Monday, December 5, 2022

Liberal About Truth

If you love someone, you speak truth to them, with them, for them, even when it is inconvenient, or puts you in an untenable position. 

Truth incarnate
Jesus came as Truth incarnate, and He spoke without guile or deception, with everyone within earshot. He was a curiosity, drawing crowds wherever He went: Jesus could be counted on for His honesty, without deviation, no matter the audience. 

A Muslim country
The World Cup is playing out on TV screens across the world. I type as South Korea and Brazil battle it out on the pitch. While the soccer is exciting, it is the stance of the small country that is hosting the games that has captured my attention. They said NO to deviation, to unnatural and ungodly promotion of sinful activities otherwise known as homosexuality, and disappointingly, it is a Muslim country standing on God's inalienable laws, and not a so called Christian country. Perhaps, God arranging this just as it is, to shame supposed believers, who are now facing totalitarian tyranny as a replacement for the democracy we have enjoyed, letting us know that being liberal about Truth, has its consequences. 

I recall a Seinfeld episode, and the expression "Not that there's anything wrong with that", referring to homosexually: this has become a ubiquitous statement, and only fans of the show recall its origins. Now it seems the majority of people have acclimated. and acquiesced, to this mentality, including Bible reading Christians. Dare I say as many before me have pointed out, this is precisely why we are currently on the cusp of being overrun by the proud, that have arrogantly, purposefully, imposed their demonic ways upon a too polite, too accepting, and too complacently wimpy supposedly CHRISTIAN society that decided God is wrong, and men having sex with other men, are right. Indoctrination clearly WORKS.

Humble of Heart
At the top of this writing I spoke about loving people by speaking truth to, with, and for them. The truth is stingy when we don't want to hear it or live it, or when we realize we have been lying to ourselves and others. While their first inclination may be to run away and hide, it is the brave and humble of heart that stay, and take their lumps, recognizing the error of their ways. They reform, not just for the sake of their own soul, but the sake of those they relate to and say they love. Love is always honest and true: to predicate relationship on lies, is cruel, predestining all involved to disastrous outcomes.

Dear reader, we are witnessing disastrous outcomes. 

🔥Too polite
🔥Too accepting
🔥Too complacent
🔥Too wimpy

Atrocious sins
I blame the Christians, dear reader. If you are not a Christian, you are off the meat hook. The Christians know better... to call oneself a Christian and go against the living God is an atrocity, and that too, is what we are witnessing daily, atrocious sins committed broadly without shame or remorse.

My challenge to you in this moment, if you are still with me in this writing, is to stop calling yourself a Christian, if you align with, excuse, minimize, rationalize, commiserate, with sin, that the Bible clearly warns against. The Bible is not polite, not accepting, not complacent, not wimpy, and IS all about being JUST LIKE CHRIST, if you choose to follow in His holy footsteps. If the Bible says we can be holy like Him, then I am believing it and looking into His Word to learn how:

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:13-16)


But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light... (1 Peter 2:9)

God never lies, and neither does behaviour. You are what you believe, say, and do. If what you say and do are not ordered by God's will, you have strayed from the path and need to course correct. 

Do this now, dear one, for the sake of your own soul, and those that you profess to love. Live the Truth, and God will honour you all the days of your life.  


  1. You are 100% right with every word.

  2. I appreciate the agreement anonymous... thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, LGB
