Monday, December 19, 2016

Silent Partner in Crime

You see them, hear them. The deceptions, the lies. You bare witness to the ugly behaviours, words. You think to yourself, someone should do something. It occurs to you, they can see it too, I know they can. No one says a word, no one stirs to action. In disbelief, your eyes scan, looking for proof of other eye witnesses, some indicator that you are not alone in your awareness. Nothing. You see averted eyes, downward cast unfocused disengagement. You look from one person to the next and it is as though they aren't really real somehow. They aren' Face frozen, body bound mannequins. Suddenly, you speak. You confront. You address the deceiver, the liar. There is a brief moment of silence and you can feel the shift, something has changed. The trance has been broken. You look around, and now, all eyes are on you. The glare is unbearable and lips pull back from teeth in threatening snarls. HOW DARE YOU? The verbal barrage begins with insults and vile accusations hurled with the intent of stopping you, restraining you, throwing you down to halt the truth telling. Now you are the liar, the deceiver, the "problem". Not everyone joins in on the blood thirsty attack. There, sulking, hiding in the corner are the silent ones, the ones who dare not speak for fear of reprisal, for fear of being pushed down, pushed away, just as you have been. No one wants this, no one wants to be left out, put aside. It is far better to be a part of the pack than to be put out, no matter what the cost to self worth and dignity. You now have doubt, fear that you have been wrong. No one stands up and takes a place by your side...what is happening? Your mind is racing along with your heart. You are caught in the crossfire. Aimed directly at your head, the insults are designed to destroy your reason. Aimed directly at your heart, the cutting words wound, slashing deeply in an attempt to drain your courageous power source. Shaking your head, you see the actors, the characters playing these roles. You see in the tangled web lies one more, the largest one of them all. Manipulation. You broke the silence, you broke the trance like state of acceptance of lies, deception, manipulation. You spoke when others dared not because your soul cried out JUSTICE, TRUTH. I MUST speak the truth.

God Bless You Dear Truth Teller. Take back your mind, secure your heart in the knowledge that all truth belongs to the courageous ones, those who refuse to be silent partners in crime. You, brave soul, belong to Him. 

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