Sunday, October 29, 2023


It is a good question to ask: 

What are the differences that characterize a Christian spiritual coach or advisor, and a spiritual coach that does not distinguish themselves as belonging particularly, to the God of The Bible. 

As a professing Christian, employed as a coach, I answer this question based on my discerned perspective, after having been exposed to worldly and secular approaches to spiritual matters, as I do believe, we all have been? Check the list below to see if you are familiar with any of the practices enumerated: 

Taro card reading
Soul writing
Horror-scopes (I could not resist calling them this!)
Shamanic journey
Regression therapy
Law of attraction
Power of positive thinking
Palm reading
Christ "consciousness"
A couse in miracles
Jesus calling
The secret
White witches
Evil eye jewelry

God vs idol worship
The Bible is very clear on many a front regarding what is offensive and considered reprobate to God, and those that fear him not, indulge in activities that are forbidden by him. Warnings against disobedience are abundant in the Bible, and thankfully, God is merciful, because I am confident each of us have been invited into dark cultish worlds, and perhaps have partaken unwittingly too, in what is considered idol worship, or satanic ritual, as listed above. 

I think of the spirit as housed in the body; this is wonderful and astounding simultaneously. We cannot injury one without impairing the other, and with this said, curious clients must ask, before they begin a coaching relationship:

ðŸŽŊ To whom does the coach/spiritual guide answer? along with;
ðŸŽŊ Which spirit is it that leads them?

● Where we get our information, our inspiration, or direction, is of utmost importance.
● When entrusting someone with our very soul, it is wise to wonder and inquire, what gives the professional the authority, the confidence, the ability to lead and be trusted, with the spirit of another? 

I am certified as a professional coach. I did my training, I paid my dues. I have been self-employed for nearly ten years in this profession. These accomplished goals amount to nothing at all in my estimation, if I use my acquired skills in such a way as to lead others spiritually, away from the Living, Almighty God, that created each of us and all of nature around us, that speaks of his glory. 

I will always lead people to Christ, when I am so permitted and the client is willing. I am not shy about, nor ashamed of this, and will not deviate from my work to make disciples of men by tending God's delightful sheep.

Those that do not profess Christ as King, will also stay the course they are travelling, but the question remains: 

❓Who do they serve and;  
❓Are they the best match for someone who's soul, who's very spirit, longs to feel secure and well in a sick and worsening world?

I depend on God for discernment as a Christian coach, and The Bible is my life manual. Souls are valuable, and I will treat them kindly and love them to Christ.

You, with the enquiry, will choose what best suits you, depending on to whom you say you belong. 

I pray you lean heavily in the direction of God being your wise whisperer, and that you fall head long in love, into his protective Fatherly arms 💖

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (James 3:17)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Typical Day

A typical day in the life of this coach...

To do what I do, I have a routine I follow: upon pondering this question of what a typical topical days looks like for me, I came to the realization that I have a schedule, finely tuned over the years, to suit my goals, my preferences, and my body clock.  

In brief, I share that long ago I designed in writing, what my perfect day would consist of, and while there are a few missing elements, essentially speaking, I have what matters most to me built into my waking hours. I encourage you to design your days too, according to how you would love to spend your time... back to my schedule now.

I set my alarm for 6-6:30 a.m. I usually wake before this, and once I am up, I head to the kitchen to brew some delicious coffee made from real grind 'em myself beans. A large mug in my collection states, Today is your day, and this is the one I choose to use each morning. 

💝 I believe special mugs can make a hot drink more enjoyable, don't you?

Next, I head to my reading and writing nook, positioned in a back corner of my front room, facing the picture window. When I lower the blinds to half mast, my magnolia often waves, Hello! Beautiful day, isn't it? as the wind rustles its branches and tussles its leaves. With lights turned on, I seat myself in my white swivel chair, and go into one of the most valuable books I have ever purchased: Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. I have committed to reading this massive tome in one year: I am keeping track of my progress, and the time it takes to read each page.

ðŸŽŊ Goal setting is valuable, wouldn't you agree? 

