Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bubble Bath Religion

"We have today, a bubble bath religion, a beauty parlour religion if you please. We have bubble bath salvation instead of being plunged beneath the crimson flow. We have mouth wash conversion instead of a new creation in Christ. We have a tooth paste smile instead of the joy of the Lord. We have halo shampoo instead of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We have a talcum powder testimony instead of the fragrance of Christ. We have a rosewater life instead of manifesting the life of the Rose of Sharon. We have daring perfume instead of living courageously. We have a lipstick redemption instead of the precious blood of Christ. We have synthetic jewelry instead of adorning the gospel of grace. We have the glamour of Hollywood instead of the glory of the Lord." Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Consider Dear Reader, that our faith is based not on religion but as Dr. McGee says, based on doctrine. The above quotation is a segment of a recorded message that can be listened to on oneplace.com and it is entitled Demas, Diotrephes, and Demetrius: You Will Find Them in the Yellow Pages. Christianity is this-Jesus died on a cross for the sins of the world, this means me, it means you. He rose from the dead and is God, was God and always has been, God. We are to conform to His image, following in the footsteps of our Saviour, meekly abiding in our Father and His plans for us. Dear One, have you moved away or toward His mandate for you? Do you live a watered down version of Christianity with pleasantries or are you convicted, pierced by the Truth as you walk in His Way, His Light? Your life is not your own, it belongs to the one who paid the price for your salvation. Yellow used to be a word associated with cowards and cowardice. Yellow belly is the phrase I recall as a reference for someone who has dodged duties, shirked responsibility and denied their calling to serve by running away, hiding. AWOL is defined as: "In military terminology, desertion is the abandonment of a duty or post without permission (a pass, liberty or leave) and is done with the intention of not returning." In old fashion terms, Dr. McGee has described what he saw in his day and I ask you, is this not exactly what we too, see in ours? The Bible is generous in clarity and leaves no stone unturned. It is not a powder puff presentation, it is solid rock solution to the age old problem of life and death, with or with God. How pretty is your faith? How comfortable are you in it? Have you plunged below the crimson flow, blood shed for your salvation? If you can think of Christ on the cross without shedding a tear, I wonder about your relationship with Him? Are you yellow or true blue to The One to whom you owe your life? Consider doctrine-are you His? Live for Him, He died for you. 

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