Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Reachable & Teachable

Is this a trap?

How reachable and teachable are you dear reader? Does this feel a bit like a trap, being asked this question? I have a direction I am heading in with this topic and if it feels like a trap, then perhaps it is one of my own creation, one that I have set for myself. Let us go into the maze and find out where it takes us, shall we?

Guides are ignored in favour of making our own way in the world

Learning from those who came before us
I have a theory, unscientific, untested, that intelligent people become intelligent because they avail themselves of learning. Sometimes, out of willfulness, stubbornness, independent thinking, vanity or pride, we are not reachable. The lessons life offers, the people who are available to lead, mentor and guide are ignored in favour of making our own way in the world. Truth barricades serve to make one unreachable and as a direct result, unteachable. Think of the last time you were wrong, come on now, it wasn't that long ago. What were the circumstances? What were you sure of only to discover that you were off the mark? How did you find out that you were mistaken? Did you read it, hear it, see it? Did someone confront you and point out your error? How wrong were you and how willing are you to now, be comfortable with the uncomfortableness of your wrongness?

Deflecting, dodging and weaving

The truth can come at us in and at, various forms and speeds. Deflecting it, dodging and weaving from it can harden the heart to the possibility of self discovery, of admittance. Dare I call this pure ignorance or shall I be kind? There is a sting, the feeling of humiliation and shame that can come with being terribly horribly wrong. Clinging to fabricated, man made constructs of truth may seem safer than facing the facts of having been wrong. And yet, there is the inner voice, the guiding light, the truth be told soul whisper that says not true, not true. You are only lying to yourself.

The question remains

Sigh. Painful reality, teacher of truth. We all, each of us, must face the music as the saying goes, when it comes to learning from our errs and omissions, our deceptions and manipulations. The question remains, how reachable and teachable are you, dear reader? Can you, will you, are you capable of, admitting when you are wrong for the sake of finally being, right? It is a humbling experience to be honest about our flaws but this is when we are most available to recalibration with the truth and with one another.

We travelled, you and I, in and out of the maze of internal workings, or at least, my internal workings. I hope we exit together, reachable & teachable for the sake of ourselves, others and most importantly, the God we serve. 

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