented with a bunch of Scottish people. While standing elbow to elbow, a man seated on a barstool just in front of us, falls over and off, stone cold drunk. Brenda had sympathy for him and expressed it, I had a differing opinion and vocalized my observation. She saw him as a "poor thing", I saw him as pathetic and embarrassing, having gotten himself into such a state of inebriation that he lost bodily control, publicly displaying his inclination to drunken stupor. He was over served, and as far as I can tell, he overpaid, looking the fool in front of many, by being disabled and disassociated. 

Brenda believed in inebriation and the right to drink too much, and often. She pitied the fallen man not because his soul was in peril, but simply because his body had failed him after abusing it with too much alcohol. I pitied him too, because at the rate he was going, the grave would soon call his ticket number, and he would be none the wiser, falling headlong there without legs, or bar stools, to hold him up.

I don't make excuses for lies, or liars. I call them out when I see them. You might wonder if I am self-deluded, if I think I am holier than thou, holier than Brenda that night in the pub. Nope, I am not. I have lied, and paid the price for it. I have been inebriated and made a public fool of myself... those were the days, my friend, that were disgusting and reprehensible to me, and to my Father in heaven. I would suffer the consequences of my choices with my conscience twisting me in knots of regret and remorse. It didn't feel good to come to terms with my sins, in fact, it felt like I was in a massive meat grinder, hamburger helper me! When we sin, no matter how we try to shield our eyes, God sees all. The way out of self-delusion is to be honest, admit to faulty thoughts and ways, and resolve, with the strength of God, to live according to his wise precepts.

I ask you, have you defended a liar? And, did that liar resemble anyone you know... someone just like you?

When people protect the wayward, there is something in them that they do not want to face, or change. People like their sin, they wallow in it as though it is fragrant and o so satisfying. Brenda came from a family of drunks, and way back when, when I was a new bride and I spent time with drunkards, sometimes I would join them in their revelling. It was fun, until the next day, of course. For the regular drunks, those whose bodies were accustomed to much alcohol, functioning the next day wasn't an issue. They could go to work, laugh, and consider doing it all over again without a care in the world. Not so for me... my guilt held me hostage, and I would plead with God for forgiveness, say I deserved to suffer, and could he please make me feel better anyway? 

That was a long time ago, dear reader, thank God. The company we keep influences our thoughts and actions, and nothing is more repulsive to me than alcoholics or drug addicts. I see them as selfishly indulgent, and they know not, nor are they inclined to acknowledge, the pain inflicted on those around them that see their lostness, and cannot retrieve them from the brink of disaster and destruction. 

Souls need a savin'. It does not bode well to protect liars. When we do, we are clearly inclined to lying to ourselves, because each human has the capacity to speak and live truth, we are accountable to God and man, so making something okay that goes against God's commands, is a form of deception:

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21)

🔥 Why do I hate drunkenness? 
🔥 What is so wrong with inebriation?

It is the loss, of mind to spirits, to drink. It is the damage it causes to relationship. It is the defending of what is wicked as opposed to choosing the good, the noble, the true. It is this: that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God

There isn't a bright and salty Christian in the world that would ever want a soul to perish. The secular see us as naive while being judgmental, but these are not the qualities that describe those that love God and humanity. We want people to know the Saviour, and so, we sound foolish to everyone that clings to their sinful ways. We know what we have said and done, and how humbling it is to realize God has been merciful, over and over and over again, until hopefully, finally, we stop doing what he cannot tolerate.

There is no free pass into heaven. There is only one way in, and it is through the Saviour. He paid our way, and living a foolishly sinful life does not honour the one that suffered for our sins on the cross at Calvary. He shed his blood for me, and for you too... the least we can do is glorify him while we have brains in our heads and hearts that beat with life, by doing as he has done, and living according to his perfect will. 

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 

That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the spirit (Romans 8:1-5)

There are spirits, dear reader, and then there is the Holy Spirit... the distinction is significant, and if you don't comprehend the difference, I suggest you get down on your knees and plead with God to give you his wisdom. The Holy Spirit of Truth will help you out from there 💖

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I Thought She Was A Dude?

I was at the gym, and I observed a strange phenomenon ~ strange is becoming more common, especially at the gym ~ a girl boy entered the woman's bathroom! What? Why? I thought she was a dude?

