Thursday, February 20, 2025

Kick 'Em When They're Down ...

Covid con-artists abound. They did an exceptional job tricking the masses but then again, the many that make up the masses, love to be misled. 

I know some people that I hold near and dear, that I have compassion for, that wouldn't kill a spider or hurt a flee, let alone injure purposefully, another human being, because their hearts are huge and they love living creatures in extraordinary ways. I think of them and I ache, longing for them to know and feel God's presence every waking and sleeping moment, especially when they are feeling unwell. They got injected ... and they just didn't know at the time, that a scam had been perpetrated world wide. They simply, plain old, did not know. 

Some say Donald Trump just didn't know either, and that he was duped, tricked, and unwittingly fell into some unseen trap set for him by Fauci. The Don, some say, some think, some believe, was shanghaied into pushing poison on the populace, and since he just didn't know, he just isn't accountable either. 

I think of rape victims in the olden days, being accused of "asking for it" if their clothing was suggestively sexy prior to the violent attack on their being: the victim was re-victimized when the perpetrator(s) were painted pretty and innocent, despite the massive trauma they caused. That is how I see what is now happening, with all the Trump Ra Ra, all the support he gets, all the love pouring out toward him, while victims of poisonous injections silently suffer, believing it is their own fault, for trusting the fraudsters. 

For every excuse made for this man, there is someone that is being diagnosed with a turbo cancer. For every lie told to keep this man in a holy place where he is not culpable for what he has said and done, there is someone sitting bedside, holding hands with a friend or family member that is slipping away. For every cheer and set of hands clapping for The Don, there is a child being diagnosed with heart disease, or young man or woman being told they have high blood pressure. Young people are killing themselves in desperate droves with mental illnesses that they cannot suffer, and old people are being shot up as though they are drug addicts, hidden away in nursing homes with their life expectancy shortened, despite the advances of modern technology and "medicine".

Trump called Dr. Albert Bourla of Pfizer, One of the great people, one of the great business men. Now one would think that perhaps this would be an unwise thing to say publicly, considering the injury and death rates for people that were injected with Pfizer's potions, and the outrage that it might stir in the relatives that lost a loved one after lethal injections of said potions, but no, not at all! Trump banks on saying whatever he likes and remaining the white knight in shining armour, ready to save the day, the year, the next four years and beyond. 

One might also think that Fauci would be under arrest, since he so wickedly deceived Trump and people are dying in atrocious numbers, but alas, there is no such plan in place for justice to be served up for any of the perpetrators, which brings us back to the closing of this very full circle, with debauchery safely huddled in the middle. The victims are cast aside in favour of protecting the villains, and I say for shame on all that defend the wicked and without pity, do not consider the humbled and weakened amongst us. 

For, shame. 

If you are a Trump supporter, I insist, I simply must stand resolute and firm when I say, that you are kicking victims in the stomach and dropping them down at your feet, because you certainly aren't willing to see that murder is afoot, the killers roam free and back slap one another, and you have a twisted understanding of what is just, true, right, kind, merciful, and godly. The people that need to be protected, defended, fought for, are being ignored and neglected by you, every time you take the side of a man that has no sense of shame and continues on a path that is all his own and leads to destruction; his conscience is what The Bible calls seared. He has no regret and no remorse for what he has said and done that has damaged and disabled other human beings. 

The lie of, If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem, is the very lie that has people believing that we must pick the best of two evils, and vote for the fella that sounds almost just right, even if he is a little off. No, no, no. Sinners are not saviours, they aren't the "solution", and people need to snap out of their stupor, ask God to forgive them for playing a role in moving wicked people into positions of authority and power, and plead to know, Lord, what can I do for the injured, the lost, the wounded, the ones that need protective curative love ... 

What, Lord, is the work you have for me?

Let us be very clear. People are still masking, they are still covid testing, they are still getting shots, and they still believe the lie, and Trump is making money from this, loads and loads of money on the propaganda that continues to be pushed, and pushed hard, on the unsuspecting. When the president of the United States of America is just a sarcastic jokester that means no harm, despite promoting the killing king of Pfizer, then something has gone seriously wrong in logical, deductive reasoning, and the cloud of deception has blurred and blinded the fans, followers, devotees, and worshippers, that make up the crowd that love a man that hates people to death. 

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him (Revelation 12:9)

If you don't know it yet, you will find out in short order, that Donald Trump is demonically animated and motivated, and his love for filthy lucre makes him the perfect man for the job of spokes-person for his daddy the Devil. 

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