Subtle suggestion not so
One of the worst feelings, is the nagging one that suggests that I am all alone; that I am a solo act and must, make it, on my own.
One of the worst feelings, is the nagging one that suggests that I am all alone; that I am a solo act and must, make it, on my own.
This is a subtle suggestion, whispered in my ear that can become an obnoxious heavy metal sounding repeated refrain, that jangles the nerves. To believe I am all alone is to forget who walks along side me and is ever present. When the volume of the loud speaker head banger message crowds out reason, I have to ask myself:
- What is my worry?
- Where did this anxiety enter in, and;
- How come?
With the questions comes the answer:
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Now I laugh, looking at the slick lies, as I shine the scorching spotlight of Gods word upon them, and have them squirm in place, writhing like slimy worms that dry and shrivel on sidewalks, attached to hot concrete.
The thought worms cannot survive, and the little pretenders become a visible embarrassment, drying, disintegrating, and disappearing when the sun comes out.
Knowing the enemy
Where do worry and anxiety enter in? These are the questions, when that troubled feeling niggles and settles, taking up residence in your mind and heart.
Knowing the enemy
You have this sense periodically, don't you dear reader, of impeding doom, of gloom that shadows and darkens your soul.
These are not foreign experiences to you and to me. This morning, I woke with troubled thoughts, and I had to dispel them, prevent them from pervading and prevailing. I could not do this by myself, no matter how I chased them, and tried to make them stop from perpetuation of pesky plight like scenarios in my mind (I am having some kind of fun with alliteration dear reader!).
My point, you ask? It is this and always and forever will be this:
We have an enemy and his name is Satan. He has a lot of workers, and they love to hate and torment; it is their sick pleasure to make you and I squirm. They wickedly snicker and sneer, when we are the ones pinned with the ideas they propagate, and they endeavour to see us writhe and shrivel, drying up all alone in our own miserableness of thought hell.
Here again, I laugh, because while they try to dry, I go to the well and drink deeply from the living water...
Drink deeply
How can I possibly end this piece of writing better...
Drink deeply
How can I possibly end this piece of writing better...
He that beleiveth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38)
He is beside me and it is His voice that says come to the well, and drink deeply
Won't you join us there?
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