I am going to take a liberty in my next few statements, for the entire female population, that has had the privilege of growing up with running water, and toilets at their disposal (pun intended), in their homes, schools, local restaurants, places of employment, on highways, and even on public transit like trains, planes, and tour buses. 

‼️ When possible, we prefer the bathroom to ourselves
‼️ When given a choice, we like the boys in their room, and we girls in our own, and may the twain never meet!

The bathroom is a reminder of human necessity, a humbling of the prideful. I need not go into too many details, except to say, that what comes out of us isn't glamorous or pretty, compared to the instagram pictures of food presented BEFORE consumption. There is absolutely nothing sexy about bathroom/toilet use.

The girl pretending she is now a boy, the female feigning conversion to masculinity, did what she has always done when needing relief. She entered into her own territory, her "safe" place to privately use the facilities: she went into the women's bathroom. And why not, dear reader? Just because she has attempted to eradicate who she is and remove unnaturally what was designed before her birth, doesn't change her true identity. She started out as a female in life, and no amount of tampering will alter her psyche, the part of her that shouts the loudest, I belong with the girls, and the boys room just doesn't feel right for me! 

I haven't heard once, during all the nonsense we are perpetually exposed to daily on social media, about males objecting to females in their change-rooms, locker rooms, or bathrooms. Why is that? I'll tell you why... they just aren't going in there, unless they are desperate and have no other options available.

I presume, men too, would prefer to keep up a smidge of elegant persona. In polite society, when men and woman are checking each other out as possible mates, especially at the gym, it doesn't make much sense to expose the oppose sex to what happens in the bathroom. I kinda think people pretend they are just going in there to wash their hands or something... you know, as in, I don't actually go to the toilet, that is beneath me (pun intended again). 

Only PERVERTS want to enter in where they do not belong, and where they are not welcome. Only PREDATORS savour the violation of space that is considered safe... 

The girl boy, is harmless. She has to figure out that she has been tricked and manipulated, lied to and deceived, afflicted and imposed upon. She publicly pronounces she is one thing, when clearly, she is another: these are the choices she may one day regret and attempt to reverse. Sadly, this is the case for many a confused young person: we must pray for their release from the chains of bondage that hold them hostage. 

I suspect there is a little girl still, residing in that now boyish body, that in her childhood days, wanted to get married, and make babies. She wanted to be seen and heard, loved and protected, and perhaps, she learned that taking care of herself was the only option, and that being "manly" was her solution. The swap attempt has failed, but the delusion continues, because pride drives people to do and say and act in ways that betray them. The limelight for being openly "brave", and having life and body part altering surgery, is dimming quickly. The novelty has worn off, because transitioning has become a mass hysteria phenomena. The devil is laughing: the damage he wanted done, has been gleefully accomplished, at the excruciating expense of those that gave into vain imaginations. 

I thought she was a dude... no, I didn't, not for one minute. You and I are doing lots of double takes these days, and rightly so with all the pretending we see. Seems the public prefers to clothe themselves in lies, rather then do the hard work of self-assessment, course correction, integrity establishment, and character development. 

🔥 What is nasty in me that needs extirpation? 
💖 What is valuable in me that I can enhance and turn into a trait, a quality that is admirable?

Course correction:
🔥 What path am I on, and is it leading me to my own destruction?
💖 What do I need to do to course correct, and live an honourable life?

Integrity establishment:
🔥 What habits do I have that betray me, and others? Am I deceptive and self-serving? What is my reputation amongst those that know me?
💖 What attitude, perception, approach to life and the people I meet, do I want to be known by? If honesty is the best policy, am I willing to tell the truth, at all times, especially when it might cost me something that I hold near and dear?

Character development:
🔥 Am I perceived as weak, wimpy, easily influenced, and swayed by what I see, and hear, and know others are doing?
💖 I will do the hard work of figuring out what I value and feel deeply convicted to convey, where ever I am, with whomever I meet.  

When I was four, I recall repeating, only the truth God, only the truth. For many reasons I can now look back on, I see why this was my request... but at four? If children know when they are being lied to, this means there is an innate ability that must be overridden in order to embrace lies, in order to become a full fledged self and other deceiver. Lying is taught, and can be untaught too, but we must do this:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)

The evil we see is the exalting of self against the knowledge of God. Our thoughts must be captured and held obedient to Christ, as the Truth. Once we have recognized our disobedience, our sin against God, self and other, we must do what is required, searching our own souls with God spotlighting our depraved ways, so they can be rooted out, extirpated. 

