Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Counterfeit Power & Money

I am reading the book of Acts, and have settled into the wisdom that money cannot buy good will, nor can it purchase the power of God. Money is always a cheap substitute, lacking substance, when a person is devoid of spirit. I think of the song lyrics, "Can't buy me love", and since God is love, since God is Almighty, it ought to be all too clear, that the good stuff, simply cannot be bought and sold. It is sincerity in righteousness that is rewarded: God can tell what races a mans heart, and captures his imagination. 

Held accountable 
In Acts, the first martyr was stoned to death for professing truth to the "brothers" and "fathers" that killed Jesus on a tree. In a few short paragraphs, Stephen speaks words of conviction to the rulers and priests that do not want to be held accountable for the shedding of innocent blood, despite the evidence that they were the ones that shouted loudly "Crucify him, crucify him!", referring to Jesus, a sinless man pronouncing Himself the Son of God. 

I cannot help but see this vulgar theme playing out in modern day. The murderers say, "It wasn't me", despite the vile evidence accumulating around them, piling in stinking sky high heaps. It is impossible and useless, to argue with killers, dear one. It does not make sense, to negotiate using logic, with the murderous. They have their reasons for doing what they do, and we have ours too, isn't that so?

Power of God
When I read about the miraculous signs, the healing of the sick, the casting out of demons performed by the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, enabled by the power of God, I see the opposite happening all around me. The healthy becoming sick, the demons spewing their venom from the mouths of humans, and the spirit of death running rough shod over mankind. Devoid of power, devoid of essence, the walking dead roam freely, as though they have somewhere to go: Without God, we are no one and nothing, travelling in endless, hopeless circles. The Bible is brilliant in so many ways, but most importantly, it points to life, the kind of life that can only be had through faith, and the kind of faith that has a person wanting with every ounce of being, to be obedient to God. 

The apostles experienced Jesus. They spend intimate time with Him, watching Him closely. Despite all they witnessed, they went in and out of knowing Who He was while walking this plane. It was in His resurrection, that they become doubtless: Jesus had risen the dead during His earthly ministry, and shared a celebratory feast with Lazarus, Lazarus' sisters Mary and Martha, and Jesus' disciples too, and yet it was His own resurrection that sealed the deal for the men that followed Him to and fro for three years. 

We all must die
It is the conquering of death that matters most to us, because we do not want to die, and anyone that says they do, is in dire need of knowing that God is the Author and Finisher of life, and He wants none to perish. Of course, we all must die; it is where we go after the expiry of these bodies that house our souls, that is impacted by what we believe in this one life we live. We are more than simply material beings, an obvious statement that seems lost at times, on those that are attached to the world we live in. 

In Acts, we see a man named Simon, wanting to pay for the bestowing of the Holy Spirit, so that he could do as the apostles did:

And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, "Give me this power also, so that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit."

Peters rebuke:

But Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray to God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity." (Acts 8:18-23)

There was hope for Simon, dear reader. He heard what Peter proclaimed, and rather than argue or feign innocence, he did not deny being "poisoned by bitterness", and "bound by iniquity", or in other words, captive to sin. Instead, he responded with a prayer request:

Then Simon answered and said, "Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me." (Acts 8:24) 

Supernatural realm
We don't know what happens to Simon. He had a reputation as a man with great power, as a magician, prior to meeting the apostles. He witnessed what they could do, and by comparison recognized that their abilities were far superior to his own counterfeit powers, and he wanted to level up. Make no mistake, those that work for the devil can indeed, perform what appear to be miracles, wonders, and signs, the Bible tells us so. Simon was accustomed to tapping into the supernatural realm for his own financial gain: why not add to his repertoire, and increase his wealth? Except that is not how God works...

I am hoping Simon made it to heaven. I am hoping he took the advice given him by Peter, to, "Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray to God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you." I am hoping each one of us does the same, dear reader. 

The Bible is known as the book of wisdom. There is no greater place to go, then into the pages that reveal what is in the heart of man, and what God wants to replace the darkness with. The redemptive story is meant for you, and meant for me, and for Simon too, when we heed. As the New Year begins, I am desirous of "poisoned bitterness" to be removed from my heart, if there is any hidden there...

🔥 How about you, dear one? 
🔥 Is this true for you?

... for your heart is not right in the sight of God

If you see yourself the way Simon was able to see himself after Peter's adroit assessment, then good things await you, if you are willing to repent and turn back to God! I will end with one of my favourite snippets of scripture: 

Open my eyes, that I may see 
Wondrous things from Your law (Psalm 119:18)

I leave you in God's hands. He sees you, and wants only the best for you 💖

Sunday, December 25, 2022

All Creatures Great and Small

All Creatures Great and Small, by James Herriot. Have you heard of this book series, dear reader?

I recall reading at least one of Mr. Herriot's books many moons ago, and a feeling of joy washed over me when a sweet friend recommended I watch the adapted to video version of these stories. 

Mr. Herriot is a veterinary (that is what the locals call him), and his life revolves around his work by: caring for sick and injured animals, maintaining healthy ones, delivering new life into the world, and problem solving when things aren't quite right with a critter.  While on, and often times off duty, he can be relied upon to get up and go, no matter the circumstances or situation, to assist an animal owner that needs a healing or helping hand for their beast or pet. The man, James Herriot, is a dedicated human, and he endures many a challenge in his life's work, not the least of which is insults and insinuations from the ingrates he serves. But then, dear one, we can see him being treated cordially, with the utmost respect, and with admiration too, from clients that are kind and gracious, and see the man for who he is.  

