Friday, July 15, 2016

Confronting Idiots~this may mean YOU!

I have been ever so slightly obsessed with what I recently witnessed at an Adele concert this week. Adele was listening and than responding to an audience member. While I did not hear clearly what the fan was saying, I did hear Adele's micro-phoned responses. This is what perked my ears "oh shut-up, stop talking such rubbish" followed by complimentary statements about another performing artist that Adele had met and liked enough to defend. What I gathered was there had been a comparison with the fan telling Adele that she was "better" than the other singer/song writer. Adele would have no part of this and made her stance on the matter clear and than, she quickly moved on. I liked this very much and it brings me to my topic of discomfort in the face of someone saying or doing things that are offensive, distastefully, discriminatory, rude, judgemental, idiotic with no one stemming the flow. In fact, these situations make most of us feel so awkward that we may make strange and strangled almost laughing noises to cover the weirdness we are experiencing. How come? How is it that when there is a blatant disregard for the feelings and sentiments of others, no one says a thing? Recently, I had my hair dyed by an assistant to my hairdresser. She painted more than my hair and than while washing product out, she was rough, as though my hair was not attached to my head! In hindsight, I wished I had said this very thing to her, something like "Hey, um, you do know that the stuff you are tugging at is attached to my head, right?" I can laugh at this because of how ridiculous it happens to be that I had fear to speak and also something else, a fear of a worse form of discomfort that could result from speaking up. I am feeling like sometimes, it is safer to withhold, to refrain and yet, this is exactly why things stay the same and bullies, they learn that bullying is effective. There is a form of self absorption that we are all guilty of from time to time, when we are unaware of our own lack of knowing, our own apparent idiocy. This is when a bare bum spanking (metaphorically speaking of course) is not only practical for our learning but if you are as innocently wise as I am, it is a welcome form of personality and character correction. Yes, you read correctly, it is wise to admit you are wrong and wiser still to be willing to learn a thing or two, to be put back into your humble place. So Adele modelled intolerance for comparison, criticism of another, and being told she is better than. What are you willing to speak up for or against, Dear Reader? Be Brave and speak and than be done with it. You will feel better and those watching will learn a thing or two from you. 

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