Friday, December 2, 2022

Danielle Smith is Consistent

It is easy to say that you are okay with abortion, especially if the one considering it, isn't you, or someone you love. It is easier still, if you approve of the killing from a distance, meaning you aren't the one committing the act of murder.

It is some kind of sick wonderfulness, to be encouraging toward people that are demonically influenced to cut off their genitalia, to take poisonous concoctions that mimic natural hormones, and dress as though they are something and someone they are not, as a member of the opposite sex...

Opposite, oppositional. That is what we are witnessing on a grand scale. Human beings publicly, shamelessly, with grotesque unabashed pride, opposing the will of God and even how He created them. And dear reader, those that need love, compassion, spiritual guidance, and some good old fashioned physical help (if someone is pregnant, they may need your support to stay pregnant, have the baby, and either raise the young one or have the courage to give the child up for adoption), ought to be able to get that assistance, and not be encouraged to take the route that has them living forever with horrendous mistakes they cannot undo. 

The ones making forever changes are in dire need, but I am not focusing on them today. I have my sights set on those that approve of abortion, and queer lifestyles that explicitly go against God's commands. Danielle Smith is in my cross hairs, and I aim to shoot and cut through all the mental meandering people are inclined to engage in, in order to satisfy their need to believe that someone must lead them, accepting and lauding the best of the worst, because no other options present themselves.

To be clear, I take absolutely NO PLEASURE in writing about people like Danielle. I want nothing more than to report that all is well, that the world and the people inhabiting the globe, are moving along nicely, respectfully, kindly. I have friends that I admire and respect that I offend consistently for thinking and saying what I do, but I cannot help myself, and will not either, from shouting down ANYONE and EVERYONE that goes against God Almighty. 

Don't get me wrong, God doesn't need my help, nor my cocktail sized, plastic, pink, stir-stick sword to defend Him. That isn't the point. The point, dear reader, is to speak against evil when I hear it, and see it, in the hope that people will stop colluding with the murderous spirit that is roaming freely in this world. The murderous spirit suggests baby killing, and also suggests that anything goes on the sex and gender front: the suicide rate for those that have been sodomized is extremely high, and rather than encourage a queer approach to life, we ought to be modelling a Biblical family way to wholesome healthiness. 

Outrageously, Danielle Smith can be quoted as saying:

"When our members elected me they knew they were electing a candidate that was pro-choice and pro-gay marriage" and "The only way we're going to be able to become a mainstream big-tent conservative party capable of forming government is to focus on the issues that matter to Albertans. If I am elected premier, a Wildrose government will not be legislating in areas of morality" APRIL 11th, 2012, CTV NEWS

Fast forward to December 2nd, 2022

Danielle is consistent in her stance against MORALITY. Consider what you are reading. She is STILL, pro baby killing, and STILL pro queer lifestyle. She admits to not living life based on traditional MORALS... and she is willing to LEGISLATE if elected premier, into government, in areas that go against God's specific commandments. I reiterate, Danielle is consistent and has remained true to her own belief system, and now she is living her dream as premier, which aligns perfectly with the luciferian plot. 

Now, I turn my gaze toward you, dear reader. 

🎯Are you consistent?
🎯What do you believe about killing babies?
🎯What do you believe about the queer lifestyle?
🎯More importantly, What do you believe about being obedient to God Almighty?

We must not be a house divided, dear one. We must decide whether we are aligned in all areas, including our morals, with the One that made us. We must decide that just as the enemy forms an anti christ army, we must be His salvation army, one in the Spirit, one in the Lord. To approve of someone that goes against God, is a dangerous perilous position. When this happens, self-examination is required, confession of sin is necessary for going against God's foundational will, and repentance must be observable, with a denouncing of wickedness in all its shapes and forms. 

Remember how wiley the enemy can be. Don't let him trick you into endorsing, the best of the worst. Trust in God, not in men, or in this case, a woman that goes by the name of Danielle Smith. 

In the very centre of the Bible, we find these words of instruction and wisdom:

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8)


  1. As Christ followers we need to be consistent in our adherence to what He taught and commanded of us. Jesus said "If you love me, you will do what I ask of you" (Jn 14:15).It's an indicator to Him of our love and devotion. Danielle Smith along with most conservative politicians today appear to have no issue with killing babies at any and all stages of development, including up to the moment of birth. Obviously, in their view, the developing fetus/baby is not considered a person until after birth. How absurd! Viability outside the womb can happen as early as 22 weeks. At what point in a pregnancy does the growing fetus become a "person" then? In God's opinion (and in the opinion of most biologists I might add), it is a human life at the moment of conception. Abortion supporters might say that since the fetus is not viable outside the womb, it is not a person yet. Is a one or even two year old child viable without care? Hardly! "For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother's womb" (Psa 139:13). Clearly, killing babies AT ANY STAGE of development is murder according to God and we should not compromise on that position!
    The homosexual lifestyle is clearly deemed abominable to God as it is contrary to His intent in procreation (Lev18:22, Rom 1:18-28, I Cor 6:9, I Tim 1:8-10)

    1. THANK YOU! THANK YOU, whomever you are! (Colette, is that you?)

      I really appreciate you taking the time to comment here. It is tiring to be a solo act on this front, calling out the wickedness and only getting silence in return.

      Your comment is gratifying for me to read. I just noticed it now, and I am so grateful for it!

      Yours in Christ,
      Linda Grace Byers