Personality is what shows up all over the place in the episodes. Each character, each animal and human, has personality! It is personality that sets them apart, and has them behaving in unbecoming, and often times endearing ways. Personality coupled with engrained character traits, moves the observer in this direction and that, as we watch and look for consistency. Pranksters consistently prank, the deluded are ever so cleverly deluded, the kind can be counted on to consider others, and the mean spirited selfishly think only of themselves, no matter the cost. Through it all, there is aplomb, as the main characters accept who people are, serve them regardless, and look always to affect the best outcomes possible with their service offering. 

One of the things I enjoy most when I watch All Creatures Great and Small, is the reactions of the characters. James Herriot is a sweet and gentle man, but he does not tolerate his integrity being insulted, and will challenge a person when they imply he is incompetent: he stays up nights, thinking of solutions, ways to help and heal, but he never shares this truth with his patrons. The people closest to him know how dedicated he is. In the bosom of family, he is loved. It is fun to watch this gentile character chase a dog that got his goat, or speed across the country side to deliver a cat in a box, that he spayed for a wealthy woman that prefers to keep her cash and feign poverty, than to pay a man for his honest work. Facial expressions, and as I mentioned above, the reactions of characters, make this show delightful to watch. 

We are creatures, dear reader. Separate from animals, we humans have the capacity to help, to heal, to work together for the good of one another, and the animals in our lives. When I consider the glamour less work of the veterinarians in the show I describe, and how ready and willing they are to go out to a call no matter the time of day or night, no matter the weather, and regardless of how tired they may already be, I see love in action. 

Love for humanity and the creatures God created, is displayed in this heart warming series. Within the title of the series based on the original books, there exists a double entendre that perhaps was hinted at by the author: all creatures can be great, or small, and this is not necessarily a measure of physical size. The small minded, those that attempt to diminish others, are treated with kindness by the great and humble humans that serve them without thanks or reward. And the grand humans, that see the good, foster the good, desire to contribute in a good and wonderful way, are the great ones that leave the impression that perhaps, heaven is near. 

Is heaven near, dear one? Can you sense it, can you feel it? Today is December 25th, 2022. What does this day mean to you?

God created all creatures, great and small. That is love in action. God sent His one and only begotten Son, the Saviour of the world, as a babe to be our King. He knows each of us all too well, including our personalities and propensities, our ingrained character traits. God is always on duty, and answers our call, no matter the time, the circumstances, the situations we find ourselves in. He is a lot like the veterinary, tolerant of our rudeness, our thanklessness, our dismissing of His competence to help and heal us ... He is still willing, more than able, to come to our side in our times of need, without pointing out how very undeserving we are. 

This is the day the LORD has made; 
We will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24)

Let this be your approach, dear one, this day, and every day we are graced with by Him, the One that made us.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Social Media Soaked

I think it is time, dear reader, to recalibrate to Christ. 

I recall a friend wanting to send me an email. I said, "I don't have it; don't want it; won't ever get it either." That was twelve years ago. I recall finding FB annoying to navigate, useless to utilize, a waste of precious time: I am not sure how long ago that was, but suffice it to say, life is different than it was before accessibility. 

I lock my doors at the end of the day, ensuring security by checking each entry point to stave off intruders. I realize that if someone really wants to break in, the windows of my house will offer little resistance if said person, is determined to enter uninvited. 

When I consider what used to be a private life, I realize I have opened the door to interactions, of the virtual variety, in more ways than one. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed many a new friendship as a result of these exchanges, and my business has been positively impacted via what seems to be free advertising: so I am not complaining one little bit! What I am doing, is considering some ... considering what I want, what I need to do to have it, and how I will go about accomplishing this goal. 

Before I suss this plan out with you here, I must make a confession. I really am not too fond of missing you, your face, your voice, your tell tale expressions, laughter, snorts, or even eyebrow raised questioning of my opinion. I miss it all, all of you, and I can say this with candour because I do love people in all our wonderfulness, and hideousness too. I have no control over what happens between us when you and I are apart, and the only things I have to go on, are the words and tiny pictures clicked onto a virtual page, and my potential misinterpretations, or even, the risk we both take, of drifting apart due to perceived insult or injury, intended or otherwise. In other words, words on a screen just don't cut it, dear reader: they are a shoddy substitution for real time in person relating. 

Who amongst us hasn't lost a friend or two, from what we have written, the pictures we have posted, or the opinions we have expressed when not face to face. It is cowardly, to say the least, for us to behave this way. I recognize somehow, without invitation, an intruder wreaking havoc, has entered the realm of what ought to be healthy interpersonal relations. Healthy relationship is virtually (pun intended) impossible, when exchanges exist only in the ether. Healthy relationship also includes disagreements, navigating unpleasant feelings, working through a tough situation until there is a repair bid, and an agreement to try to understand another persons point of view. 

Question: are these things now lost to us?

I am considering a new way of living, at least as a test run, to see what kind of impact my choices make on my personal wellbeing. I will chronicle my experiences, journal them, write about them, or not. The point is, I don't want to be productive for the sake of being productive, I want to be aware and available to what truly is, and not be sold a bill of goods from an uninvited interloper and thought thief, that I would never have engaged prior to being social media soaked. 

