A moment prior to the deletion of my instagram accounts, my eyes and mind were assaulted. I had tapped on the application to open it, and behold, in seconds, I saw a man violently striking another man while they stood in close proximity on what I believe, was a subway. I can still see the slow motion stills, one image added to the next, in my mind's eye, and it continues to disturb my peace when I ponder how willing a person is, to strike a stranger, while someone video tapes the scene as though it is a movie shoot.
Are we in abusive relationships, dear reader, when we witness violence and say and do nothing, as bystanders? I think so, because it violates the spirit and vexes the soul, and then there is that feeling that the exact same thing can happen to us, or to someone we care about.
Have you expressed your thoughts on social media only to be verbally insulted and attacked, as though your character deserves assignation? This is common practice, and we are all aware of how very vulnerable we are, when moral agents are few and far between.
I look at the paragraph above this one and think to myself, I am only vulnerable when I expose myself to pathogens of the sick people variety. This stated, I have carved out a new routine that I am enjoying immensely. I read the massive tome entitled Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, in my quiet office, first thing in the morning, minus media. Minus media has such a lovely ring to it, doesn't it dear reader?
I have given myself the gift of exclusivity. I have excluded interruption, interference, and interlopers that have nothing valuable to add to my life. I don't watch the news, so why in the name of all that is holy, should I see the vulgarity that others think funny or entertaining, that only demeans humanity and makes them a mockery? It has taken me some time to come to terms with what we have all experienced, that has shell shocked us into a stupor. The title of this writing is Recognizing Abuse, and is that not exactly what we have been subjected to, with all the broadcasts that insight hate, division, and cruelty amongst men?
I consider my cell phone now, and how I want it to fit in, and out, of my life. I get to decide - minus an unwelcome sense of obligation, guilt, or an unspoken suggestion, that I must respond immediately when it receives a message - if I want to respond, and in what manner. This clearing the way to peace in my mind has been challenging because I am a relational person, and I never want anyone to feel as though they are not valuable, and deserve a response. I wrote that last sentence, and I admit, some people will not get the response they would like, but that is a part of life and relationships, and we all must consider what is important, and how to spend the short time we have been granted by God.
Uninterrupted time is our most valuable choice and soul asset. Being alone with God is what revs my engine and grants me the comfort of knowing him as my Provider. I want for nothing when in his Presence, and I am made servant for the good of God's people when I abide first in him, and then go amongst the brethren. When I ponder, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, I am renewed in my resolve, to live according to God's will and God's way, for the sanctification of my soul, and the edification of his children.
Joshua 24:14-15
Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Dear reader, you cannot be exposed to a dust storm and not have particles enter into your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and soul. To be clear, you cannot be exposed to any form of abuse, without having it infiltrate your being, and cause you massive and sometimes ignored, discomfort. It is the ignoring of the discomfort that will have you return to the abuser, and have you yet again, subjected to his/her maltreatment. Social media is now a prevalent and public form of predator, and I pray that more people decide to scroll and post less, spend time alone with God in The Bible, and get right with our Maker.
God is our hope, and our salvation. We must choose rightly, otherwise perfect strangers will chose wrongly for us.
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