Thursday, December 8, 2022

I Am A Moralist

Meaning is derived from the message, from the messenger, from the timing, the circumstances, the situation, tone and mood... meaning is multi level, multi purpose, and multi painful, if you ask me. 

Here are the words in the comments section for a blog I wrote last night:

Truth. Faith. Drive on.

This is what I decided to make of the words:

Truth is balm for the soul. Faith is the fire that sustains. Driving on makes us indomitable... perhaps this will be my blog for today, LGByers

The truth is, that without faith, their is no driving on...

Sometimes I feel like I am just talking to myself, bouncing words off walls, tapping them onto a screen from a keyboard that someone else created for my convenience. Come to think of it, there are lots of things I use conveniently, that someone thunk up and I benefit from. My hope is that I too, am a contributor, as a thought provoking truth teller, as a moralist that wants nothing more, and nothing less, than us to be honest with each other about what is important for our souls to grasp. 

I am a moralist
It occurred to me the other day that I am a moralist. I don't know why this became obvious only recently, because I have always been, a moralist. I am a mistake making, self-indulgent, wrong choices and course correcting, moralist. Knowing right from wrong isn't a guarantee that we will choose rightly: and I haven't, but I am, now more than ever before.

When I consider why the choices I now make are more righteous, I see that God has plunked me in the middle of no mans land! With fewer naughty options, I make fewer naughty choices, and as time floats past, I am more and more disinclined to indulge the flesh, so to speak. God separated many of us out from the world and its ways, and while we are still in it (the world), we are not to be of it: 

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of this world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1 John 2:15-17)

How my life is almost completely temptation free:

1. I no longer have heavy drinkers in my midst
2. I don't watch television, except for Survivor (something I do with my mom) once a week
3. My time is spent learning about people, writing, praying, working, exercising
4. Most of my friends and those I work with, are Christians, or have Christ like morals and values
5. I don't hear swearing often (except for when I am mad... that is something to work on!)
6. I don't socialize with large groups of people: I am more one on one
7. I don't date, or entertain the thought any more
8. I mind my own business, and refrain from gossip
9. I share my thoughts and feelings without hesitation... and encourage others to do the same
10. I trust in God's plan, and have made my home a sanctuary 
11. I help others when I am called to, and use my time productively (not always, but generally speaking, I do)
12. I apologize when I am wrong, ask for forgiveness when I have erred... I don't resist being taught a better way (well, perhaps I do resist sometimes, until of course, God's gentle proddings have me melty and repentant)

I am by no means perfect, but I am definitely less of a house divided, because God has done a work choosing His own out of the world so that we could contrast and compare what we see out there, and what He wants us to be, in here, meaning inside His temple, as lively stones:

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5) 

Left to our own devices, we are tempted and inclined to sinful ways. The company we keep, if we are not selective, helps us indulge what feels good in the moment: alas, God made us choose almost three years ago, and He put many of us in a position of adamancy. I am adamant, and obstinately so, about my stance on many an issue, and by God, all of them are moral, ethical, soul wrenching and searching, because dear reader, the soul is all that matters! 

I could care less about anything else: souls are of utmost importance. Without my knowing it, and you knowing it either, dear one, God has ensured that the goats and the sheep are separated out, bleating and bahhhing as we go to our respective pens. The sheep aren't good of their own accord, they are simple minded and need to be led. The goats on the other hand, are rebellious in nature, and refuse to heed the voice of the Good Shepherd. I have been penned in, and I know what being captive to Christ feels like: being in His presence makes all else pale by comparison, and I long not, for what I used to have. 

Christ is my everything. 
Is He yours, too?

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