Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Gifts of the Heart

What precious gifts have you received? Recall a time when your hands were held open, anticipating a gift being placed there. What was the gift? Had you wordlessly longed for this special present and unbeknownst to you, the giver read your heart, your unspoken desire and than placed before you, the very gift you craved? The gift, it is precious to you, a filling up of what was missing. A need has been met and there, before you, is a stirring of wonderment. How did they know? How could they have possibly understood what the gift would mean, how it would touch the soul? In the moment of connection between what you want and what is given to you, you recognize that you are not alone in this life, that people, perhaps one special someone, wants to give to you, wants to see you filled up, wanting no more. Satisfied. I invite you to look around you until your eyes settle on the Giver, the one who bestows gifts. He has been watching you, listening to your heart whispers, your mumbling under the breath desires. The thoughtfulness of the Giver, that is where your heart lands. Your thoughts swirl in a whirlwind, tornado fast: You didn't have to. How did You know? What made You go out of Your way? You went too far, I don't deserve it. Oh and Thank-You, Thank-You, it means so very much to me. You stop, dead in your tracks and there is a dawning of realization~this precious gift, it is costly, extravagant. You look at the Giver and ask yourself, at what cost? Than you are bold and can't help yourself and you ask: What price did you pay for my gift? What did you give up for me? The eyes looking back at you give you their answer. You wait and than you hear the answer to your question, "Don't you know how much I love you? I love you so much that I would die for you."

What do you long for and yet have not spoken Dear Reader? Your heart wants filling up and needs acknowledgement. Someone, in fact many, watch and wait, hoping and longing for you to receive the gifts of the heart, the fruit of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of the Gift that is precious to the soul. Dare to ask and it shall be given to you. You are never out of Gods sight, He is watching you and knows your need. 

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