Sunday, June 26, 2016

Red Letters

Quoting from The Bible is popular for those who read it and oddly enough, for those who are none believers to. I have heard far too many times that the bible contradicts itself and this always makes me skeptical of the speaker. My practiced question when I hear strange statements about the bible is "have you read the bible?", to which the common response, generally speaking, is no. I then state I will not discuss its contents given the fact that I have read it. I could say here that I would have an unfair advantage over someone who has not read it but this is not the reason for my disinclination to debating biblical points. My reason for abstaining from discussion is that the bible is for believers. It is not merely a book to be equated with the many books that may line bookshelves, it is The Book. Having it in hand is a wonder. Gods mysteries unfold with history, our now and the future coming alive, being foretold and unfolding at the same time. Capturing the essence of Spirit in written Word is astounding and it is the eyes of believers that behold, the hearts of the broken that heal and the ones who long for salvation that cannot help but feel convicted and than blessed almost simultaneously by Gods mercy. I have a bible with Jesus's words written in red. There is no mistaking who He is, where He came from or what His plan is for us. He is very clear. As a Christian, I am grateful for the clarity of his red letter messages. In an unbelieving narcissistic anything goes world, it is sweet relief to know what God thinks, what instruction He has for us. Ask God the pressing question(s) you have and dare to pick up the bible for the answer. If you have some fear in the asking, perhaps you already sense what His answer will be? His word is encoded in our hearts. When we feel as though we have gone astray, chances are, we have. Having the courage to ask by seeking Him in prayer and through biblical confirmation takes concerted effort and yet, these are the only ways to know that we are united to Him, the one to whom we owe our everything. The red letters remind me of the blood of Christ, shed for those He loves more than Himself. It is by faith that I state the bible as the Holy Inspired Word of God. John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." No other book has referred to a human as The Word because this claim belongs to The One and while He came in human form, He is God Almighty. When you go bible shopping, be sure to pick up a copy with His words in stand out red-upon reading it, you will have no doubt about the message or the message Deliverer. 

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