So, dear one, I challenge you today, to not play by the devils deceptive rules. When you see a confused person, pray for them to be told the truth, and for them to be set free therein. If you are a Christian, you know the lies you have lived and told, and how mercifully God has treated you. Do others the same courtesy, and bring them in your thoughts and prayers to the feet of Jesus, the one and only, Saviour of souls. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Deceiver Believer

Dear reader, I am wondering, what ever happened to stranger danger? Recall in your younger years the warning: beware of strangers? This concept has long been replaced with the insidious ideology I label as, deceiver believer. 

A deceiver believer is perpetually lied to, by self, by other, and they eat up malarky as though they are starving to death... and maybe they are: if lies are a persons appetizer, main course, and devilish dessert, perhaps they are never satisfied, never sated. 

There has been a switcharoo, a swapping out of what is good and true, with what is demonic and demoralizing. De-moralization: that is what has occurred. You know how you can buy chicken breasts, stripped of skin and bone? That is what has happened with humans: they have had their essence removed, their integrity tampered with; the spiny backbone of righteousness has been snapped and splintered, so that when challenged morally, they are devoid of structured strength. We are seeing puddles of perversion.  

The other day I heard someone muddle and mix up The King, with an infamous killer. The person I was talking to thought the name Judah was a bad one to give to a boy... this person had confused Judah with Judas: this saddened me greatly, and had me realizing how inverted and perverted society has become. The lion of Judah is Jesus Christ, the King of kings. To be named Judah by loving, Bible reading parents, is a blessing. To name a child Cain, Judas, or Adolph, is a curse. Names carry meaning, and some names cause the soul to shutter with horror, and lift the left corner of the top lip in disgust. 

What we don't know can harm us, and I fear for those that do not know the God of The Bible. I recall being alarmed to learn that Mormons believe Jesus and Lucifer are created creatures, and brothers. This leads me to my driving point today, of gaslighting. Satan has done a marvellous job of convincing pride filled humans that they can reject Truth, in favour of lies. He has managed to throw shade on the Light of the world, and many have fallen into the trap of preferring deception over faith in the one true and living God. 

I can see how hearts harden over time, how minds calcify, making them incapable of reception. God communicates with us, but when all entrance points are blockaded, there is no way in, and he will leave us to our own deceptive devices. 

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

Somehow, someway, people feel comfortable mocking Jesus, using his name in a vulgar manner. They have been seduced by the doctrine (misleading teaching) of devils. It is shocking to me, and all I can think as I cringe when I hear the misuse of his Name, is Lord, have mercy. God is long suffering, AND he will give people over to their wicked ways if they want to persist in resisting him.

See the verses below, dear one. These verses are shocking, and the message undiluted:

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12)

Let's break this down together, shall we?

The mystery of iniquity doth already work: Iniquity means immoral or grossly unfair behaviour that directly goes against God's commands. Can you see this as plainly as the hands in front of you when you hold them up, dear reader? Immorality and grossly unfair behaviour is the lawlessness we see happening all around us. We haven't seen all the iniquity just yet, that remains a mystery.

only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way: God hinders the devil, and also lets him do his dirty work too, until ultimately, he is taken out of the way. We must always remember God is in charge. If he is permitting certain things to happen, it is because we have given ourselves over to the dark side, and he is just in all his ways, allowing for natural outcomes. If you have a wayward child, and you have spoken words of wisdom, explained dire consequences to them, and they heed with understanding and live a godly life, fantastic. Conversely, if nothing you say, and nothing you model for them that is good and pure and righteous, has them choosing righteousness for themselves, there is really nothing all your trying can do to change your child's mind and choices. I hope this explains God's heart as a Father: we always want the best for our children, and God wants none to be lost.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: that Wicked refers to the lawless one, the "man of sin".  He will be destroyed at the second coming of Christ with his word of judgment. Christ's brilliant appearing will wipe out the darkness that pervades, and he will prevail. 

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;  because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved: Satan will empower the lawless "man of sin" and he will mimic signs and wonders. In other words, he will have magical abilities, making him seem like a reincarnation of Christ. The devil can only copy, since he cannot create. God will allow this because people have savoured deception and unrighteousness, rather than loving the truth. God will give them over to the king of this world while they walk the earth, causing them to perish.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness: Dear reader, do you know people that are strongly deluded? Have they swapped out truth for lies? When you speak to them, can you convince them that they may be ever so slightly, misled, and perhaps travelling down a dingy road of destruction? God has given them over to their lying cheating selves, dear one. When a person prefers lies, eventually, they cannot tell the difference between deception and honesty. This is damnable, because it destroys integrity, relationships, a persons soul. The temporary pleasure of self and other deception ultimately, acts as a corrosive, rotting the person from the inside out. 

