Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Walking in The Light

I am recalling an image of a Winnie the Pooh character, Eeyore. The name Eeyore is synonymous with pessimism, being gloomy and depressed. The mental image of this grey stuffed donkey has him walking along a narrow pathway constructed for one. Head down, he slowly shifts his weight from side to side with rain slanting diagonally upon him. Unbeknownst to Eeyore, the sun is shining and flowers bloom in all directions as he feels the rain on his back. If only the dreary spirited donkey would look to his left, than his right, and finally, look up to see the sun beaming brilliantly in the clear blue sky. Of course the character Eeyore has a disposition and don't we all, Dear Reader? What is yours? Perhaps gloomy makes sense, given your circumstances, past present and future? How long has gloomy been your companion? Does the sun shine everywhere and on everyone, with you as the exception? What would walking in the light look and feel like for your weary soul Dear One? Looking back at Eeyore and the path he walked it is understandable that he would feel dejected as he walked in drenching rain on a pathway with no room for another. Head down, so were his thoughts and feelings, cast into the strip of walkway that lay one painstaking step at a time ahead of him. Who knows how long the path and whether or not anything would or even could change while on it? If only Eeyore hoped enough to look up and see The Light. Walking in The Light is not for the optimist, the sunny dispositioned Dear Reader, because we all sense gloom and feel alone at times, as though the pouring rain will never cease. Walking in The Light is knowing the Son, trusting the path He asks you and I to take as He walks along side. Psalm 43:5 "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Hope is one of the gifts of faith and both can be yours. May you walk this very day, in The Light. 

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