🎯 What I want
🎯 What I need to do to have it
🎯 How I will go about accomplishing this goal

🕊 I want peace in the midst of the storm, with Jesus in my boat
🕊 I need to spend time in the Word of God, soaking up His wisdom
🕊 I will spend the next couple of weeks off all social media, starting immediately after posting this piece of writing. 

I know we all have influence and impact in our own circles: this said, I do believe a hiatus of sorts is good for the soul, mind, spirit, body. I want to calibrate to Christ, and dear reader, I simply cannot do this, marinating in the juices of injustices that flow freely on social media.

What better time than now, as the days promise to bring more light, to ponder our existence, and live the will of God? 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Impervious & Checkers

Unable to be affected by: this is one definition of impervious

We are observing a disability, dear reader. People have become impervious to truth. I do believe this has been going on for a very long time, say, as far back as Adam and his lovely bride Eve, when in the perfectly made for them garden, they trusted the misconstrued propaganda of a snake. Deviating from the Word, they went in the opposite direction given them by their Creator. 

We humans simply do not like any "Thou shalt nots", "You mustn't", and the ridiculously obnoxious warnings, "If you do, you will pay dearly, perhaps even with your life." Oh no, humans don't like this one bit! We prefer our own patter, our own self-indulgent misleading ways, our own, "Bugger off, Who do you think You are, trying to tell ME what to do!?"

Think for a moment, of your most shameful moment ...

🔥 Does it make you cringe?
🔥 What was it you thought, said, DID?
🔥 Who knows about this?
🔥 Are you turning red at the thought, right now?

These are the stir up your memories questions, but they are not the target I am aiming at. I throw my darts at what you did with yourself AFTER your moment of humiliation. 

I hope you got a little uncomfortable in the remembering, but again, I am not wasting an arrow on that. I am interested in this:

🎯 How did you rectify the situation?
🎯 Did you resolve to never again?
🎯 Have you made peace with the person involved?
🎯 Have you spoken about this with God?
🎯 Are you sorry, I mean deep down, sorrowfully remorseful, for going awry?

I have played four games of checkers with a brilliant six year old. The record is now 3/4 in his favour. He taught me so well, I won our last match. During the game, near the end, his younger brother entered the room. My opponent suggested the intruder should not be there and should leave, and he did shortly thereafter. Looking at the board, it was clear that I was dominating. We continued to play, and he was hesitant, sensing a loss. Try as he might, I cornered his king, and there was a moment of tension; I could see him calculating. Then he said "It's because _________ came in the room." Dear reader, this little mite wanted to blame his innocent brother for a loss. The six year old was on the verge of anger, not wanting to acknowledge he had been beaten, fairly. 

❓How would you have handled the situation?
❓What would you have said?
❓Have you ever blamed someone else for your losses?
❓Have you dodged the truth in favour of a lie, to save face?
❓How willing are you to be pervious, or in other words, willing to let the truth soak in, absorbing it with bravery?

The six year old looked away as I spoke to him. He remained silent as I explained that his brothers interruption had nothing to do with the loss, since I was already winning before he entered the room. I shared that I had always celebrated his wins, and that he had taught me so well, I was able to play to win. I suggested that he congratulate me, as I had always done with him, and asked that he be a good sport about the loss. Then I asked, "Do you understand?"

He took a brief moment, eyes still averted. Then he nodded, accepting my words, allowing them to penetrate. I see the man he will become: honourable, willing to be corrected, willing to accept truth, even if his ego might be slightly bruised in the acknowledging. A truly humble person, despite the desire to be in charge, to win, to dominate the board of life, will always be teachable, permeable, pervious ... 

I am learning a lot from four little boys... they melt my heart in thousands of ways. One of them is teaching me checkers, and what it looks like to be six, and willing to lose with grace, while facing uncomfortable truth. 

God help us

We need more adults to play checkers with six year olds, and repair their character flawed traits while in the game. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Scornful Men

I ruminate on the black hearted murderers that plan the demise of the human race. They are mockable in many ways, because the very people they believe to be beneath them, killable as useless, are the ones that fly, drive, cook, clean, protect, and cater to them in ways uncountable. 

I have in mind one man that looks like a giant german grub in glasses. Men like this hate God, and dare I say, despite their apparent arrogance, they hate themselves too. What do they think will be left for them, when they have destroyed what was never theirs to dispose of?

This is the word of the LORD, spoken to scornful men that are given over to making a covenant with death, and an agreement with Sheol:

Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scornful men, who rule this people who are in Jerusalem, because you have said, "We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge passes through, it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves."

A Cornerstone in Zion

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD:

"Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily. Also I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plummet; the hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow the hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; when the overflowing scourge passes through, then you will be trampled down by it (Isaiah 28:14-18)

The liars believe they can hide in their lair, with their falsehoods protecting them from retribution. Picture a wave of atomic energy that wipes out ONLY selected victims, and you will see how beyond ludicrous their imaginings are. To believe the scourge intended for others will not touch the ones that desire to send people to the grave, is a grave error in judgment; but then again, when you make a covenant with death, and an agreement with Sheol, perhaps you simply do not care who dies, including yourself. 

People are turning their eyes in the direction of Revelation. Humans know that God has revealed what will happen, and indeed, the Truth is revealed, that Jesus Christ will rule the living and the dead, and He does not spare murderers from His wrath, even though the creepy crawling little grubs believe they can hide. This scripture comes under the heading:

Sixth Seal: Cosmic Disturbances

Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" (Revelation 6:14-17)

The Lamb of God, sacrificed once for the sins of the world, comes to average His own. He takes no pity on the murderous, that hate Him, hate His people, and deemed themselves more worthy, more valuable, more this that and the other, than God's similarly made human creatures. 

