- We have artificial intelligence, which is truly oxymoronic
- We have fictitious people, defined as not real or true; imaginary or fabricated
- We also have factitious people, defined as artificially created or developed
- Ious means, full of or having ... fictit-ious - full of fiction; factit-ious - full of fakery
Artificial, made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural; contrived or false
We have so called artificial intelligence and we also have artificial people ... facsimiles, copies of the original.
Dear reader, we have all manner of pretending and feigning happening all around us, and this drives me to distraction sometimes, and it also has me wanting to distinguish between what is real, who is real, and what is not coupled with who is not, authentic.
As a coach, what I hear people say they want the most is to be themselves, even if it means shedding the heavy weight of people pleasing; even if it means they would prefer that people leave their relationship circle in favour of being alone, or better yet, including others into their lives that strive to be their honest to goodness selves too. Not so with the frauds and fakers ... they work their deceptive tailbones right off every time they open their mouths and strange fictitious things come out making them factitious, artificial, and colouring them clever but clearly, as ignoramuses. When people pretend, they actually believe in their powers to trick others, believing they are masters over truth and lies, and everyone else is too stupid to figure out what the facts are ... that mentality, is the height of arrogance and pride.
I admit I am ever so slightly obsessed with the truth. I get irritable when I hear lies, in fact, one time, while sitting listening to a pastor speak that I know was verbally plagiarizing from a book I had just read (I have odd recall with books, and he was literally quoting verbatim, telling the story as though it were from his own family history, but I knew it belonged to another) I had to use a super human unnatural strength to control myself, to keep myself from shooting up from my cushy chair in that full auditorium, and shouting LIAR, LIAR!!!!!
I realize how great God is, dear reader. That book was fresh in my memory and I can still recall the details now, of the story the pastor pretended was his own. Ask me to tell you what I ate two days ago and there is blank space on my white board mind, but that story is alive for me, all these years later, and I give God credit for his perfect timing, his supernatural revealing of truth, so that his children can be made free from deceivers, including those that profess faith and pretend to be pastors of God's flock.
Wary to wise
I recall my disappointment, and my coming to terms with the reality that many a pastor in my past was no where near the holiness we are called to as Christ followers, in fact, so many preacher types have sold their souls in favour of having fans, humans that are in desperate need of godly leaders, so much so that they become devotees of the one on the stage that speaks pretty heart warming words of welcome, but never come close to calling out sinners from the path of destruction they are travelling towards damnation. Jesus died for the sins of the world ... your wicked debauchery and mine, but alas, this is not a pleasant thing to hear and can drive people out of pews and theatre comfy plush seats.
I used to be wary, because of the once burned twice shy lesson, but I don't think I am wary any more, dear one, I do believe I have matured and have become more wise. I simply do not look to human beings to lead me, and in fact, I do more of the leading now ... right to The Bible! Praise God Almighty, The Bible is authentic, it is factual, the people and their stories are real, and Jesus Christ is the Truth! I need not worry about being misled, deceived, or faked out; I can count on being warned, told the truth, and being encouraged to be my godly self, modelling me after my Saviour.
Jesus said this to his disciples:
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16)
How very sweet, dear reader, to be wise and harmless at the very same time. And how very kind God is to let us know that wolves are in our midst, and while we endeavour to direct the sheep toward heaven, their are many that attempt to hide their fangs and their blood lust for the flock. If a preacher does not preach Christ and him crucified, he is no preacher at all ... If a professing man of God never speaks of sin or hell, he is not reading and teaching from the Good Book, he is casting a spell to soothe and amuse his audience, lulling them to sleep.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding (Proverbs 9:10)
Fear of the Lord is what is missing, dear reader. Preachers are free from hardship these days. They coasted through covid comfortably, closing their doors to the flock when men told them to, and now they carry on as though covid never happened, business as usual.
Do you trust as though covid never happened, dear one? Is everything back to normal for you, post the greatest fraud of our lifetime? Are you at all rankled by the sickness and suffering you are witnessing all around you, or have you just moved onward and upward from the all time low we just lived through, of fictitiousness, factitiousness, artificial, fabricated and fraudulent betrayal perpetrated against the people of the world?
Listen ... this word listen is used often by speakers to get attention, and I use it here to regain yours if you have faded away from what we are talking about. We all need to snap out of our stupor and hold each other to the highest standards of honesty and truth telling. We cannot give ourselves or anyone else a free get out of jail pass because God will certainly not: he is Holy beyond our imagining, and as Judge, Jesus will not tolerate unrepentant sinners in his eternal presence - if this were the case, he needn't have died on the cross for our sins - we are forgiven when we repent, not when we say we, or someone else, was "good" enough.
Listen ...
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand (John 10:27-28)
Contrast the scripture above with this:
1 Timothy 4:1-5
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works
Dear reader, the Spirit of God warns us that some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ... I acknowledge this to be so, and it was frighteningly evident during the covid fiasco, that purported men of God really were cowards waiting in the wings until the coast was clear, and they could begin again, with their watered down alleged christianity.
God's timing, as I stated above, is perfect. He supernaturally reveals truth for you and I to sharpen our discernment, understand the times we are living in, and do our own version of separating ourselves out from the goats. If you hear your Father's voice, you too, will be repelled by the words shooting out as deadly daggers aimed to kill faith in God as Sovereign, and you will not rely on mere men as saviours. Lies will be become more evident with every moment you spent in God's word, and every moment you resist spending time listening to liars.
Sage advice has been given since the dawn of man. Worship God and God alone, seeking first his kingdom and forsaking what the world has to offer you, in favour of your own salvation. God will guide and teach you every step of the way, all you need do is stop listening to the frauds and fakes that love themselves over and above everyone and everything else, and start immersing yourself in The Bible. Your time is short, you must make most excellent use of it.
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