Tracking progress gives me a sense of satisfaction and increases my confidence, since I do what I say I am going to do, when I say I am going to do it. Contracts committed and completed, with self, make us more reliable, and trust worthy with others. 

Early mornings are my favourite time of the day because I spend them learning about God from his Word, the Bible, and currently Matthew Henry's Commentary. Once my family members stir, I know my quiet time is up, and I turn next to the business of the day:

1 I check my planner to see what is scheduled. I update said planner, to ensure all sessions and income are recorded, then I journal. 
2 I check social media, email, texts, messenger. I am looking to see if there are new enquires regarding booking sessions; I glance briefly at what has happened in my networks; I look for messages from clients, family, friends, and acquaintances too, and depending on who has messaged and what their message is, I either respond or often times, decide not to...

Not everyone knocking at our door, or sending us an electronic message, says what we need or want to hear... in fact, they may very well be the vexation of the spirit we are trying to avoid. 

☹️ Do you protect your mind and heart from intruders that if given the chance, will meddle with your peace?

3 Shower and breakfast
4 I see or hear people: either socially; on the phone or in my home office as a coach; in my gym as a personal trainer; as a friend helping a home schooling mom with her four adorable and brilliant little boys; in my basement living room on Monday evenings for Bible study. I have a lot of people in my life, and while I like this very much and appreciate each and every one of them, I need a significant amount of alone time to ensure I am calibrating to Christ. 

ðŸĪ” Do you need time alone to think and sort too?

5 Somewhere in my day there is a long walk or weigh training, and lunch. In good weather, I love to bike ride. I find that if I don't exercise, my mood can sour. Moving makes me happy and gives me mental clarity.

😀 Does exercise brighten your spirit too?

6 Dinner
7 My evenings are quiet, and as of late, I have watched many a Survivor series from a couple of different participating countries. I generally avoid TV because of anti-Christ content, but Survivor has a certain appeal: I love to see humans working through difficult circumstances, challenging themselves in ways they have never had to before, and navigating strange and wonderful personalities, while agreeing to live in close quarters with perfect strangers they might end up loving, or despising! 

I experienced a prettied up version of full immersion with strangers in a leadership program I bought and paid for. It was an extraordinary time of learning, and it brought out the very worse, and ultimately, hopefully too, the very best in me.

ðŸĪŠ Have you lived this type of experience too? What did you gain or get out of living through it? 

8 I forgot to mention that I pray a lot, throughout my day, out loud, in my head, while driving my car, while studying in the morning, during sessions with clients, or with friends while socializing. Praying is vital for my well being; without my faith, I would be a crumpled on the floor muppet. 
9 I write. I do not list this as an everyday event, because I do not blog daily. I also make media and google my business posts. These are regular activities I engage in weekly, on a random basis: I have to feel inspired in the moment. Sometimes an idea has to percolate before it becomes a thing to be read or seen, and sometimes after it has been birthed, so to speak, it has to be removed from sight... such is life. Not all of our ideas are share worthy! 

😊 Do you have a routine, or long for one? What would your days be like, if you built them around what you love to do, the very things that make your heart sing and your soul soar heavenward? 

NOTE UN: As an entrepreneur, my work is scattered throughout the day and evening. My earliest clients start at 9 a.m, and the last sessions booked are for 19:00 hours. I work Monday-Saturday but while this may seem like long hours, I work part-time. I have always considered full time work to be overrated, and I really enjoy the variety I have in my days, and the flexibility to schedule sessions according to what works best for my clients AND for me! I am not a slave to the clock, and stopped wearing a watch when I was twenty-seven, because the very worst thing we can do, is wish away the time.

NOTE DEUX: I take breaks from social media regularly. Things we would never choose to see, to read, to hear, can assault our senses in a second just by opening any one of the SM platforms. I don't like rude, mean, intrusive, abusive, foul behaviour or words, so detoxing from this type of exposure allows me to refocus on what the apostle Paul suggested for those that belong to Christ the King:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8)

I love my life, how about you...

💖 Do you love your life too?