Dear reader, to believe killing someone is not only necessary, essential, and appropriate, is to highlight to whom a person belongs. Demonic forces are at work in the minds, hearts, and hands of murderers, and there is nowhere for them to hide their wicked deeds. The fact that they want to hide proves that they are:

1 unrepentant
2 unwilling to acknowledge they have idiotically rebelled against God, and; 
3 are very conscience they have been cornered for their evil doings  

I will say, as I close this piece of writing. The rocks, the mountains, the caves, they answer to GOD! They do not the bidding of mere mentally reprobate humans that perversely believe they can kill with impunity. 

They, the scornful men, will not be able to stand. They will collapse to their knees, limbs jelly like disabled from keeping them upright, and they will acknowledge Who, is King, much to their shame.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Ulterior Motive

We have all had one from time to time: you know what I speak of: that feeling of wanting something, and then finding a way to get it, even when that certain something, or someone, ought not to be had... the way around is sneaky, and the ill begotten gain is wrangled in suspicious and dubious ways. What is seen superficially, when scratched ever so lightly, can reveal obvious motives, ulterior to what is presented. In less subtle words, the system of deception hides a motive, that isn't always immediately evident, thus, an ulterior motive: I promise you, as with all self and other deceptions, motives eventually, are revealed. 

We are liars
The challenge in each human being is to be honest, not with ourselves, but before God. I recall many a moment of resolve, when I knew I was going to do or say something He would never approve, and did it anyway. Perhaps you have done the same? I smirk as I type... you know you have. I don't need to know you to be confident that you aren't the most honest person. I can laugh at us both now, because shamefully, we are liars, manipulative, sneaky, deceptive, and we often believe that no one knows or can see it, but that's just plain old ridiculousness, isn't it? 

The truth is a powerful force not to be reckoned with. Try as we might to shape it and form it to our own mental, emotional, psychological, and wickedly spiritual sculpting, we simply cannot. Truth is the untouchable, the holy grail, the once in a life time supreme being that cannot be challenged or manipulated. No ulterior motive has the capability, the capacity, to do damage to the truth, and weaklings like you and me make mockeries of ourselves when we believe that we can be tricky dicky about getting around truth. 

We live amongst humans, and God help us, they are our downfall. The biggest barrier between us and God, is all the people in-between. We want to navigate, negotiate, barter, banter, and sometimes belabour a point to get our own way, believing that other humans have some kind of power that we need to tap into to get what we want and need. We politely, and sometimes rudely and with much misgiving, push, pull, shove, and tussle one another, because each of us has this ugly force inside, the ulterior motive, that begs satisfaction. 

We bite the hand that feeds us, dear reader. We cannot see the hand, and yet, it has sown and reaped, that we might eat and drink. It is the seed planted that dies so that it can bring life, and yet, we fuss and fight, jostling one another to get our serving, our just desserts... what we believe we are entitled to, even if it is not at all, what God wants for us. 

The dark days, they are upon us. Seeing the times, feeling the heaviness of death as its stench fills the air we breath, is apropos. Denying Deity and His judgment is a game of hide and seek with the All Knowing, Almighty God. It is willfully silly and childish, and it displays our own not so hidden motive, of wanting to believe nothing has changed, we have some control, and we can go on as though the world is our oyster and what we want, is okay with Him. 

❓Am I doom, and now your gloom? 
❓Do I have an ulterior motive in this writing?

I think of Ecclesiastes, and the song that taught me this scripture when I knew not from whence it came:

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embraced and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and at time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

Here are the lyrics for the song Turn! Turn! Turn! by the Byrds
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven
A time to buid up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven
A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rain, a time of sow
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late

Dear reader, I leave you to God. It is time to discern, by studying His Word, and seeing the signs of the times, the season in which we live. The song by The Byrds, suggests a turning... I will take the liberty of suggesting you turn, turn, turn, away from your own ulterior motives, and toward God and His will. 

Do I have a motive in my writing? I do, indeed, but it is not hidden or ulterior in any way, dear reader, I am shamelessly obvious. 

Turn! Turn! Turn!

Post Script: 

Humbling ourselves before God helps rid us of our ulterior motives. The image I included of men and woman on their knees praying, led by Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., ought to jar the soul and shake us free from our self-indulgent ways. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

I Am He

Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. So Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 

Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"

"Jesus of Nazareth", they replied. 

"I am he," Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.

Detachment of soldiers
Officials from the chief priests
Touches, lanterns, weapons
Judas the traitor standing with them

Let us begin, shall we dear reader, to enjoy this scene together?

I had a great image this morning of the dramatic drawing toward Jesus Christ that this scene depicts. This demonically driven contingent was prepared to use force in the darkness and cover of night, to arrest a man of miracles that proclaimed, righteously, that He was not only sent from heaven, but IS God incarnate. These men meant business, and they took themselves very seriously while on mission, armed and dangerous as they were... until of course, Jesus stated "I am he."

Picture it now with me, "they drew back and fell to the ground."

Dear reader, when someone draws backward and falls to the ground, it makes logical sense that they would land on their back, SUPINE! This is what happened to the contingent that proudly presented themselves as authorities over GOD... 

