Thursday, July 21, 2016

Killing Spiders

A closer look
To kill or not to kill, this is the question. I have a pool in my backyard and one of the dogs that has taken over my house, is looking into the water, watching something. This peaks my curiosity. glancing in that direction, I notice something gliding along the surface of the water. As the acting life guard, I decide to get up and take a closer look. 

Something needs rescue and I see two dark and crawly things, one a beetle, one a rather large garden spider. They are subject to a watery death, if no intervention is provided. As the guard on duty, it behooves me to scoop the beetle out of the water. 

Miniature raft
Now the spider, he is a different story. I don't like spiders, and am disinclined to
touch one. I decide he requires something of a life preserver, so that we can keep our mutually respectful distance, and I can do my job. I tear a leaf from a near by plant, making him a miniature raft to climb atop, so I can return him to his natural environment, the garden. Satisfied, I recognize that two lives are saved, and that I played a part in their continuance. 

I recognize now that for some reason, I just can't see hopeless and helpless created, breathing things, stay that way-it is not in my nature to kill and to not do anything is the equivalent, is it not dear reader? 

To not do a thing, is the equivalent of killing. Think on this a moment:
  • How responsible are we all for one another? 
  • Have you lost someone sweet and wonderful yet? 
  • How large is the hole in your heart, when you consider your loss? 
  • How valuable was that one life to you? 
  • If you could have, would you have rushed to their rescue, scooped them from their impending death, and delivered them from the darkness, of an unforgiving, lifeless grave? 
Chances of survival
The body dies and no matter what you and I do, we cannot impede, interrupt, stop physical death. When I rescued the beetle and then the spider, I rescued living things that had life in them. They had travelled unwittingly into a dangerous hydro terrain, and needed help getting out from where they did not belong, and could never survive. Their chances of survival in the physical realm were better after rescue but they are still, subject to death. 

They didn't ask to be rescued, and showed no signs of gratitude that I could see. Perhaps if I asked them "Tiny Beetle, freakishly creepy Mr. Spider, How is it for you to be rescued, they might respond with, Rescued, me? I was fine and needed nothing in fact, in just a moment, I would have taken myself out of the water. I was enjoying a swim, when you rudely whisked me away without my permission. Put me back in and I will prove to you that I need not rescuing: I can take care of myself!

In too deep
You too, will be whisked away someday, without permission. The insects in my pool have finite lives, but not so with you and I. We have spirit within us and we are cognizant of life, of death, of something that is greater and eternal. 

God sees us when we are in too deep, floundering without a way out. He knows when you and I have travelled to dangerous places, unknowingly subjecting ourselves to potentially life threatening circumstances. He offers you, me, all of His creatures, a Hand to scoop us out, a life raft for us to climb atop to take us to safety. 

Christ is the Life Guard on duty, and He cannot sit by and watch the helpless, the hopeless, struggle without going to them to save. 
  • What about you? 
  • Have you been rescued, or are you like the beetle and spider, and need not, ask not, accept not, the gift freely offered and given? 
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance (Luke 15:7)

The Life Guard and ALL of heaven rejoicing over repentant sinners like little old me, and little old you. Can you imagine it dear one? Amazing. 

If you have not already, call on the saving grace of Jesus today, and feel the filling of your soul with Living Water. 

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