Monday, June 20, 2016

Galatians 6:9

Galatians 6:9: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." While on the highway returning home from a road trip, I looked up at a truck and saw printed Galatians 6:9. Curious, I looked up the biblical verse and read "Let us not become weary in doing good." Working until you are weary and being weary of your work are two different things and somewhere in there, remaining true to the first love of "doing good" must be held fast. So what is good? What do you deem to be "doing good" Dear Reader? Have you ever said to yourself "why bother, no one appreciates what I do anyway"? Here is an analogy. When holding the door open for someone to pass through, a thank-you is always welcome. When one is not forthcoming, the door holder is briefly put in a position to decide whether or not the lack of acknowledgement for the courtesy of door opening is somehow offensive? After all, if I, if you, have taken a moment to be kind, do we not deserve some notice, some appreciation? We could here make the argument that the door opener has the pleasure of having done good and this, with or without gratitude from another, is satisfaction enough. This is a high road perspective, a I don't need thanks for the good I do perspective and yet, there is something missing. There has been an exchange, a gift perhaps unasked for and yet received, taken without acknowledgement. The person walking through the door could have opened it themselves you say? They didn't need the help, didn't ask for it and really, are not obligated to give thanks. All true Dear Reader. Playing both sides of this argument is easy, because you and I, we have walked through many an open door and have also pushed/pulled many a heavy door ourselves, haven't we? My thinking is going in one direction and I will confess here and now that I have been an ingrate. That is to say, I have not always noticed, not always been thankful for the heavy doors that have been held open for me. Taking gifts for granted is easy until we stop and take notice, begin to see with awe struck wonder just how much we have received without asking, without believing we had a need, without ever considering there is someone to thank. If God had tired of doing good, I for one would have been a goner long ago, lost to my own self absorption and ingratitude. The heaviest door has been held ajar for you and me without us ever earning entrance, ever making it to the VIP list because all are welcome and qualifying to pass through the door is impossible. It is by the grace of God alone that we are able to pass over the threshold without ever having to push or pull our way through to the other side. Jesus is the gate keeper and He knows your name. Your entrance has been paid for and all you need do is accept the gift of salvation by declaring Him your Saviour. The good we do, it is for His Kingdom, His Glory and in His Name. May you never weary of doing good and may you reap a harvest by never giving up, in Jesus name. 

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