Imagine now the scattering of lanterns, torches, and intimidating "weapons". Hahahahah, this is so much fun to envision! I picture these mousy men getting up, a little stunned, coming to the realization that they drew BACK, staggered by WORDS, the WORD OF LIFE, quickly straightening out their garments, and hastily picking up their scattered things, with some of those lanterns and torches blown out from the BREATH of God extinguishing them, and the poor idiots once again, assuming their pretender positions of authority, believing they were arresting Jesus with their little man strength. They did nothing of the kind... Jesus went with, of His own accord. 

When I consider the men of God described in the Bible as falling face first at His feet, prone before Him, I see the defining differences between those that belong to Him, and those who rebelliously believe they can stand where Judas stood and get away with it. Judas was a traitor, and dear reader, that is the temptation of every human being currently living on the earth. I ask you now:
  • Where do you stand?
  • Are you a traitor?
  • Are you loyal to Jesus Christ?
  • When you hear or read the words "I am he", do they have you staggering backward, or have you drop face first before Him?
Where, dear one, do you stand, and how will you fall?

It is arrogant to suppose that we can arrest God, tie Him up and kill Him. God is not kill able, we are not enabled to do such a thing, and it is the wicked, the evil spirited, that presume this entitled position of feigned power. Those that belong to God are ashamed at the thought of attempting to domineer, demand, command, control, God, or anyone else for that matter. 

I find the scene I lifted from scripture entertaining in its ridiculous display of pride on the account of the mousy men arresting Jesus, but I also find it embarrassing too, again, on their account... and the beat goes on. This type of man lives amongst us still, and heaven forbid, that you and I are anything like them.

I am a loyal person, and a good friend to have, but I admit, I will hide behind the power of Christ, just like the disciples did in that olive grove, and will never side as Judas did with mere men. If I must choose, and we all must, admit it to yourself now, dear one, I will always choose Jesus, no matter what, who, when, where, why, or how... I think that about covers it!

Your turn, dear reader. 

I ask you again. Are you, no matter the circumstances, committed to the Truth that blows back the enemy and knocks him onto his backside?

Are you, loyal to Jesus Christ?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

I Am A Moralist

Meaning is derived from the message, from the messenger, from the timing, the circumstances, the situation, tone and mood... meaning is multi level, multi purpose, and multi painful, if you ask me. 

Here are the words in the comments section for a blog I wrote last night:

Truth. Faith. Drive on.

This is what I decided to make of the words:

Truth is balm for the soul. Faith is the fire that sustains. Driving on makes us indomitable... perhaps this will be my blog for today, LGByers

The truth is, that without faith, their is no driving on...

Sometimes I feel like I am just talking to myself, bouncing words off walls, tapping them onto a screen from a keyboard that someone else created for my convenience. Come to think of it, there are lots of things I use conveniently, that someone thunk up and I benefit from. My hope is that I too, am a contributor, as a thought provoking truth teller, as a moralist that wants nothing more, and nothing less, than us to be honest with each other about what is important for our souls to grasp. 

I am a moralist
It occurred to me the other day that I am a moralist. I don't know why this became obvious only recently, because I have always been, a moralist. I am a mistake making, self-indulgent, wrong choices and course correcting, moralist. Knowing right from wrong isn't a guarantee that we will choose rightly: and I haven't, but I am, now more than ever before.

When I consider why the choices I now make are more righteous, I see that God has plunked me in the middle of no mans land! With fewer naughty options, I make fewer naughty choices, and as time floats past, I am more and more disinclined to indulge the flesh, so to speak. God separated many of us out from the world and its ways, and while we are still in it (the world), we are not to be of it: 

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of this world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1 John 2:15-17)

How my life is almost completely temptation free:

1. I no longer have heavy drinkers in my midst
2. I don't watch television, except for Survivor (something I do with my mom) once a week
3. My time is spent learning about people, writing, praying, working, exercising
4. Most of my friends and those I work with, are Christians, or have Christ like morals and values
5. I don't hear swearing often (except for when I am mad... that is something to work on!)
6. I don't socialize with large groups of people: I am more one on one
7. I don't date, or entertain the thought any more
8. I mind my own business, and refrain from gossip
9. I share my thoughts and feelings without hesitation... and encourage others to do the same
10. I trust in God's plan, and have made my home a sanctuary 
11. I help others when I am called to, and use my time productively (not always, but generally speaking, I do)
12. I apologize when I am wrong, ask for forgiveness when I have erred... I don't resist being taught a better way (well, perhaps I do resist sometimes, until of course, God's gentle proddings have me melty and repentant)

I am by no means perfect, but I am definitely less of a house divided, because God has done a work choosing His own out of the world so that we could contrast and compare what we see out there, and what He wants us to be, in here, meaning inside His temple, as lively stones:

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5) 

Left to our own devices, we are tempted and inclined to sinful ways. The company we keep, if we are not selective, helps us indulge what feels good in the moment: alas, God made us choose almost three years ago, and He put many of us in a position of adamancy. I am adamant, and obstinately so, about my stance on many an issue, and by God, all of them are moral, ethical, soul wrenching and searching, because dear reader, the soul is all that matters! 

I could care less about anything else: souls are of utmost importance. Without my knowing it, and you knowing it either, dear one, God has ensured that the goats and the sheep are separated out, bleating and bahhhing as we go to our respective pens. The sheep aren't good of their own accord, they are simple minded and need to be led. The goats on the other hand, are rebellious in nature, and refuse to heed the voice of the Good Shepherd. I have been penned in, and I know what being captive to Christ feels like: being in His presence makes all else pale by comparison, and I long not, for what I used to have. 