I see people shrivelling. I see souls shrinking. I see them losing their senses, and righteousness being convoluted and crushed. There is not rhyme, no reason with some people, because they have lost the ability to discern, and that strong delusion situation, is real. Loving lies over truth is dangerous, and The Bible is very clear on what happens to the mind, the heart, and ultimately the spirit, when humans embrace deception, and the deceiver, believing what is the opposite of truth. 

I guess I am harkening back to the golden olden days of stranger danger. If someone is strange, or a strange person to you, why oh why, would you not test and try them before buying what they are peddling? How is it that so many are so readily deceived and willing to believe what is untrue, when the God of the universe, the sower of souls, is so kind, so loving, so marvellous, and only wants what is good for you, me, and our children?

Deceiver believer... is this you? If so, are you convinced that perhaps, just maybe, you have loved lies rather than truth? What are you willing to do about this sick condition you have self-contracted?

Are you, dear reader, ready to speak the truth, and only the truth, so help you God?

The truth will make you free, The Bible says so. I need not say more. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The News

Have you heard the news? Everyone is talking about it, except of course, those that would rather not get all political or serious. The news is...

The world is ending! That is correct, dear reader, dear audience, dear stranger that I do not know. The UN, the WHO... The WEF the WTFB (what the fudge brownie), have all decided that humans need to be bouncy castle kicked out of their homes, off their land, and out of their minds too!

Since the world is the playground of demons, humans haven't a hope in hell... wait a minute... that is what they are telling us, and yeah, I would have to agree! There is no hope in a hellish world, and those that cling to what they have, those that plug their ears and close their eyes, those that think they can move somewhere else to avoid and evade the ugly end, have done a good job faking themselves out of reality. 

The other day my son and I were in a big box store. There was a masked woman standing in front of the freezer I wanted to get into. There were plain old frozen blueberries, and for a little more cold cash, organic blueberries. My son said, It's all a lie, there is no difference, no such thing as organic. For the fun of it, I said, I wanna buy the lie, as I navigated around the masked woman. I think my joke may have been lost on her...

Is my joke lost on you too, dear reader?

There are many people that can explain what is happening, and what we can anticipate, because they have done their research and understand that the demonized are hell bent on dehumanizing and destroying other creatures. The demoniacs are absolutely and resolutely clueless, despite their bravado and cavalier devil may care attitudes about killing. They damn themselves, they are fodder for the fire: they haven't the remotest idea that they are tiny tools wielded by claw hands that will snap them in two, just prior to shoving them into a stoked inferno. 

There is a bit of scripture that I just plain old love to speak and quote:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive: I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but I am getting annoyed with the small minded people that think they can somehow change the future with wishful thinking, play acting, pretending that all is as it should be, when clearly, we are heading for an iceberg on a spiritual titanic. Souls are willy-nilly drinking and eating, ready to dock and explore islands, and they have no clue that they may have over eaten their last all inclusive meal with that premix overpriced and artificially sweetened bevy. 

The devil is a master of delusion. He loves when we buy, sell, trade in lies. He loves when humans believe they have control over life and death when clearly, the Author of creation has indicated plainly, that this just isn't so. 

If it were not for my faith, I would despair and perhaps believe that the psychopaths of this world have some kind of power over life and death. They have power to persuade, but alas, those that belong to the Almighty, are not inclined to be easily misled:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand (John 10:28)

The same God that said:

I am he
There is no god with me
I kill
I make alive
I wound
I heal
Neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand


I give them eternal life
They shall never perish
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand

Hmmm, WHO said this? 

While the UN, WHO, WEF, WTFB expose themselves as imposters pretending that they are the great I AM, they make utter public fools of themselves. When God deems it time to kill, whether it be you, me, your bro, sis, or one of the hooligans whose's egos are in overdrive, we won't have a skinny or oversized leg to stand on! Now the beauty of what I am sharing with you dear one, is that God says he makes alive, he heals, and that those he has given eternal life to, will always remain in his trusted hand! Sure, we are going to die, but we do not know the when part, no matter what the predictions and prophecies are... God only knows ~ Phew!

