Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Be About Your Business

What is your business? What are you called to do? That little voice that whispers to you in the quiet, what is it telling you? No quiet you say, how come? While visiting distant relatives I enquired about business. I got the response, "business is slow". I asked one relative in particular, what is your dream job if the family business closes? I heard a short laugh as a response and than our eyes met and time froze for a moment. The smile slipped from his face and I saw something I hadn't seen before, uncertainty. There appeared too, a look of bewildered surprise at having been asked this personal question. I am a Professional Coach and asking this question comes easily and naturally but for my relative, this was clearly foreign ground or at least, unchartered territory that had been lightly trodden upon in private. This was not a topic up for discussion and he turned away from me while the noise and ruckus of the kitchen increased. He was not ignoring me or my question and I did not feel affronted. Whatever was going on in his head and heart had been tapped into and the evidence was in his eyes-What IS my business seemed to appear in a flash? I coach people about money and before we get to this hugely prevalent and prevailing topic, we dance around the issue that feels out of control for many. As a society that is no different from the ones that preceded us, we work for money to eat, drink, clothe, shelter, educate ourselves and others, right? I mean sure it is a grind but we all must carry on and work to get what we need, right? The word right is in vogue and is used as a request for confirmation by the speaker, you know what I mean? This too, is used (you know what I mean) and it is indicative of a need to be understood and accepted, to be told that I'm okay, that you are okay to carry on at all costs to maintain what is...what is isn't always what the whispered voice is advising. I pull you back to the beginning, what IS your business? How can I convince you that your calling awaits you? I love the idea of trying out new ways of experiencing the world. We get to dabble a whole lot if we so desire. Keep working, keep doing a good job and providing for yourself and your family-there is true purpose in provision. In the mean time, ask yourself, what is the more part of life I crave that is missing? Turn your gaze in that direction and ask: am I willing to follow where I am led? The questions beg your attention and thoughtful consideration. Being about your true business is a choice and can be introduced part-time until you are ready to live out your purpose all the time. Dabble a little, what do you have to lose? You have a calling, what is it? 

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