Monday, July 18, 2016

That's Ridiculous

I learned something about the Muslim faith of Islam recently. They do not believe God can die because then there wouldn't be anyone "running the show". Seemed like a reasonable argument and for someone like me who believes in the Three Persons of the Trinity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, my first inclination is to form my own argument to prove why God can and did indeed, die. My son heard what I heard from the Imam and when I asked him what he thought he said "That's ridiculous, God can do whatever He wants." Please understand me here, now: it is not my intention to mock, criticize or belittle anyone and their beliefs and my hope is that you won't either. I am more interested in what we all believe about who God is. My son's answer was astounding to me and spoke of what he believes about God and what He is capable of. It also made clear to me that my faith is somehow stilted. My immediate response to the Imams seemingly logical philosophy was also philosophically logical, meaning I felt compelled to argue points of view with one or the other of us eventually being proven right, based on the strength of debating points in each persons arsenal. This is not nor will it ever be a winnable argument. Faith is not philosophy, it is fundamental. A return to what you, what I believe about God is my point. How we perceive Him and what He is capable of taints or tints our glasses and by kind or ruthless association, how we relate to ourselves, others and the world around us. Who is God to you? What do you believe about Him? What is impossible/possible for God? Can He do anything, everything and "whatever" He wants? What restrictions has He, if any? I can only speak from my learning about the God of the bible and it is this: He cannot lie, He cannot cheat or steal. He does not make mistakes (and this includes people, we are all precious to Him) nor does He have regret or guilt for the past, present or future. He is perfect in all of His ways and He alone holds the keys to life and death. He rules the universe and orders the stars and He has counted each hair on our heads and He alone can paint our skin and eye colour. Our future is in His hands and we can kick and scream, stomp our feet and object but this will get us no where when He decides what "it" is going to be. Is it ridiculous to believe that God can do whatever He wants, including dying on a cross to rise again on the third day, the Master of life, death and time eternal? Is it ridiculous to YOU, Dear One? I leave you to ponder, Who is God and what is He capable of? Can God do whatever He wants? Grin, don't think to hard, your brain will hurt. Go get a bible and discover for yourself what He has revealed for all to read about Who He is and what He is capable of. 

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