Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I was having a texting conversation with a young friend and his response to my message was Obsoletely. I laughed when I read this because it appeared as somewhat of a Freudian slip which is defined as: an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings. What he meant to write was absolutely and what appeared was something quite different. It is kind of like shaking your head no when yes is coming out of your mouth. Try this, it is hard to do at first and yet this is exactly what happens when what we want and what we do are two different things. Incongruent. I like Freudian slips because they are honest and can be laughable, if we don't take ourselves and others too seriously that is. Obsoletely is an interesting and awkward word, isn't it? What if we used it in sentences? I obsoletely agree. What you just said is obsoletely true. That is obsoletely ridiculous! Can you see how much fun becoming obsolete can be? Whether on purpose or a Freudian slip, the truth springs or leaks out of us one way or another. You know I am all about the learning Dear Reader, yours and mine. Learning is about newness, expansion, growth of the heart mind and soulful spirit. If you are not learning, than you are a stagnant pool of swampy water and it may very well be that it is  your stinking thinking (thank you Zig Ziglar for this phrase) that has become absolutely obsolete. Feeling bored, uninspired, hum drum and vacant? What is tired about your life? What needs an up-do, redo, or complete renovation? Things and thoughts become obsolete and useless when they no longer serve a purpose or worse yet, cause stagnation. What did you learn or get from reading this? Nothing, you say? Than why pray tell, are you reading this sentence? How motivated are you to rid yourself of the obsolete, the tired ways of doing and thinking? It is and always has been, absolutely up to you to choose. 

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