Making Money as a Christian Coach

⁉️ Do I actually make money, as a Christian coach?

The answer to your question, inquiring mind, is a resolute YES!

Here is why I decided long ago to make money, rather than just volunteer my services:

Five reasons I require payment as a Christian Coach

1. People appreciate professionals and take them seriously. When we pay for products or services, it means we value what we are acquiring, as an investment in something we want for ourselves. Paying heightens expectation for great outcomes.

2. Getting paid is clean. I know my job, the client gets what they need or want if we are doing most excellent work together, and each of us goes our separate ways until we meet again, to do some more positive outcome work. No after thought required.

3. Servants or product providers have expenses, seen or alternatively, invisible to the naked eye. Just like the client, service and product providers have to pay them bills, and how else can we possibly be available to you, your mom, your cousin Hank or brother Bill, if we don't have a place to invite people into to, to purchase what they want or need? 

4. It is Biblical to be paid for work. 

Leviticus 19:13
You shall not oppress your neighbour, nor rob him. The wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning.

The times clients have withheld payment for already rendered services, have made me very uncomfortable. Chasing a client for money damages trust, and I am disinclined to work with people that do not pay their bills. I also do not like taking money and never earning it, when a client goes MIA (missing in action). I appreciate work, and like to provide agreed upon services for cash already received: this too, as mentioned in #2, feels clean. 

NOTE: I have in the past, had slippery clients that would "forget", to bring a cheque or cash, when we met. This type of client conveniently disregards original service agreements, and will take as much as they can get away with, as long as the service provider allows this deviancy. I would rather eat dirt than work with a grifting scam artist, which is exactly what this type of person is. 

5. Another reason I require payment for my services, is credibility. If I don't value my offering enough to earn money when I perform coaching duties, then should I really be considered worthy of a clients trust? Being insecure about charging fees renders a would-be-professional useless, because they don't believe what they have to offer is good enough to take cash in exchange. Clients need trained professionals they can work with to actualize their potential. Insecurity must be worked out of the system in order to serve, and serve well. Payment is required if you are doing for someone, what they cannot do for themselves alone. 

This is a wrap
After years of self-employed experience, I am confident in this statement: 
Sessions paid for in advance, say a pre-paid package of five to ten sessions, increase commitment for both client and service provider. Once the money for services agreement has been established, the relationship and tone of partnership can commence. The expectation is that we both show up and get the most of our time together, with the client and coach having the satisfaction of a job well done.

One of the very worst experiences we have all had, is having to pay for a thing or service we neither enjoyed, nor wanted. This said, I always offer potential clients a sample coaching session to ensure we are a match, and if they walk away after this without hiring me as their coach, hopefully nothing has been lost, and at the very least, the client leaves with valuable and helpful insights.

To pay or not to pay, is a question to be asked and answered, before the actual works begins! 

The Five Rules of Coaching

Coaching Rules
Are there "rules" or standards of practice, to be followed when a coach is working with a client? If so, what are they? 

Before we simplify what those rules are (you can let your eyes leap to the bottom of this page if you like, or we can travel together to it, with a bit of a meander) let's take a sneak peak at the foundation of what I call Christian coaching. My personal modus operandi is revealed in the short paragraph that follows this one:

Rules, standards of practice, skills? or in a more colloquial definition: a way of being with another human that advances their self-knowledge, their self-worth, and their ability to move forward in a direction that is hopeful, joyful, and fulfilling. 

1. Self-knowledge
2. Self-worth
3. Ability to move forward


1. Hopeful
2. Joyful
3. Fulfilled

Guiding Principles 
Broaching the subject of rules, I attest to the fact that indeed, there are guiding principals that every coach worth the hire ought to keep in mind while working with clients. The skill attainment (I will list these skills shortly, I promise) for professional coaches comes at a high price 1 financially, 2 emotionally, 3 psychologically, and 4 spiritually. Meaning:

1. An immersive learning experience can be costly, but is an excellent investment (I will cover this with more detail in another topic page entitled Becoming a Coach)
2. Coaches that want to serve clients well, have to work through their own emotional issues so that they are not projecting unresolved upset or trauma onto their clients
3. Facing our own character flaws and perceptual downfalls is a must if we are to be enabled to help others with theirs
4. Knowing what we believe without falter, is invaluable and foundational 

NOTE: The process of becoming is a life long endeavour, and coaches know this: the learning never stops for any of us, as long as we have breath and desire.

