Saturday, December 10, 2022

I Am He

Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. So Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 

Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"

"Jesus of Nazareth", they replied. 

"I am he," Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.

Detachment of soldiers
Officials from the chief priests
Touches, lanterns, weapons
Judas the traitor standing with them

Let us begin, shall we dear reader, to enjoy this scene together?

I had a great image this morning of the dramatic drawing toward Jesus Christ that this scene depicts. This demonically driven contingent was prepared to use force in the darkness and cover of night, to arrest a man of miracles that proclaimed, righteously, that He was not only sent from heaven, but IS God incarnate. These men meant business, and they took themselves very seriously while on mission, armed and dangerous as they were... until of course, Jesus stated "I am he."

Picture it now with me, "they drew back and fell to the ground."

Dear reader, when someone draws backward and falls to the ground, it makes logical sense that they would land on their back, SUPINE! This is what happened to the contingent that proudly presented themselves as authorities over GOD... 

Imagine now the scattering of lanterns, torches, and intimidating "weapons". Hahahahah, this is so much fun to envision! I picture these mousy men getting up, a little stunned, coming to the realization that they drew BACK, staggered by WORDS, the WORD OF LIFE, quickly straightening out their garments, and hastily picking up their scattered things, with some of those lanterns and torches blown out from the BREATH of God extinguishing them, and the poor idiots once again, assuming their pretender positions of authority, believing they were arresting Jesus with their little man strength. They did nothing of the kind... Jesus went with, of His own accord. 

When I consider the men of God described in the Bible as falling face first at His feet, prone before Him, I see the defining differences between those that belong to Him, and those who rebelliously believe they can stand where Judas stood and get away with it. Judas was a traitor, and dear reader, that is the temptation of every human being currently living on the earth. I ask you now:
  • Where do you stand?
  • Are you a traitor?
  • Are you loyal to Jesus Christ?
  • When you hear or read the words "I am he", do they have you staggering backward, or have you drop face first before Him?
Where, dear one, do you stand, and how will you fall?

It is arrogant to suppose that we can arrest God, tie Him up and kill Him. God is not kill able, we are not enabled to do such a thing, and it is the wicked, the evil spirited, that presume this entitled position of feigned power. Those that belong to God are ashamed at the thought of attempting to domineer, demand, command, control, God, or anyone else for that matter. 

I find the scene I lifted from scripture entertaining in its ridiculous display of pride on the account of the mousy men arresting Jesus, but I also find it embarrassing too, again, on their account... and the beat goes on. This type of man lives amongst us still, and heaven forbid, that you and I are anything like them.

I am a loyal person, and a good friend to have, but I admit, I will hide behind the power of Christ, just like the disciples did in that olive grove, and will never side as Judas did with mere men. If I must choose, and we all must, admit it to yourself now, dear one, I will always choose Jesus, no matter what, who, when, where, why, or how... I think that about covers it!

Your turn, dear reader. 

I ask you again. Are you, no matter the circumstances, committed to the Truth that blows back the enemy and knocks him onto his backside?

Are you, loyal to Jesus Christ?

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