In the mean time, we get to turn to him, trust in him, read his word, be comforted just as the faithful and saved by grace did that went before us: walking the earth, threatened, dying, and discovering that the transition between this life and the next is smooth sailing, when we have God as our eternity cruise ship director! 

You can watch all the Alex Jones shows you want, and at this point redundancy is rather redundant, but if you are not doing your own research and looking into the only Book that ever predicted perfectly what was, is, and will be, then you will be dismayed and perhaps become somewhat despondent with disappointed despair. 

You know, just for fun, I will share with you what I learned this morning about a prophet named Elisha. There was a famine in the land, but this man of God provided food for the prophets he presided over. He was like a father to them, and the potage, as it was called, was made with herbs, and oddly, a poisonous plant made its way into the broth, and the prophets could taste it, and feared for their lives. Elisha "cured" the food, as men of God are inclined to do, and it became edible and nourished the bodies of the dependant prophets. Moral of the story, you ask?

Depend on God, no matter what poison the wicked ones try to "inject" into your plain old, or organic for that matter, blueberries. Pray for the tic tac toe sky chemical trails to turn into pure delicious aromatic air for your lungs to luxuriated on. God will never leave you nor forsake you, but that human being you think you can count on, may be inclined to save his or her own skin, rather then stand beside you, when you face off against the enemy of our souls, the lying, cheating, murderous devil and his henchmen. 

Is the news I tell you correct, dear reader? Feels true to me, but what do I know, except for what the Bible reveals. The News in there is the only kind that has never steered readers wrong... if you haven't picked up a copy recently, or ever before this moment in your lifetime, then perhaps you will consider taking up my challenge, and getting your hands on one, reading it, and learning about the Good News from the Author of life. 

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; And in his law doth he mediate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish (Psalm 1:1-6)

Lastly, dear reader, I tell you this. While watching the News, if whomever you are listening to is reporting what is happening, but never ever points you in the direction of seeking God, praying, and taking refuge from the world's wickedness in God's loving arms, then perhaps they are just talking heads that agitate your already ruffed-up soul. Perhaps the pragmatic side of you needs solutions, and know this, they will only ever come from God, and never from the secular humans that have lots of doom and gloom words, and no heavenly inclination. 

Go with your troubles and cares to him, the great I AM.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Shock Of Sick Insanity

Has the shock of sick insanity worn off for you yet, dear reader? Depravity is now the cultural norm for the masses, and those that tentatively question said depravity, are cautious for fear of reprisal from liberal militants. The more bold amongst us, that dare to openly, frequently, and confidently push back against the imposition of wickedness, tend toward obvious displays of repulsion and disgust. In other words, barf... some things are so reprehensible, that we simply cannot stomach the sight, sound, or smell of them. 

My question though, is about shock value, not about being grossed out. Have you come to terms yet with the everyday life of debauchery that presents itself where ever we glance? Decorum has all but disappeared, as though it never existed: have parents neglected to teach their children constraint, self-control, a sense of self-possessed elegance? Is show and tell all they have to offer a world that has seen far too much already?

I think I am going to label and describe the stages I have gone through these past several years, and perhaps, you can relate as you read through them:

What? What is going on? What do you mean everything is shutting down?

Counter Argument
That doesn't make sense. I need to understand what is happening and why... running out of toilet paper, how? Since when? Don't we still have trees and leaves and whatever they make the stuff from, and how come all of a sudden?

Masks! No flippin' WAY. No one is going to wear those stupid things, and I sure am not! Whose with me?

Unsure & Alone
Maybe I have to wear a bandana around my mouth just to get groceries. What if I am not able to buy food. This is nuts and everyone seems so strange right now. Why aren't we saying hello to each other or talking anymore? This bandana thing is for criminals; no one is looking at me and I just cannot make myself wear it. NO, I won't do it, but I will keep to myself, mind my own business, and get what I need. I have to get outta here, these people are all wearing masks! O, the horror.

Irritated & Aggravated 
Lori, if it isn't about fear, what is it then? No, I will not be wiping down furniture and keeping distance from my clients. I will not be zooming my business. Stop, stop now, or I will hang up. 

Hurt & Disappointed
What do you mean you don't want me to park outside of your house? How can you possibly refuse to have me over? A fine? You are afraid of the police giving you a fine? I cannot compute what you are telling me: please tell me you aren't falling for this bullsh%t? Don't you know what communism is? How can you so easily fall in line with the Fuhrer, a dictator?