Now, the rules, the standards of practice, the actual skills ... here we go! 

The Five Rules of Coaching

1. Listening. That's right, plain old listening while hearing 

The Coaches Role:
I hear you; I see what you are saying; I understand what you mean; I have some insight into what matters to you while you share. Perhaps you can take the time to consider and answer these questions:

● Have you had this experience with someone? 
● How was that for you? 
● Did you get the feeling that they actually cared about you and what was going on in your head, your heart, your life? 

If so, that person was really listening and hearing you

2. Intuition or in Christian terminology, Discernment 

The Coaches Role:
I can tell that you are working your way toward expressing thoughts and feelings that hold great significance for you. I can read between your spoken lines, your yet to be expressed desires, and when I discern what hasn't been said, I speak it on your behalf as an insight to be explored. 

NOTE: This discernment is a gift of comprehension and frees the client from a holding pattern that may be old and sticky. Again, you might want to take the time to think about and answer these questions:

● Have you had someone speak to you in such a way as to make you feel that they see your soul, bathed in glorious light? 
● Have you felt moved and touched by someone loving you to yourself so that you no longer feel self-conscious or belittled, or like you have to shy away from what you really want? 

If so, that person saw the real you, and helped you see yourself too, in the most wonderful ways. They discerned what you want and who you are by watching and listening when you shared and even when you didn't!

3. Curiosity. This is a feeling of wonder, of not knowing but wanting to know at the same time. Curiosity by way of questions enlightens speaker and listener, leading to clarity

The Coaches Role:
I heard what you said, but I am not sure what you meant? I ask you to clarify, to fill in the blanks, to add another brush stroke to complete the picture, or give me a sense of how this looks and feels from your point of view, your perch post. Question and answer opportunity has arrived once again:

● Has anyone asks you just the right question at just the right time?
● Did you have one of those amazing epiphany moments of delightful, or perhaps even painful, insight?
● Did their questions help you become more curious too, and want answers for some old thoughts that needed to be moved out of your mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual, pending file? 

If so, that person wanted to know your inner workings, and they were curious enough about you to ask for clarification when they needed more information, to understand you better. As a result, and this is the best part, you understand yourself better than you did before! 


4. Deepen the Learning, Forward the Action

The quintessential goal of coaching is to deepen learning and forward actionWhile it may seem simple once explained, there is much that precedes this glorious goal accomplishment: incremental shifts and changes happen along the way. The coach and client have travelled to deep waters together, and when the client has been willing, they explored beneath the surface of living or just existing, to the rich underwater world that can be breathtakingly beautiful, and simultaneously emotionally charged, with thought sharks threatening limb amputation. 

This is cathartic work, and while coaching is not considered therapy, it is indeed, therapeutic. 

To deepen the learning and forward the action, a client must be self-aware, honest, brave, and willing, to take what they have learned about themselves, their family and friends, their work and school environments and interactions, their life experiences, both painful and pleasant, and decide how they want to relate in life, moving forward. 

● Who, will you be, as a result of learning who and how, you have been previously? 

The Coaches Role: 
I have heard, seen, and felt what you want for yourself that has yet to be lived. I understand your desire, and that you realize you have a purpose you long to fulfill. I know God has a plan for you, and that fear and doubt have been cleared away so that you can move in the direction of actualizing the life God has designed for you. Explore these questions in your mind, or perhaps in writing:

● Have you travelled to deep waters, and dared to dive in, knowing that you may feel as though what you find there could drown you in sorrow?
● Do you have someone to speak to about your fears, your doubts, your dreams and your desires? If so, how has that freed you to move forward and take the action you have been longing to take for some time?

