Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Don Shoots, He Scores

The year is 2016, and Donald J Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Centre, Iowa:

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, Ok?" It's, like, incredible."

Yes, Donald, it truly is incredible, meaning impossible to believe, because you are so right, about being about to get away with murder without losing voters. The regular folk just cannot get enough of you, and you are so hallowed as to be able to boy scout say, and do, just about anything, while being lauded. I don't have a problem with you personally, Donald ... I have difficulty with the other human beings that wanna eat you up with a spoon, as though you are the best flavour. and their personal favourite, in the Baskin-Robbins selection line-up. 

I recall you as the prez, the final say, the one that determined who should stay and who should go on the show The Apprentice. Humans loved to hate you Donnie, because what people admire and perhaps fear the most, is power, alpha male top dog I win every time power: You had that power in the show that had you sitting as judge and final juror, determining when someone was summarily dismissed, and you were given the awesome role of saying, You're fired, while pointing your finger, singling out the best of the worst in a crew of people trying to please you. 

Tail between their legs, the newly fired loser would head for the elevator while the receptionist watched the departure ... cut, they were cut from the team, and you were seen as Da Man, bigger than life, flanked by one or another of your children in the boardroom. I didn't like you then and I certainly don't like you now, but that, again, is not the reason for my writing. It does not matter what I think of you, all that matters is the chronicling of what you are saying and doing, and the hope that people actually see you as you are, and not how they want to ice cream flavour you, in their mucked up thinking. NOTE: The Apprentice was a great piece of weekly predictive programming for the masses. Viewing audience members got trained up to see you pointing your finger and saying the words, You're fired, in your ruthless, big business man success suits, and now they get to watch you doing the very same thing for the cameras. Good job Donnie, good job! You managed to blend theatre and backstage with current modern day reality. In fact, your life is one big reality show, but people cannot tell that this is so ... thus my concern. 

Shoots off his mouth
The Don shoots, he scores, dear reader. The Don shoots off his mouth, and with every seventh grader speech he gives, he scores points. People think he is being sarcastic, playful, jovial, funny, while he makes financial and resource threats to other countries; and while he speaks plainly about absorbing other countries as though he is a massive sponge, boldly displaying confidence that nothing will stop him from doing as he says he will do. He gives credit and awards to people like Bourla and Fauci, and he has long lunches with the likes of Bill Gates, while hobnobbing with virtual heroes, Elon Musk and what is that fellas name, the one that stole two brother's idea, and made a killing out of it, oh ya, Zuckerberg, mister Meta reality. 

The set up is so perfect, no wonder it has caught so many flies! The web has been woven so tightly, and is so translucent as to be almost invisible, that the unsuspecting only discover the stickiness once they are already trapped. I comprehend, dear reader, how difficult it will be for you to extricate yourself, but do know, you can, if you decide that you prefer fact over fiction. The moral of the story here, is liars lie, they mislead, and I wonder, are you one of the flies held still, awaiting the sinking in of the venomous spider fangs? 

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, Ok?" It's, like, incredible."

Now, just to challenge your thinking a little, if it so happens that you dig the Trumpster, I have to ask, since you may be a devotee:
  • Does what he said about being able to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue strike you as funny? 
  • How about his arrogant proclamation that he wouldn't lose any voters by doing so? 
  • Is this just something a playful, sarcastic person would say? 
  • Are you a sarcastic, playful, jovial person, that would say such a thing to prove your popularity, and your untouchable personage? 
That public statement, recorded for posterity, gave us a glimpse of the pride and arrogance of a man that once in office, told the people of his nation, in a most cavalier manner, to get injected. Donald's love affair with money is well-known, and dear reader, as an immoral man, he has proven over and over again, that what he admires and appreciates most, is cash: he surrounds himself with people that steal for a living, kill for a living, and murder naturally without batting an eye, and he isn't even shy about it ... but still, he is seen as somehow naively innocent, a business man that will make people's bank accounts great again. So, I suggest a most insulting thing to you right now, that perhaps, if you like Trump, you too, have a love affair with money:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10)

I beseech you to go before God, and ask him to look into your heart and next, give you clarity about what is going on in there. What are your motives to support someone that says what he means and means what he says, even when it is vulgar, abusive, self-congratulatory, and promotes violence against others in the form of figurative or actually, shooting, via a gun or syringe? 

What, dear one, will it take, for you to actually believe what this man is saying, and not just excuse him as guileless and innocent of wrong doing? 

What will it take, for you to love the truth, and only the truth, so help you God, and not be swayed to the piecing of your own soul, by your love of money? 

What will it take?

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