Grievous & Betrayed
I am sad you are getting the shots. Response: I am sad you are not... this moment in time broke my heart, and my relationship with a beloved and trusted friend.

Abashed & Deeply Saddened
Pictures of injection events with thanks plastered on SM, to the front line workers, that did the dirty deeds of poisoning people, lined up and ready to be saved via a vile filled with well, vile stuff.

Spiritually Impaired
I feel dizzy and discombobulated. I am disoriented after being in that store. I learn it is the spell cast that causes my confusion: the humans are masked and breathless, compliant with and reliant upon strangers, telling them what they can and cannot do.

Sorrowful & Protective
I see videos of brave souls resisting the regime, and they are duly rewarded for their good works, with violence.
Repulsed & Disgusted
Gay this, queer that, blending bending, maiming masquerading; messing with what is sacred and holy, killing the willing and those that have no say, no voice... babes in the womb subject to being sliced and diced and terminated... while human flesh is grown to be eaten, in Frankenstein labs; and dog DNA is replicated to clone a dead beloved pet. 

Emboldened & Admiring
Manure is manoeuvred and poured in front of palaces, to let fraudulent princes know that the people will not cow tow to oligarchs.

I am confident you can add your own stories, sentiments, remembrances to this list, dear reader. I didn't realize that my apathy this week was directly related to aftershock, over-shock, recurrent shock? Sigh... I kind of thought I was coming to a conclusion, that the shock of the sick insanity has worn off, but alas, I have a sense of grieving that washes over me, because it all amounts to tremendous, significant, horrifying loss on so many levels. 

No amount of good food and exercise, great company and conversation with believers, has been able to wipe away this sense of loss that has once again snuck up on me. Knowing that nothing will ever be the same, or better again, is what I am coming to terms with. The days of innocence are gone, and we must brace ourselves for the wickedness that will amp up and increase as the days get long and our time on earth shortens.

Upon reflection, I recognize that I am no longer shocked with how empty so many minds and hearts are. I thought that depth was a human capacity for all, but alas, it is not. Some people prefer fluffy superficiality, and by God, this is evident in so many telltale ways. 

As an encourager, and someone that edifies others, I will not leave you here, desolate, or with my mood rubbing off terribly onto your spirit. I have hope, and it springs eternal, when I read the Bible, or hear the truth spoken by a saint, or immerse myself in Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. I still laugh, a lot, but I am also realistic, and understand that in this darkening world, God's people are indeed, the light, as I was reminded today by a newer friend that loves Jesus too. We are to be in the world but not of it, and take our lead from the King of kings, who foretold what we are living, and how we are to keep him in our sights to steady our course. 

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds (Hebrews 12:2-3)

What a glorious finish for our time together, dear reader! The Word of God never fails to uplift me, and I pray you discover that same spirit soaring feeling too, when you interact with the Author of Life. 

Thanking Me

WARNING: Caustic, even sarcastic, writing ahead ⚠️ 

My Acceptance Speech

Why thank you all, for this great award. I am not really shocked, since I have it coming to me, and it was only a matter of time before it was publicly recognized how worthy I am to receive this acclaim! Actually, you kind of took a little longer than I anticipated, but I will forgive the delay, if not the certain someones that procrastinated in finally giving me what I deserve. You people, I have taken notice of, and let's just say, two can play at that game. 

Anyways, I would like to thank a couple of people, for being there for me when I needed them the most. I will start with my mother, that divine goddess who chose me to be her daughter. You did a great job mom, just look at me now! I am successful, gorgeous with a winning smile, personality, and hot body to boot! And mom, this award, it will look GREAT in the middle of my mantel, along side all the other trophies I have accumulated over the years. You taught me how to be self-focused, to win at all costs, and to do it my way. It makes me tear up to think that you were right, and all your words of wisdom really work! I am soaring high in my career, and kind of you know, untouchable: I recall you telling me accomplished people are like that, no one can catch and hold them, and I am climb climb climbing my way to the top, with a whole heap of people beneath me! Ha, feels so good ma, so good to be me.

Ok, where was I? I was going to thank a couple of people but I realize that yellow flashing light is suggesting my time up here needs to wrap, so I will just thank one more special someone: ME!