Perhaps now is the time, if you haven't done this most excellent work yet?

We have arrived at number five in our rules. This is what every coach needs to work on perpetually to ensure they are available to the clients they have the privilege of working with. As a Christian coach, I value time spent reading the Bible and praying; time with God helps me focus on others more effectively.

Without further adieu, here is rule number five:

5. Self-Management

Self-management can be quite the challenge, considering the many scenes and scenarios coaches are exposed to in the course of their careers. Some stories and client experiences are truly horrific, and to emotionally self-manage as coach is crucial, so the client feels safe in the sharing. Compassion is wonderful, and must be expressed in such a way as to acknowledge what the client has lived through and even survived. This said, the client needs to emote without having to navigate the coaches feelings, and adjust to what the coach is having difficulty hearing. 

I have learned that there are some things a person may have never spoken that they desperately needed someone to hear. They need a caring ear, someone to believe they are capable of healthy and wise choices, and who will encourage them to be bold in facing often difficult realities, past and present, that have hurt them significantly. A coach worth hiring, always gives the client the time and space to share whatever burdens their mind, heart, and spirit. 

Confession is curative. 

The Coaches Role: 
Pay attention to the CLIENT, to self (as in notice what holds emotional charge in what I am hearing and steer clear of making any of what is being shared, about me, when in session); also pay attention to the impact of the client and coach interaction. This is when the coach is on high alert to remain professionally removed and not too engage in self-indulgent interactions that do not benefit the client ... the coach must stay in their lane so the client gets what they need, and are paying for. Self-exploration time once more:

● Have you ever shared something painful and private with another and they managed to hijack the experience by telling a story about themselves? alternatively;
● Have you shared a difficult memory with someone that gave you time and space to experience your own emotions without being dissuaded or talked out of them? 
● Did you feel see, heard, and understood?


This is about the CLIENT 😍 NOT the COACH!

1 Listen and hear
2 Discern what is happening in the clients mind, heart, soul
3 Be curious; ask questions for clarification
4 Encourage the client to share their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their everything
5 Love the client to freedom from anything that holds them back from living the life God has designed for them

In Conclusion:

I hope this has been helpful for you in the reading, and in the question answering, if you felt inclined to do so.

Coaching is transformational: I can confidently attest to this fact. 

God is good, and a coach will always want the very best that God has to offer for each client He sends them to work with. My hope for you, is that your life is full of the joy that comes from being vibrantly alive in all your God given skills, talents, and abilities. 

May God richly bless and keep you

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace (Numbers 6:24)

Becoming a Professional Coach

Professional Coaching Certification 

I will briefly outline how I attained the title of CPCC, or Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, through CTI. 

NOTE: Not long after accomplishing the certification goal, I asserted myself as a Christian Coach, CTI certified, since 2014. I am first and foremost a Christ follower, and secondly, a coach with acquired skills that qualify me to work with clients. 

The Bible is my book of wisdom
The Bible is my go to for life affirming, guiding principles, doctrine and teaching

God's wisdom and sound instructions enter into coaching sessions, so that clients align with the will and plans God has for them. I utilize coaching abilities while working with clients, to travel from where they are, to where they learn God wants them to be. 

My tagline: I coach people to their godly greatness, and from there, everything is possible

Let us return to my coaching beginnings...

Information gathering
A personal training client of mine suggested I attend an information session, followed by a meet and greet interactive time, that was being held regarding coaching courses that were potentially going to be offered at the University of Western Ontario, in my home town of London. Out of curiosity, I attended. 

I had my first coaching experience that evening, when someone offered a sample of what coaching is like, and that one brief encounter with just the right questions and my answers, had me doing things differently the very next day.

I toyed with investing in coaching, a rather expensive endeavour, and finally, years after the experience described above, I took the plunge, and never looked back. I am sharing what I had to do, rather than what I emotionally experienced, in this piece of writing. The emotional aspects are book worthy and impossible to share briefly, which is what I promised above, a brief outline of the road I took to get to where I am now.