Christ is my everything. 
Is He yours, too?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Happily Jaded

Land has been broken line marked, readied for breaking away... I will be an island soon, emotionally isolated, a haven for one. 

Lately, I have been abrasively honest. It feels good to say it like it is without editing. Pouring alcohol into a cut to cure it, to counter the infection that threatens to ooze puss, is the equivalent to saying what is, without concern for the burning. Cure the cut, CURE THE CUT... it seems cuts are now incurable, isn't that so, dear reader?

I joked today that I am happily jaded. Seeing the vile condition we find ourselves in, has made me a rather heavy lead balloon. I am naturally boisterous: uplifted when someone is kind, an animal wants to cuddle, or a child runs to hug me, holding on tightly, happy to see me... adults aren't nearly as endearing. We are clumsy and awkward, say the wrong things at just the right time, do what ought not be done, and repeat this often. 

I am in a ruminating mood. Time alone affords me the luxury of self-pity, the thought of which has me laughing at myself. I am blessed abundantly, but sometimes, I get to feeling a little pathetic, and self-indulgent with melancholy. I learned in coaching long ago, that there is room for all emotions, even if they don't always match circumstances. 

Happily jaded I am. I see what is happening, and I am pleased knowing that I am not uninformed, in fact, I know a lot more than I care to at this point, thus the jaded part of the equation. It is some kind of relief when we recognize the ugly inside of ourselves and other: this teaches us that nothing lasts forever, even when we believed, hoped, dreamed, it would. We simply cannot be counted on, dear one. 

Speaking from disappointment and hurt is a language unto itself. We each get a shot at expressing both, even if it is just words typed on a screen, and feelings that are fleeting and bound to change with a good nights sleep: after all, joy comes in the morning, as the Bible says. 

Perhaps you too, are having some intense moments, over there on the other side of this page? If you are, it all makes sense to me, since the world is burning and we are short on expert fire fighters of the spiritual variety... what a lonely existence for those that haven't a soul to answer to, or a human to commiserate with... that isn't right at all, dear reader... even islands have someone to tell, that they are happily jaded.

I end with this: I ruminate still, not sure what tomorrow will bring, if at all anything new. So long as the sun does rise, there is hope for happiness, minus the jaded edge.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Liberal About Truth

If you love someone, you speak truth to them, with them, for them, even when it is inconvenient, or puts you in an untenable position. 

Truth incarnate
Jesus came as Truth incarnate, and He spoke without guile or deception, with everyone within earshot. He was a curiosity, drawing crowds wherever He went: Jesus could be counted on for His honesty, without deviation, no matter the audience. 

A Muslim country
The World Cup is playing out on TV screens across the world. I type as South Korea and Brazil battle it out on the pitch. While the soccer is exciting, it is the stance of the small country that is hosting the games that has captured my attention. They said NO to deviation, to unnatural and ungodly promotion of sinful activities otherwise known as homosexuality, and disappointingly, it is a Muslim country standing on God's inalienable laws, and not a so called Christian country. Perhaps, God arranging this just as it is, to shame supposed believers, who are now facing totalitarian tyranny as a replacement for the democracy we have enjoyed, letting us know that being liberal about Truth, has its consequences. 

I recall a Seinfeld episode, and the expression "Not that there's anything wrong with that", referring to homosexually: this has become a ubiquitous statement, and only fans of the show recall its origins. Now it seems the majority of people have acclimated. and acquiesced, to this mentality, including Bible reading Christians. Dare I say as many before me have pointed out, this is precisely why we are currently on the cusp of being overrun by the proud, that have arrogantly, purposefully, imposed their demonic ways upon a too polite, too accepting, and too complacently wimpy supposedly CHRISTIAN society that decided God is wrong, and men having sex with other men, are right. Indoctrination clearly WORKS.

Humble of Heart
At the top of this writing I spoke about loving people by speaking truth to, with, and for them. The truth is stingy when we don't want to hear it or live it, or when we realize we have been lying to ourselves and others. While their first inclination may be to run away and hide, it is the brave and humble of heart that stay, and take their lumps, recognizing the error of their ways. They reform, not just for the sake of their own soul, but the sake of those they relate to and say they love. Love is always honest and true: to predicate relationship on lies, is cruel, predestining all involved to disastrous outcomes.

Dear reader, we are witnessing disastrous outcomes. 

🔥Too polite
🔥Too accepting
🔥Too complacent
🔥Too wimpy

Atrocious sins
I blame the Christians, dear reader. If you are not a Christian, you are off the meat hook. The Christians know better... to call oneself a Christian and go against the living God is an atrocity, and that too, is what we are witnessing daily, atrocious sins committed broadly without shame or remorse.

My challenge to you in this moment, if you are still with me in this writing, is to stop calling yourself a Christian, if you align with, excuse, minimize, rationalize, commiserate, with sin, that the Bible clearly warns against. The Bible is not polite, not accepting, not complacent, not wimpy, and IS all about being JUST LIKE CHRIST, if you choose to follow in His holy footsteps. If the Bible says we can be holy like Him, then I am believing it and looking into His Word to learn how:

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:13-16)


But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light... (1 Peter 2:9)

God never lies, and neither does behaviour. You are what you believe, say, and do. If what you say and do are not ordered by God's will, you have strayed from the path and need to course correct. 

Do this now, dear one, for the sake of your own soul, and those that you profess to love. Live the Truth, and God will honour you all the days of your life.  

