Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Love Bombing & Hate Harpooning

What is love bombing, you ask? Love bombing is explained thusly: an attempt to influence another person with over-the-top displays of attention and affection.

What is hate harpooning, you ask? Hate harpooning is explained thusly: an attempt to negatively impact the self-esteem and worth of another person by insulting their physical attributes and criticizing their character. NOTE: hate harpooning is a Linda Grace Byers original term, borrow liberally if you like. Sharing is caring and I don't mind you utilizing my lingo.

There is a Netflix mini-series entitled Apple Cider Vinegar, and if you want to see a narcissist in action, do plant yourself and anticipate being frustrated and annoyed, while watching the most excellent portrayal of Belle Gibson, thief and con-artist extraordinaire. I enjoyed the show immensely, because it gives the viewing audience intense and accurate depictions of people just like Belle, that prey on unsuspecting victims by luring them with warm over-the-top affectionate attention, and alternatively lambasting them when the predator does not get the response they desire and demand, with attacks on their appearance and their very being, who they are, with harsh and cruel soul slicing abusive slurs. 

Part of my work as human being is to act as a harbinger. I cannot help myself, dear reader, I must warn, set off alarm bells for the masses, to let them know that they are in danger of being devoured whole. There are people in this world that do not have a lick of sympathy, or empathy, or compassion, for others. They do not feel or even perceive pain in another, but they are keen in their understanding that emotions move people in one direction or another, and if they can tap into a another person's needs, for love, for attention, for affection, for being noticed, or lead because they feel lost, then they can get them to do what they want, without having to reciprocate. It is the reciprocating that does not exist, between a predator and its prey ... a narcissist can take, bleeding other people dry, and never once consider how devastating it is to be the one taken advantage of. 

The show, Apple Cider Vinegar, can give you, the viewing audience member, glimpses into the psyche of a sicko, and perhaps, dear reader, you will see someone you know in the personage of the pretender. Acting is a way of life for those that want something from people like you and me, providing nothing in return as a good will offering. Isn't it wise for you and I to know, not only that these people live and breathe and wait for their next catch, but also for us to be able to read the ones we are with, and detach emotionally from them in order to save ourselves from their destructive influence? Say yes, dear one, to understanding the enemy in your midst so that you can begin to make choices that will spare you the agony of financial, mental, physical, and spiritual harm. It is easy to get taken, and be thrown off your guard, but for how long? How long are you willing to play mouse to their cat?

If you suspect you are being dealt with by a narcissist, meaning they have somehow roped you in and you are finding it difficult to extricate yourself, know that you can say no to their demands, but brace yourself: they will attack you in as many ways as it takes until they see you crumple. Don't do it, don't show your hurt. Just know it is them, not you, that gets to choose your company, and then find a way, to walk away. 

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