Here is what I did to get that golden certified professional coaching ticket:

● I travelled to Toronto for Friday to Sunday immersive courses, five of them in total. I spent money on transportation, hotel, food, and of course, the fees involved in coach training courses. Completion of the five core curriculum courses took about six months
● Following the five core curriculum courses, I decided to go through the six month certification process. This was another cash, time, and emotionally energetic investment: worth every penny. I felt minted after my second of two exams, one written, one oral, and more qualified to confidently call myself a professional coach, having earned the title
● I volunteered to assist in some of the curriculum courses. Again, I travelled to Toronto, investing in my learning, while witnessing the pain and pleasure experiences of the participants enrolled in the coaching courses ... I will say this was a delightfully enlightening endeavour for me
● Lastly, I spent a lot of money, and not one cent too many, when I enrolled in CTI's leadership program. I travelled to California four times in the span of ten months, and spent just shy of a week each time, in the most extraordinary immersive learning extravaganzas of my life! 

I cannot explain how perspective altering these weeks away were for me, but I can tell you that there is evidence in my everyday life, that harkens back to those days, the people I met, and what I learned about the world and who I want to be like while in it (HINT: I want to be just like Jesus!)

NOTE: The leadership program is totally optional AND, I am so grateful for having attended!

The world has changed:
The world has changed so much since then, since I went and saw, conquered and become, the coach and person I am now. 

Like any type of employment, we must first learn from those that are doing what we want to do, to make a living and savour the professional life we know is our calling. I did that by attending and paying for the courses offered, and going through the processes of certification required, to attain the title of Professional Coach. 

My ROI (return on investment) is the life I currently live, as a Christian working with people that want to hire a Coach that will love them to Christ.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, 
good will toward men (Luke 2:14)

If you have any questions, I am most happy to answer any or all of them, based on my experiences and learning over the years. Do, feel free to call or email me.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Life Is In The Blood

Bleeding to death, blood infection, septic

Without the flowing of blood to all body parts and extremities, you and I suffer and eventually, we die. We will, in due course of time, die no matter what, but blood is rather important, to say the least. God has much to teach us regarding:

1 life being in the blood
2 lives being avenged when destroyed via murder, blood for blood and; 
3 being washed clean in the pure blood of Christ

1 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11)

● Physically speaking, the body is a dead thing without blood coursing through it
● Spiritually attuning, holy sacrifice blood, atones for the sinful and repentant soul, giving it life

See here, what Judas said about the blood of Christ in Matthew 27:4

Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. 

Jesus' blood is referred to as the innocent blood by His betrayer. The callousness of those that paid the mercenary's fee of thirty pieces of silver for the execution of Jesus, displays their complete disregard for the shedding of life blood, and for their utterly diabolical denial of Christ as their promised Messiah: What is that to us? see thou to that

2 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked (Isaiah 48:22)

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man (Genesis 9:6)

The wicked go about their killing business as hunted and haunted men and women. They must look behind themselves often, checking, always checking, to see if the grim reaper, the avenger, the one that knows what they have done, is following closely, to return blow for blow in recompense for those that could not defend against the malicious and murderous. The blood soaked earth cries out for justice, firstly with Abel, murdered by his own brother, followed by historical and modern day martyrs and innocents, that have had their lives stolen from them:

And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground (Genesis 4:10)

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (Revelation 6:10)

Dear reader, I wrote the above as a prelude, an introduction to my main topic, which we will address now as number:

being washed clean in the pure blood of Christ

A friend of mine sent me a fascinating article about sheep's blood and snake venom. Before I share what I learned with you, I state: God is mysteriously obvious when he chooses to make a point: if you and I don't catch his drift, if we don't pick up what he is putting down, despite all the ways he attempts to get through the thickness of skulls, he will give us yet another offering to help us understand what he has spoken loudly and repeatedly throughout history. Follow with me now, for the delight of your spirit!

"The blood of sheep in South Australia is being used to develop rattlesnake anti-venom for a UK-based biotechnology company." Link provided below.

Just a little more scriptural background...

