Monday, June 20, 2016

Morning Star

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." The following is an excerpt from a message given by Dr. J.Vernon McGee entitled Bright and Morning Star and the Son of Righteousness: "It was during World War II in the city of New York. One evening a father took his little boy down the street for a walk and you remember during World War II that when a boy had gone from a home, a son or a husband, a star was put in the window. A blue star and than if that boy was killed, that star was gold. And the little fella had a lot of fun that evening as he walked down. It was a crisp cold December evening and as they walked down why he'd say, "They gave a son" and he'd go down maybe past two or three houses and see another star and say "they gave a son" and than he'd see a gold star and say "that boy died" and he would come to another and say "they gave a son" and finally, he came to a vacant lot and when he came to the vacant lot the little fella turned and looked and in the heavens was the evening star thats the morning star, Venus. And the little fella looked at it for just a moment and he says "Look Daddy, God must have given HIS SON because He's got a GOLD STAR in His window."

Does this story move you Dear Reader? What does it speak of to you? In hearing this war time story I wept because of family loss, firstly by sons and husbands given over to war and represented and hoped for in blue stars. Than I wept again as the small child acknowledged the lost, those turned into golden stars, memorialized in window after window. Lastly, my heart trembled in awe as the babe spoke of Gods heavenly window and the golden star hung there, the one that represented the ultimate sacrifice. The Son of God, dying on a cross for the sins of the world. The Righteous dying for the unrighteous. Jesus is known by many names and one of them is The Morning Star. It is His light that we look to for illumination of our souls, Truth told in us, for us, to us. God hung the stars and they speak of His majesty, declare His glory. What is hanging in the window of your heart, Dear One? Is there room there for The Morning and Evening Star? When you look to the stars, what do you see? "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Glory revealed to the hearts of believers. Is Jesus your Golden Morning Star? 

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