Friday, December 2, 2022

Danielle Smith is Consistent

It is easy to say that you are okay with abortion, especially if the one considering it, isn't you, or someone you love. It is easier still, if you approve of the killing from a distance, meaning you aren't the one committing the act of murder.

It is some kind of sick wonderfulness, to be encouraging toward people that are demonically influenced to cut off their genitalia, to take poisonous concoctions that mimic natural hormones, and dress as though they are something and someone they are not, as a member of the opposite sex...

Opposite, oppositional. That is what we are witnessing on a grand scale. Human beings publicly, shamelessly, with grotesque unabashed pride, opposing the will of God and even how He created them. And dear reader, those that need love, compassion, spiritual guidance, and some good old fashioned physical help (if someone is pregnant, they may need your support to stay pregnant, have the baby, and either raise the young one or have the courage to give the child up for adoption), ought to be able to get that assistance, and not be encouraged to take the route that has them living forever with horrendous mistakes they cannot undo. 

The ones making forever changes are in dire need, but I am not focusing on them today. I have my sights set on those that approve of abortion, and queer lifestyles that explicitly go against God's commands. Danielle Smith is in my cross hairs, and I aim to shoot and cut through all the mental meandering people are inclined to engage in, in order to satisfy their need to believe that someone must lead them, accepting and lauding the best of the worst, because no other options present themselves.

To be clear, I take absolutely NO PLEASURE in writing about people like Danielle. I want nothing more than to report that all is well, that the world and the people inhabiting the globe, are moving along nicely, respectfully, kindly. I have friends that I admire and respect that I offend consistently for thinking and saying what I do, but I cannot help myself, and will not either, from shouting down ANYONE and EVERYONE that goes against God Almighty. 

Don't get me wrong, God doesn't need my help, nor my cocktail sized, plastic, pink, stir-stick sword to defend Him. That isn't the point. The point, dear reader, is to speak against evil when I hear it, and see it, in the hope that people will stop colluding with the murderous spirit that is roaming freely in this world. The murderous spirit suggests baby killing, and also suggests that anything goes on the sex and gender front: the suicide rate for those that have been sodomized is extremely high, and rather than encourage a queer approach to life, we ought to be modelling a Biblical family way to wholesome healthiness. 

Outrageously, Danielle Smith can be quoted as saying:

"When our members elected me they knew they were electing a candidate that was pro-choice and pro-gay marriage" and "The only way we're going to be able to become a mainstream big-tent conservative party capable of forming government is to focus on the issues that matter to Albertans. If I am elected premier, a Wildrose government will not be legislating in areas of morality" APRIL 11th, 2012, CTV NEWS

Fast forward to December 2nd, 2022

Danielle is consistent in her stance against MORALITY. Consider what you are reading. She is STILL, pro baby killing, and STILL pro queer lifestyle. She admits to not living life based on traditional MORALS... and she is willing to LEGISLATE if elected premier, into government, in areas that go against God's specific commandments. I reiterate, Danielle is consistent and has remained true to her own belief system, and now she is living her dream as premier, which aligns perfectly with the luciferian plot. 

Now, I turn my gaze toward you, dear reader. 

🎯Are you consistent?
🎯What do you believe about killing babies?
🎯What do you believe about the queer lifestyle?
🎯More importantly, What do you believe about being obedient to God Almighty?

We must not be a house divided, dear one. We must decide whether we are aligned in all areas, including our morals, with the One that made us. We must decide that just as the enemy forms an anti christ army, we must be His salvation army, one in the Spirit, one in the Lord. To approve of someone that goes against God, is a dangerous perilous position. When this happens, self-examination is required, confession of sin is necessary for going against God's foundational will, and repentance must be observable, with a denouncing of wickedness in all its shapes and forms. 

Remember how wiley the enemy can be. Don't let him trick you into endorsing, the best of the worst. Trust in God, not in men, or in this case, a woman that goes by the name of Danielle Smith. 

In the very centre of the Bible, we find these words of instruction and wisdom:

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8)

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Soulful Suicide vs Peace

Why, it's all a moot point, dear reader. 

Politics, court cases, protests, complaining, discussing, rationalizing, analyzing, hoping against hope, all moot. 

People are clinging to the past, recalling better days, when opinion polls meant the surveyors would make changes based on responses, and where voting for someone meant they may actually represent constituents. I say NOPE, all done, these days are long gone, and as soon as we kill our desire to resurrect what once was, the sooner we can get down to the business of reality, you know, that thing we all face while we watch our citizenship stomped to oblivion. 

Periodically yanked
We are being gripped by the ankles, and dragged face down through gravel and glass. We can't see the hands on our heels, but we feel the effects as we are tugged sometimes subtly, and periodically yanked, with soul shattering violence. The enemy are not mere humans, they are humans that are demonized, and to turn our heads away and pretend this is not so, is foolishness. Nothing is as it once was, and I suggest to you that some people have lived their entire lives in bondage, with wicked men and women ruling cruelly over them... many have died never tasting choice, never deciding for themselves what to do to earn money, how to spend it, or even experience leaving the small area they have been assigned to: what makes any of us think that this cannot happen in our own neck of the woods?