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel (Genesis 3:15)

Eve, the snake, and their mutually exclusive progeny, were perpetually in a state of enmity after the infamous garden of Eden incident. Whilst snakes slither and sneak amongst us, we have been given the right to trample them under foot, along with their creepy crawling relatives, scorpions:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19)

Jesus is known as the Lamb of God, and the Truth: Satan is known as the serpent, and the father of lies. All people belong to one Father, or another... see now, what Jesus said to serpentine hypocrites:  

Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell (Matthew 23:33)

Jesus wasn't a subtle cool California peace and love kinda guy. Jesus was intolerant of wicked men that acted like snakes. Eve and Adam made a grave, literally GRAVE error in the garden, when they ate forbidden fruit in disobedience to God's command not to, and only God could fix and finish the matter in his righteousness. Blood for blood, pure for poisoned, Christ is the anti-venom antidote:

3 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14)

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7)

One more:

Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:18-19)

Dear reader... sheep's blood as anti-venom!

The wicked roam amongst us, hissing poisonous murderous threats. They always have, they always will, until resolved permanently by the King of kings. Our modern day "medicine" is designed to be deadly while guised as a cure. What a lie... the faithful know there is One and only One, salve for the sick body, the ill soul. It is the blood of the Lamb of God, and by God, we see this truth revealed almost hilariously, humorously, manifestly, in the article I provided a link to above. 

NOTE: I had to remove the link because the COMMies have blocked the sharing of marvellous news... look this story up for yourself, dear reader 💖

I simply love how God gives us cosmic clues to lead us back to him and his magnificently creative design. I end here, saying I would cuddle a lamb and love him up any day, over a sneaky slithery fork tongued snake! 

I sure do hope you enjoy the sweetness of God the way I do, dear reader. Bahhhh, for now 🐑

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Seeing In The Dark

My house got some clear-vision-eyes this past week. Old windows were removed, along with a glass sliding door, and what had become dysfunctionally dingy, was replaced with spotless newness. I had no idea how clean clean can be, dear reader... the glass is so pristine it feels as though I can stretch out my hands through it, to reach the outdoors. Untouched as of yet, by storm rains, wind that tosses dirt, or the weathering of age, these replacements keep out the cold while delighting the spirit within. There is nothing quite like a fresh start to give us new perspectives. 

The taking out of the old and replacing with new took about a week: of noise, of dust, of pieces and particles that needed to be swept, vacuumed, and wet cloth cleaned up. Isn't that just what our lives look like when we need a little soulful deconstruction and rebuilding? The mess can be overwhelming, and in the midst of the kerfuffle, one might feel as though they will never get there, there... over there, where everything is sorted and back in place, and a sense of calm and purpose can resume, or start for the very first time? 

Coaching in the dark
It was Thursday morning and I was relegated to the basement to coach an amazing woman of God because upstairs, dry wall filler was being sanded smooth for painting. My client and I coach long distance, using our cellulars, and in the midst of a bright light moment, a moment when rays were shining on a valuable insight, suddenly I was dropped into darkness. In a flash, I thought, The power went out, so I turned on the little flashlight (Thank-You techie, whoever you are, that had the foresight to think of this and add it as a feature to phones!) on my cell, so that I could continue taking notes. Oddly though, I could hear power tools being used one floor up; something to consider later, after my session was completed. 

Dear reader, that call was very fascinating, and not just as a result of the godly client I was working with: we got interrupted with interference and dropped calls at least four times, if not more. Grin: think with me now, how when we are doing what is most valuable, and has the greatest import for the kingdom of God, we seem to have to clear the most hurdles, navigate huge road blocks, and when our faith is strong and yet feels challenged, pray diligently without ceasing, believing the promise that nothing can keep us from the purposes God has in store for us: 

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)

My client is designed to impact the kingdom, and she has cleared hurdles, navigated road blocks, been faithful, diligent, and prayerful, while being kind and merciful all the while, showing God's grace in the face of adversity... Romans 8:28 pertains to her. Thing is, sometimes we are in the dark, not knowing what will come next while being instructed to be hopeful and trust in God's Providential care, even when our souls cry and groan for relief from sorrow. 

