Saturday, May 7, 2016

One Two Punch

Right jab, right hook, upper cut. Left jab, left hook, upper cut. These are the instructions I used to give as a cardio box instructor. Participants looked into the mirror as they threw punches. If the right hand and arm was being activated, the left hand remained in front of the face, just below eye level, to protect from incoming opponent punches, and visa versa. The pace was slow at first. Learning to punch is awkward and feels completely uncoordinated, especially when switching to the none dominate side. Once the punches were learned and transitions became more natural, we moved to double time. "Be fierce, punch like you mean it, like you are fighting for yourself and make some noise". I learned long ago that to fend off an attacker, screaming NO had some effect and acted like a deterrent. Silence, on the other hand, does nothing in the way of stoppage. As instructor, I had a longing for the people that took this class. I wanted them to learn how to fight, how to take themselves seriously, how to stand up for themselves and say NO. The best defence is a good offence and kicking or punching first when an attack is eminent is key to throwing off an opponent or would be space and body invader. Learning how to fight is essential and the physical training of the body has the power to generate internal mechanisms of attack and self defence in emotional arenas. Transferable skills. To be cut and dry honest here, I will declare the why of this writing. Humans can be and are, predatory. In this me society, many are trained in the self indulgence of narcissism and getting what they want with complete disregard for the impact their remorseless actions may have on others. If this be true and you are in agreement with this statement, then perhaps you will also agree that there are victims that fall prey to these mammalian empathy and compassionless creatures that roam the earth in search of their next fix? I know I know, this all sounds so dramatically dangerous and yet, you need only look around you to see that what you are reading is screaming be aware. Or perhaps, Dear Reader, you can relate to being the hunted, the one hurt and maimed, licking your wounds in wonder of how you have been so brutally attacked. Dare I say that the attack was by someone you know and have trusted? Please do not misunderstand me. I am not advocating fighting, attacking, violence. What I am stating is that if you are not willing to stand up for yourself you are in a precarious position of being prey and predators can sniff you out from miles away. If we water this down to one societal explanation that you have heard much about and perhaps have experienced, it is called Bullying. The power of the bully is seeing the weakness in their subject of torture and when they smell blood, the ruthless comes out of them and no amount of giving in to them will make them back off. I am not a predator, I am not prey. I do, however have a keen sense of how these base instincts and human behaviours play out. You can have this awareness and act on your knowledge. Learn how to fight, for yourself. Learn it from someone who knows the ropes and can model and teach you. Once you can fight for yourself, go teach someone else. You are not prey, you are wonderfully, powerfully, creatively made for Glory. 

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