Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Social Media Soaked

I think it is time, dear reader, to recalibrate to Christ. 

I recall a friend wanting to send me an email. I said, "I don't have it; don't want it; won't ever get it either." That was twelve years ago. I recall finding FB annoying to navigate, useless to utilize, a waste of precious time: I am not sure how long ago that was, but suffice it to say, life is different than it was before accessibility. 

I lock my doors at the end of the day, ensuring security by checking each entry point to stave off intruders. I realize that if someone really wants to break in, the windows of my house will offer little resistance if said person, is determined to enter uninvited. 

When I consider what used to be a private life, I realize I have opened the door to interactions, of the virtual variety, in more ways than one. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed many a new friendship as a result of these exchanges, and my business has been positively impacted via what seems to be free advertising: so I am not complaining one little bit! What I am doing, is considering some ... considering what I want, what I need to do to have it, and how I will go about accomplishing this goal. 

Before I suss this plan out with you here, I must make a confession. I really am not too fond of missing you, your face, your voice, your tell tale expressions, laughter, snorts, or even eyebrow raised questioning of my opinion. I miss it all, all of you, and I can say this with candour because I do love people in all our wonderfulness, and hideousness too. I have no control over what happens between us when you and I are apart, and the only things I have to go on, are the words and tiny pictures clicked onto a virtual page, and my potential misinterpretations, or even, the risk we both take, of drifting apart due to perceived insult or injury, intended or otherwise. In other words, words on a screen just don't cut it, dear reader: they are a shoddy substitution for real time in person relating. 

Who amongst us hasn't lost a friend or two, from what we have written, the pictures we have posted, or the opinions we have expressed when not face to face. It is cowardly, to say the least, for us to behave this way. I recognize somehow, without invitation, an intruder wreaking havoc, has entered the realm of what ought to be healthy interpersonal relations. Healthy relationship is virtually (pun intended) impossible, when exchanges exist only in the ether. Healthy relationship also includes disagreements, navigating unpleasant feelings, working through a tough situation until there is a repair bid, and an agreement to try to understand another persons point of view. 

Question: are these things now lost to us?

I am considering a new way of living, at least as a test run, to see what kind of impact my choices make on my personal wellbeing. I will chronicle my experiences, journal them, write about them, or not. The point is, I don't want to be productive for the sake of being productive, I want to be aware and available to what truly is, and not be sold a bill of goods from an uninvited interloper and thought thief, that I would never have engaged prior to being social media soaked. 

🎯 What I want
🎯 What I need to do to have it
🎯 How I will go about accomplishing this goal

🕊 I want peace in the midst of the storm, with Jesus in my boat
🕊 I need to spend time in the Word of God, soaking up His wisdom
🕊 I will spend the next couple of weeks off all social media, starting immediately after posting this piece of writing. 

I know we all have influence and impact in our own circles: this said, I do believe a hiatus of sorts is good for the soul, mind, spirit, body. I want to calibrate to Christ, and dear reader, I simply cannot do this, marinating in the juices of injustices that flow freely on social media.

What better time than now, as the days promise to bring more light, to ponder our existence, and live the will of God? 

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