Light in the darkness
Dear reader, we made it to the end of our coaching call, and then communed as sisters in Christ. We prayed over one another, and I got far more than I gave. My friend lifted me heavenward, out from my basement darkness with her words of light. I didn't need electricity, I got enlightened from within. Ha, how marvellous and wonderful for me!

For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established: That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me (Romans 1:11-12)

After the call, I took steps to the main floor only to discover that the house had power, and life continued on without interruption or interference upstairs: I was the only one that worked in the dark, with a small electronic candle lighting the way... all I needed to carry on. 

Upon investigation, it occurred to me that a switch had been tripped. Excited to see what had happened in the electrical panel, I trotted back downstairs, cell flashlight all aglow, and I shone light on that switch panel. To my utter delight, I discovered #27 was switched off. When I read what that particular number related to as far as power in the house, I read the word lights. Man alive, this made me so happy, dear one. 

Let there be light in your mind, in your heart, in your words, your deeds, your very soul. Let there be the light of God shining forth in you and from you... let there be light! 

In a world growing dim and dark, and we see this, do we not? we must be the light:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16)

ðŸ”Ĩ We are to be light before men that live in darkness, by doing good works, for the glory of our Father in heaven. 

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)

ðŸ”Ĩ When we follow the light of the world, we are not walking in wicked worldly ways: we have the light of life in Jesus.

Lastly, and this is me selecting one more out of many a mind brightening verse:

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5)

How can I convey how brilliant this last verse is? It is blinding for goodness sakes. God is LIGHT, and there is NO DARKNESS in HIM, AT ALL. I have no other means by which to express how astonishingly awe inspiring this truth is, accept by the use of capitals! 

God is light and when we feel the darkness closing in, He is ever present, letting us know that He will provide the God glow we need to see our way out of the dim to a newness that we had never seen, nor anticipated before. 

A bright finish
When you feel like Oh NO, not again!, is happening, and frustration wants to take over your good senses, and lead you by the invisible emotional nose ring to despair, stop for a moment and consider: nothing can interfere with God's plan. Nothing and no one has ever been able to deter, defer, discourage, or dissuade God from His ultimate Master of the universe Providence.

One of the things I recently noticed about myself is I had lost a long term companion; a something that had been with me, wanting to dominate my personality; an uninvited guest that over stayed its welcome. I will name it for you, dear reader, so that you do not have to guess: It was an insidious spirit of anger. Anger is what we use as fuel when we perceive that injustice is not being dealt with appropriately... by God! I can laugh at myself for typing this and sharing it, because I am now free from it in the realizing that I have no control over anyone or anything, accept my own mind, my own words, and my own deeds. Shamefully, in my desire to assert myself, I unconsciously attempted to usurp God Almighty as judge. 

What used to irk me, I now look at with curiosity firstly, and then I go quickly into prayer. I see souls more than ever before, and what impedes them from being who God designed them to be. I am about the business God has planned for me, which is a ministry of reconciliation. Reconciling our past with our now, and how God shone His light on us when we were in inky blackness, pulling us close even when we were repellant and rebellious, is the work we can do to be in the light of Christ our Lord, who loving us, died crucified with the sins of the world as man/god, for the sake of the salvation of souls. 

A bit of advise
Do your work, dear reader: 

ðŸŽŊ Look closely at yourself, even if it makes you squirm with discomfort 
ðŸŽŊ Ask God to show you what hides in the darkened corners of your soul, hindering you and holding you captive to sin 
ðŸŽŊ Request a clean up crew, people that can love you to Christ, while your renovations are underway and the mess feels overwhelming 
ðŸŽŊ Look for God's hand in your being made new, knowing that while He is serious about the salvation of souls, since all belong to Him, He can be and is, playful in His interactions 

I finish with my bright and shiny shiny client/sister in Christ/friend words of wisdom:

I'm never mad when I did it His way... 

You won't be either, dear reader.