Monday, February 17, 2025

Under God's Wings - Delta Down

What do you make of a de-winged plane lying on its back?

All flight crew and passengers exited the plane, alive. I wonder how they are doing; how this extreme landing has impacted their sense of well-being. Are they in awe, praising God for the miracle of their survival? Are they nervous wrecks, terrified of having been flipped and hanging from their seatbelts, suspended until released and dropped to the cabin roof, so that they could make their way to the two exits? How does one perceive their experience, when they have been spared to live another day, shaken to the core and living to tell about it?

Flight cancelled
A friend of mine that I love in a big way, had her flight cancelled on Saturday. She was set to fly out of Toronto, but wisdom dictated otherwise, due to winter rearing its magnificent and bossy head. It is foolhardy to think we can outwit the wind and blustering snow, and yet, my friend reported that passengers took flight cancellations very badly, getting angry at the staff that informed them they would receive refunds, but wouldn't be sitting on a plane any time soon. I wonder, are they grateful, now that reports about the upside down Delta are out? 

Plane accidents are more frequent now. It used to be that it was safer to fly in the sky than down the highways. The trouble with flying is that when a plane goes down, many more people potentially die compared to car crashes and so, when a plane goes down and the people survive, it can only be that the mighty hand and will of God has given them a stay. Miracles happen, and we get to praise God for each and every one. The weather is being manipulated, and no matter what mischief men get down to, God can always be counted on to give a reprieve, when he so chooses. Seems like this upside down incident is rather comical on some levels ... if we land and hang suspended in mid air and get cut loose so we can right ourselves, then maybe we are receiving a message about getting our affairs in order. Get right with God is the note dangling in front of faces blood red from the bat like positioning in that plane, because the next time, things might not turn out so great; second chances may not be served up as an option. 

Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler

The image of the plane on its back with a wing missing is alarming. It reminds us to be ever so appreciative of each and every plane trip we have ever taken, that had us lift into the air and land safely on the ground at our chosen destination, without any effort on our part. Man made the planes, sure thing, God gave them the intelligence to craft these outstanding machines, but dear reader, God holds everything together in such magnificent ways, that when we see things falling apart, we are made to recall how much we take for granted, and how grateful we ought to be for all we have survived thus far. 

Close calls
Do expect more plane crashes, and deaths too. I do not say this to scare you, I merely state what I anticipate happening, because pilots got lethal injections and so did flight staff, along with airport employees. In fact, look up how many planes are going down these days, and you will be shocked and perhaps even frightened at the frequency. This said, I want you and I to take a moment and thank God for our own close calls, and all the times God rescued us, when we could have been taken out of this world rather than given a postponement. 

My friend, the one whose flight was cancelled, has reverence for God. She fears him and has a righteous attitude about his Sovereignty. It matters not what plotting and planning the evil ones are occupying themselves in, God rules and reigns supreme, and we can praise him each time he makes a fool out of prideful men, and gives them the grace to be dumbfounded at his generosity, when giving them time to repent and be reformed, redeemed by Christ as Lord. 

Delta Down ... how supinely divine. 

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