Rampaging globally
Just to be clear, I am a pragmatic realist. I know what evil looks and sounds like, not just because I have experienced it in my own life (and dear one, who hasn't, honestly?) but because I know what history we have travelled as a human race. Murder isn't new, and we are seeing the murderous spirit rampaging globally, and I don't know how to state what is happening in more simplistic terms. There are predators that speak languages we understand, and they have been plain in their speech, letting us know what their plan is. If you haven't been listening, then I urge you to start. If you have, then perhaps we can agree: it doesn't matter what they say or how we attempt to finagle our way out of a demonic strong hold in a civilized manner, we are kidding ourselves if we believe that that will do the trick, and set us free from the judgment of God.

The strong hold is real, and it is being permitted in minuscule and massive ways: we feel all of it. The satanic soulless ones are compelled and cannot help themselves. They walk a fowl path of futility, and they are predisposed to torturing the vulnerable for their own sadistic satisfaction. And the naive, they believe, they truly do, that most people are good, most people are trustworthy, most people mean what they say and say what they mean... Oh boy, nothing could be further from the truth. 

Tasting choice
Choice to kill, choice to lie, choice to commit adultery, dishonour parents, steal, blaspheme and curse the name of God. These choices have dug the holes that will be filled with humans that have chosen the dark side, over being holy before Almighty God. We have taste tested our way to hellish places, right here on earth, and the cumulative affect has many of us reeling and wondering, how will we survive what is presenting itself as the next holocaust, defined as destruction on a mass scale, including persecuted members of minority groups. For instance, Christians are Biblically promised to be hated by those that hate God... hmmm, it would appear that true believers (indeed, a minority, given how quickly the vast majority of professing church going Christians, jumped on the protocol to hell bandwagon) have been targeted specifically; alas, this is a delusion on some levels, since the driving demonic force behind all that is occurring, is an equal opportunity killer. Satan is never satisfied with killing just a few, he delights in killing on a grand scale, and in particular, he gets his jollies killing those that turn their back on the Sovereign of the universe. Satan knows he is damned, and he wants others to be too. 

Christ followers know this:

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)

Do we want to be offed, killed, martyred, persecuted, hung-out-to-dry, sacrificed? I say a resounding NO: we know that life is our greatest God given gift, AND we also know that life is finite on earth, while being eternal in the spiritual realm.

And that is my point. We are not mere flesh and blood. Something animates us, and the majority of people prefer the body over the soul, feeding it, satisfying it, at the expense of conscience and commitment to the One that made us. Ignoring the spirit world is tantamount to soulful suicide, and isn't this what people have done?

Hazardous moments
Jesus was tempted in the desert for forty days. Satan wanted to give Him bread, fame, fortune, in exchange for worship. Dear reader, people have said yes to these temptations in brief and hazardous moments. They didn't see past their needs for the day, and borrowed trouble for their tomorrow, when they:

  • Stayed home
  • Kept their distance
  • Wore things on their faces in public, and at home
  • Stopped visiting family and friends
  • Told other adults what to do
  • Spoke against those that would not follow the "rules"
  • Got injected, once, twice, three times plus two (some have had five already)
  • Went against their better judgment, feeling coerced and cornered and without choice
Now that we are seeing a "lifting" of the MAN dates, those that followed all the "rules" are looking rather impetuous. They did what was asked of them without suspecting ulterior motives, and THAT, dear one, is dangerous in a self-soaked satanic society. Godlessness, lack of Biblical knowledge, self-indulgence, an inability to refrain from satisfying an itch and waiting for the "this too shall pass" moment, has the masses poised for destruction. They were primed and readied for years, and they failed the temptation test miserably, when they went along to get along.

The fallout is more sin heaped on souls, especially if they do not see what they have done to themselves, and what they have brought on all of us. We simply cannot separate out from the collateral damage, and the Luciferian's know this quite well. 
  • Did YOU know this too?
  • Are YOU aware of the spiritual realm?
  • Do YOU understand NOW that this is a battle for souls?
Let us not make excuses, for ourselves or others. Careful thought before action goes a long way. Learning about trajectory and outcomes is valuable. I have played checkers, three times in the last month, with a brilliant six year old boy, and he trounced me the first two times with his kinged black checkers. I had no idea that I would be a lamb to the slaughter because of those stacked, painted, wooden discs. In game three, I was sharper in my choices, but let me tell you what, that little guy was sharper still, and despite us both having powerful playing pieces on the board, he knows the game far better than I do, and he won fair and square. 

My point, is know your enemy. Know how they move, and anticipate how your choices will impact your outcome, and what will happen to the players on the board of life in your vicinity. Christians must act like Christians, with Truth being their number one strategy for winning. We don't change the truth to accommodate lies and liars, because ultimately, that is the sin of unbelief. Truth, is the only antidote to fear, and by speaking and living it, we model trust in the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. 

God is judging the world, and that includes you and me. I am okay with Him being in charge, and Him equipping me with the word NO to temptation, because I know that His will is perfect. Abiding in Him is all that really matters. We know we cannot avoid troubles in life, but we sure can mitigate damage by choosing righteously when the world would have us commit sin in His omnipresence. 

Soulful suicide
Know this: Satan wants people to kill themselves. He wants soulful suicide to be the way you and I go out. If he can get you to do his dirty work, in his eyes, he obliterates God's magnificent work. Using your free will to take your own life is a travesty, and I am afraid, many have gone out precisely in this way over the past twelve plus months. 

God is love, dear one, and you are precious to Him...

He wants you to live eternally in His presence. If you haven't yet, repent, turn away from your sins and toward Him, loving Jesus as your Saviour and God as your Father, and feel the peace that surpasses all understanding:

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)