Why, it's all a moot point, dear reader.
Politics, court cases, protests, complaining, discussing, rationalizing, analyzing, hoping against hope, all moot.
People are clinging to the past, recalling better days, when opinion polls meant the surveyors would make changes based on responses, and where voting for someone meant they may actually represent constituents. I say NOPE, all done, these days are long gone, and as soon as we kill our desire to resurrect what once was, the sooner we can get down to the business of reality, you know, that thing we all face while we watch our citizenship stomped to oblivion.
Periodically yanked
We are being gripped by the ankles, and dragged face down through gravel and glass. We can't see the hands on our heels, but we feel the effects as we are tugged sometimes subtly, and periodically yanked, with soul shattering violence. The enemy are not mere humans, they are humans that are demonized, and to turn our heads away and pretend this is not so, is foolishness. Nothing is as it once was, and I suggest to you that some people have lived their entire lives in bondage, with wicked men and women ruling cruelly over them... many have died never tasting choice, never deciding for themselves what to do to earn money, how to spend it, or even experience leaving the small area they have been assigned to: what makes any of us think that this cannot happen in our own neck of the woods?
Rampaging globally
Just to be clear, I am a pragmatic realist. I know what evil looks and sounds like, not just because I have experienced it in my own life (and dear one, who hasn't, honestly?) but because I know what history we have travelled as a human race. Murder isn't new, and we are seeing the murderous spirit rampaging globally, and I don't know how to state what is happening in more simplistic terms. There are predators that speak languages we understand, and they have been plain in their speech, letting us know what their plan is. If you haven't been listening, then I urge you to start. If you have, then perhaps we can agree: it doesn't matter what they say or how we attempt to finagle our way out of a demonic strong hold in a civilized manner, we are kidding ourselves if we believe that that will do the trick, and set us free from the judgment of God.
The strong hold is real, and it is being permitted in minuscule and massive ways: we feel all of it. The satanic soulless ones are compelled and cannot help themselves. They walk a fowl path of futility, and they are predisposed to torturing the vulnerable for their own sadistic satisfaction. And the naive, they believe, they truly do, that most people are good, most people are trustworthy, most people mean what they say and say what they mean... Oh boy, nothing could be further from the truth.
Tasting choice
Choice to kill, choice to lie, choice to commit adultery, dishonour parents, steal, blaspheme and curse the name of God. These choices have dug the holes that will be filled with humans that have chosen the dark side, over being holy before Almighty God. We have taste tested our way to hellish places, right here on earth, and the cumulative affect has many of us reeling and wondering, how will we survive what is presenting itself as the next holocaust, defined as destruction on a mass scale, including persecuted members of minority groups. For instance, Christians are Biblically promised to be hated by those that hate God... hmmm, it would appear that true believers (indeed, a minority, given how quickly the vast majority of professing church going Christians, jumped on the protocol to hell bandwagon) have been targeted specifically; alas, this is a delusion on some levels, since the driving demonic force behind all that is occurring, is an equal opportunity killer. Satan is never satisfied with killing just a few, he delights in killing on a grand scale, and in particular, he gets his jollies killing those that turn their back on the Sovereign of the universe. Satan knows he is damned, and he wants others to be too.
Christ followers know this:
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)
Do we want to be offed, killed, martyred, persecuted, hung-out-to-dry, sacrificed? I say a resounding NO: we know that life is our greatest God given gift, AND we also know that life is finite on earth, while being eternal in the spiritual realm.
And that is my point. We are not mere flesh and blood. Something animates us, and the majority of people prefer the body over the soul, feeding it, satisfying it, at the expense of conscience and commitment to the One that made us. Ignoring the spirit world is tantamount to soulful suicide, and isn't this what people have done?
Hazardous moments
Jesus was tempted in the desert for forty days. Satan wanted to give Him bread, fame, fortune, in exchange for worship. Dear reader, people have said yes to these temptations in brief and hazardous moments. They didn't see past their needs for the day, and borrowed trouble for their tomorrow, when they:
- Stayed home
- Kept their distance
- Wore things on their faces in public, and at home
- Stopped visiting family and friends
- Told other adults what to do
- Spoke against those that would not follow the "rules"
- Got injected, once, twice, three times plus two (some have had five already)
- Went against their better judgment, feeling coerced and cornered and without choice
Now that we are seeing a "lifting" of the MAN dates, those that followed all the "rules" are looking rather impetuous. They did what was asked of them without suspecting ulterior motives, and THAT, dear one, is dangerous in a self-soaked satanic society. Godlessness, lack of Biblical knowledge, self-indulgence, an inability to refrain from satisfying an itch and waiting for the "this too shall pass" moment, has the masses poised for destruction. They were primed and readied for years, and they failed the temptation test miserably, when they went along to get along.
The fallout is more sin heaped on souls, especially if they do not see what they have done to themselves, and what they have brought on all of us. We simply cannot separate out from the collateral damage, and the Luciferian's know this quite well.
- Did YOU know this too?
- Are YOU aware of the spiritual realm?
- Do YOU understand NOW that this is a battle for souls?
Let us not make excuses, for ourselves or others. Careful thought before action goes a long way. Learning about trajectory and outcomes is valuable. I have played checkers, three times in the last month, with a brilliant six year old boy, and he trounced me the first two times with his kinged black checkers. I had no idea that I would be a lamb to the slaughter because of those stacked, painted, wooden discs. In game three, I was sharper in my choices, but let me tell you what, that little guy was sharper still, and despite us both having powerful playing pieces on the board, he knows the game far better than I do, and he won fair and square.
My point, is know your enemy. Know how they move, and anticipate how your choices will impact your outcome, and what will happen to the players on the board of life in your vicinity. Christians must act like Christians, with Truth being their number one strategy for winning. We don't change the truth to accommodate lies and liars, because ultimately, that is the sin of unbelief. Truth, is the only antidote to fear, and by speaking and living it, we model trust in the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost.
God is judging the world, and that includes you and me. I am okay with Him being in charge, and Him equipping me with the word NO to temptation, because I know that His will is perfect. Abiding in Him is all that really matters. We know we cannot avoid troubles in life, but we sure can mitigate damage by choosing righteously when the world would have us commit sin in His omnipresence.
Soulful suicide
Know this: Satan wants people to kill themselves. He wants soulful suicide to be the way you and I go out. If he can get you to do his dirty work, in his eyes, he obliterates God's magnificent work. Using your free will to take your own life is a travesty, and I am afraid, many have gone out precisely in this way over the past twelve plus months.
God is love, dear one, and you are precious to Him...
He wants you to live eternally in His presence. If you haven't yet, repent, turn away from your sins and toward Him, loving Jesus as your Saviour and God as your Father, and feel the peace that surpasses all understanding:
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)