Sunday, December 4, 2016

Freedom of Will

Darn that freedom of will stuff. Look at where it has gotten us people! I can choose to slow down and stop for a yellow light that I know is turning red. I can choose to eat the grapes in my grocery cart while I walk around the store before they get weighed and I pay for them. I can choose to let someone merge into traffic in front of me. I can choose to take the last bite of a shared piece of delicious cake. I can choose to listen to wisdom or this, decide I am right and the facts can go take a flying leap in a direction far and away from me. I can choose to hate, love, give, withhold, listen, ignore, hide, stand out and up, fight, lay down, cry, laugh, scream, whisper...I can choose and so can you. Pretty amazing really and why oh why, would we want it to be any different? I want it to be different, when the stakes are high and I want someone I care about to make um, the right decision. I am laughing as I type because of the ridiculousness of believing that I can, should, ought to be able to make a decision for another while assuming that the decision I make is the right one for them-this is pure arrogance. Good God, I have been a stubborn mule in my life and many a time led the way down a wrong way street in my ignorant confidence-I have to say, I wouldn't change a thing. It is precisely this, the over confidence in being right that taught me the humility that comes with facing the facts of having been oh so very wrong. Wrongness increases reticence, the desire to check out the facts before running headlong into no mans land with the belief that pure passion is enough to make a difference, affect change. There is a one-man-show feeling to this type of renegade action taking and this is when freedom of will can be troublesome. I will disclose to you now what I firmly believe. It is in relationship and relationship only that freedom of will can be gloriously on display. All the choices we make, they impact everyone on intimate and grand scales. We have this awesome power to impact one another and it is astounding to know this when the realization hits. It is in the recognizing of this as truth that we see how tenuous and tender life can be. We are nothing and no one without one another. Choice is the deciding factor in every life. Freedom of will is our gift and we can choose to use it to curse or care for ourselves and others. How do you relate? With your will, you change the world you live in and the lives of those in your immediate vicinity and astoundingly the lives of those whom you will never meet. We have this power Dear Reader...what do you choose with your freedom of will? 

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