If it weren't for all my hard work, my self-teaching, my mentoring me when I needed to sharpen and become more authentic and genuinely me in all my talents and abilities, I just don't know where I would be right now. I am self-made, self-taught and motivated, so wowsers, I guess I get to congratulated me, in front of all of you, on this and every IWD ~ International Women's Day. If I have to explain what IWD stands for, you need to get out of that cave you have been living in. Wake-up for goodness sakes. Don't you know women rule the world now, or at least, we should! 

Okay Okay, red light flashing, I must take this glorious award that so becomes me and say adieu, until I am awarded again!

Thank Me, and thank you, um, you people that um, well thanks. 

Ciao for now fans!


Dear reader, this short and spoofy acceptance speech is my way of mocking a question I was asked on a professional business forum, designed to make me feel special in the asking:

"Whether it's a friend, mentor, or even yourself - who do you celebrate this #IWD24?

This entertained me beyond measure! See in the right hand upper corner, my public response to this idiotic invitation to pay obsequious homage to hint hint, another female, including MYSELF! 

I do not bite the bait, but I sure can make fun of the pretending, and the grotesque suggestion of self-aggrandizement via celebrating me. Just a little entertainment for a snowy Sunday March afternoon 🤪

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lies Are Killers In Disguise

I have a reminder on my desk, a koi fish that stores loonies and toonies, that harkens to the faithfulness of God, and his Providential hand on my family.

While the government malls what does not belong to them; while they put their hands in pockets and steal from citizens, I see my koi fish filling up, with what amounts to dollars, as the world continues to make no sense! 

Am I rich, dear reader? Yes, beyond measure, because my little piggy bank represents where my treasure is, and it certainly isn't here, on earth. 

Don't get me wrong now, don't misunderstand me! I love so much about being a human on planet earth (a globe or a plane, it matters not to me, since God is Lord of all), and I treasure relationships, and parks, and God's creatures greatly. But my home is not here, this is where I temporarily reside: and you know, dear reader, that with every passing day, you may too realize, that you rent and do not own, the body you occupy. 

With all the money governments have spent on marketing death, it had to come from somewhere! Unfortunately, people are paying for the poison they thought their governors where handing out for free, for their protection and well-being. Those of us that didn't buy the marketed BS, are paying too, because let us face the facts, dear one, our accumulated sins have us "all in this together."

God is "inflexibly just": I borrow this thought and these words from Matthew Henry. And isn't it so, that we are so flexible, so bendy twisty, that we back ourselves into immoral corners, secretly sinning and helping the world amass wickedness? We have colluded, you and I, and now is the time to STOP by strictly speaking truth.

🖤 Lies are killers in disguise 
🖤 Lies steal love and murder relationship
🖤 Lies tangle and enmesh
🖤 Lies whispered, repeated, then shouted, injure ears, minds, hearts and souls

Liars seek first the kingdom of this world, denying the life here after, and the lies damn manipulators to an eternally hellish existence:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death (Revelation 21:8)

One more:

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king (1 Samuel 15:23)

Samuel warned king Saul that rebellion against God is considered witchcraft, a serious charge levied against him. Stubbornness is called iniquity and idolatry, because Saul sought counsel from idol demon God's, and a witch, to tell him his fortune and future. Rejecting God means he will in turn, reject you. 

Hmmm, if this isn't jarring to you, I wonder what will startle you out of your revelry?

It is our duty to own what role we have stubbornly and rebelliously played in the demise of the human race. What sins of disobedience have we committed that we must confess to God and ask forgiveness for?

The Bible is the best CON VICTOR that ever existed, to convince you and I that we are like petulant self-absorbed-want-my-own-way CHILDREN! It leaves no emotional, psychological, spiritual, or physical, stone unturned. There is no inner sanctum that we can hide ourselves away in, that God cannot find us there! He is God and has entrance to where ever he pleaseth to go! 

Ha, so there! 

Back to my Koi fish... I have written about this desk top ornament before, delighting in the story of Jesus getting tax coins from the first fish Peter pulls from the water. The joke is on the government, if they think they can kill all the koi, and capture all the fish of the sea, and sell them to the lowest bidder! 

God values life, and the lord of the flies loves his lies. We get to choose to glorify God with truth, or submit to satanically ruled governors that represent the masses. They have been placed by God as a form of punishment, as a way of letting us know that when we walk away from him, we also open ourselves up to persecution and punishment by way of wicked hands, men and women willing to do their fathers bidding. 

Where, pray tell, is your treasure, dear one? 

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.