Thursday, January 11, 2018


Phone dictionary delight
Denouement-the outcome or resolution of a complex series of events. Oh dear reader, this word is a delight. It appeared as the word of the day on my phone dictionary. I want me some denouement, don't you?

As it happens
This morning I was looking up the meaning of a word and denouement presented itself on my phone screen, as the word of the day. This word I did not recognize captured my attention, and I decided to learn its meaning. My desire for resolution in my own complex series of life events, was amplified when I realized there is an actual word to describe what I am longing for, that I could not name or put my finger on! I clicked to hear word pronunciation, and a lovely male voice spoke: it is a French word
  • Is denouement destiny? 
  • Is it the story ending? 
  • Is this what we want? 
As I consider these questions, I search...

The recipe
"Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice" (a quote from 

Yes, and no
The answer to my question, of do I want the story to end is yes, and no... according to shmoop, Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice, and this, dear reader, is what is known as the spice of life!

While we are all in a rush to finish a project, rush through our day to complete our work, and give ourselves a pat on the back for another day done, we have forgotten to savour the flavour! In larger than life terms, when there is a series of complex events that have us ensnared and tangled up with our own raw emotions, we want resolution and we want it now

Denouement! Denouement is a longing for a finale, the conclusion, the end... denouement can be relief in the form of resolution and renewal, or it can be the end of the end, death. However we look at this word that describes outcome, it is life that happens before the conclusion that adds climax and suspense, and this is our aliveness. This engages the parts of us that are passionate. Who we are is pronounced in conflict and complication. Our character is present through it all. 

Upon reflection
An old family friend in advanced years said this: "If I could do it all again I would. I would give up all I have to start over." This statement has echoed in my memory, and presented itself every once in a while, as a reminder that I am alive and being in-the-thick-of-it, is exciting and exhilarating. Does this mean I don't want conflict resolution? Well, no, conflict resolution is essential for emotional stability and a sense of well-being. Which brings me to this denouement, this conclusion...

I believe. I know. I am confident. The outcome of my complex series of events is not all up to me, and this is very, very good. The spice in my life is faith, a faith so strong that no matter the circumstances, I am promised a good ending. The ingredients that make up my story are people, relationships, ones that have gone sour and ones that sweeten daily. I have spicy people in my life too, those that challenge my thinking and add some cayenne pepper to my perspectives. I do not long to do it all again, because i am doing it now, and life is wonderful in all of its weird and wacky ways. 

Few can say that they are truly alive; I am one who can 

My conclusion
Denouement happens daily. It is the little stories that we tell ourselves, and each other. The conclusions we arrive at that bring us sadness, laughter, heartache, joy. Our outcomes are emotional, aren't they dear one? Our resolve is a choice, meaning part of the end result is written by each of us and in the end, will you say if I could, I would do it all again? 

Will you be one of the ones that can declare, I lived and loved well? 

You have time, dear reader, there is still time...  

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