Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Introduced to The Way
Many years ago, I was introduced to coaching. It had a mystical appeal, an otherworldliness sublimity. I did indeed, feel overwhelming awe and still do because it is soulful work, to have a client trusting me with their heavy heart, their brokenness, and their hopeful desire to be fully alive. This is a tall order, to fit the bill of service required to help someone heal and have ultimate freedom and joy. Thankfully, it is not my job to complete, my royal employment is to live the law of love, Jesus does the rest through me.

Coaching is a form of modelling. There is listening and then there is hearing. The coach listens to the heart stirrings of the client, but they also watch for the soul that seems to go into hiding from painful truth, or from scary thoughts. Heart hide and seek... 

The coach goes after the essence of the human, and invites that part of the person to be present to their own glorious makeup, their very own image of God ness. I am a declared Christian Coach. It behooves me to see and say You, dear one, are a replica of The One ,and it is your privilege to live and love just like He does; it is my privilege to witness the appropriation of glory: to be just like Jesus, and to see others become like him too! 

How to relate
Jesus modelled coaching thousands of years ago. It would be a great heresy for me to deny, that any and all good practices of being a relational human has been taken directly from the pages of The Bible. Nothing is new under the sun, and since all good and perfect gifts come from above, the coaching skill set happens to be something I must thank Him for, with an honourable mention to the outstanding coaches that I learned from experientially. God as my first mover, directed my steps to becoming a certified coach

Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17)

He walks next to you. You turn your head and your eyes meet. He looks deeply into your soul and you drink in the compassion, the love that spills from His gentle, penetrating gaze. At all once, you have nothing to hide, and nowhere to go, because here is the best place in the world. 

Wordlessly, you feel understood and know that no matter what, He loves you and then loves you some more. You look around and wonder who you can share this with, wanting to share with everyone. And He says go, make disciples, tell them about Me and My Father. Go tend my sheep; I want none to be lost.

Christian: when you feel Him near, it is because He is, and always has been. Isn't it a wonder? 

Go tell it on the mountain, over the fields and everywhere...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Love Times Six

Love it the topic. The education is partially attributable to Roy H. Williams and his Wizard Academy (Monday Morning Memo, January 22, 2018). Thank you Roy, for your brilliant teaching mind. Here we go people, into this amazing understanding of the six types/definitions of love, three of which are from the New Testament. 

My hope is that you and I have a better understanding of this "crazy little thing called love" (Freddie Mercury, Queen, 1979), once we work through this together. 

Here are the three Biblical words for love:

1. Eros is erotic love. This is the exciting stuff of fireworks, you know, the sparks you chemically (the hormone is adrenaline) feel in the presence of someone that really turns you on. It is pure excitement to be in this persons company. Politely stated, the physical response is… tingly and body awakening (I do believe you know exactly what I mean if you have experienced this before, dear reader?)

2. Philia is friendship.  This is that comfortable love you feel with your besties, the ones you trust and know have your back, your front, your sides, and the up and down of who you are. This is pure connectedness and it is an oxytocin based feeling of love

3. Agape is sacrificial love. Now this one dear reader, this one is the stuff of life and death. This one says I love you so much I would die for you. You know this one well, if you have children or a spouse that you would, take a bullet for. This deep feeling is generated by the hormone oxytocin, and the bond is so strong that to sacrifice oneself is considered worth it for the other.

Next we have three more definitions of love:

1. Ludus is playful love. This is what you and I have when we are with people that make us feel like we are twelve year olds again. There is banter and teasing. There is dancing and being goofy with crazy joking that send us into fits of laughter, and it can be ludicrous, ridiculous, silly, and kind of outrageous. (I describe this one well because I have Ludus with so many friends that I get gleeful at the thought of some of the fun we have together-I hope you have this too?!). Roy lists this as restorative and isn't he so right, because I feel fantastic when I am with my crazy fun friends! This love is a mix of the hormones adrenaline (excitement) and oxytocin (affectionate connectedness).

2. Philautia is self-love.  This is about you. This kind of love presents as confidence, self-connection, liking you, in your own skin. What you wear, where you go, who you spend time with, what you drive, how you carry yourself… these are all statements about this thing called self love, and a desire to belong. It is a self-belonging, and is oxytocin generated, not adrenaline-based. This self confidence stuff is not a bad thing in fact, the self help industry is a great booming business that suggests we all need a little more self love… but as Roy suggests, Philautia is a good thing, but too much of this good thing will make you a narcissist.

3. Pragma is longstanding love. This is the magic stuff we all long for in our relationships. This is what keeps a couple going, past the seven year itch, the mid-life crisis, and into until-death-do-us-part.  In Roy's words, It is the deep understanding that develops between long-married couples. You might think of it as oxytocin that has been aged like fine wine.

The deal
So here is the deal. We humans like excitement and why wouldn’t we? Adrenaline is feisty and fiery and hey, I do not want to do without some of this feel-good-I-am-alive-stuff. I don’t need to jump out of a plane and sky dive, or bust a bronco to get it, because I get to have lots of it when I choose the right people to play with! 

The cool stuff of this education is this: All forms of love and their expression are healthy, and isn't it astounding that we have so many options for being love, having love, showing love, even to the point of self-sacrifice, as extreme as this may sound? I want all of it, every last bit of heart pumping, adrenaline driving oxytocin bonding crazy love there is! And I am designed to have it all! You were designed to have it all dear one! 

Love lesson
This lesson learned me a lot (said with a backwoods intonation, with my ludus and philautia love on display). I hope it did the same for you? 

I part with this: I will dance with you later philia and it won't be too agape. Who knows, there might be some eros mixed with the fine stuff of pragma… love, you can't beat it!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Nurse with the Needle

Shot in the arm
I got a shot in the arm yesterday, literally and figuratively. The literal and physical part came in the form of a tetanus jab. My doctor likes preventive medicine, a way of protecting her patients from disease and illness given the true facts that we are susceptible to both as we cruise through life. The second part of the equation, the figurative one, came in the form of wisdom from the nurse that stuck the needle in my arm. Yesterday I felt the pressure of the fluid forced through the tip of the needle and last night, I could feel some site soreness. Today, I squint my eyes at the real reason for my doctors office visit, the words that reverberated in my head as I drove away, and the same message that has come back to me this morning, my lessons for this day...

Your future
Your friends are your future. This is the first message I received. Make me proud. This is the second one. Be smart. This is the third message imparted by the nurse with the needle. These were the mini sermons she would repeat to her children as they grew. Nurse Janice told me her son always remembered the first of these messages and I suspect from her story that he has chosen his friends wisely...

One word and life verse for the year
This year I have selected one word for myself as a daughter given guiding light advice from a Daddy that whispers, your friends are your future, make me proud, be smart. The word is obey. My life verse for this next year is this:

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness (James 3:17-18)

I have a lot of work to do dear reader, because I am not fully matured yet in my faith. I am not wise according to the heavenly biblical standards set out here. My Father knows this and encourages me continually and one day, I will be able to say to Him, I always remembered your messages to me and Daddy, I hope I make you proud.

Be smart
  • Have you selected your one word for the year dear one? Have you decided what your life verse will be? 
  • In your desire to learn, you will be taught. 
The teacher has life messages for you that will protect you, keep you from harm and better than this, enrich you with a harvest of righteousness. I am in awe of this last word, the one that hints at the heavenly realms... a word not spoken in secular society. 

I feel us being called up and my hope is that we answer the call, that we are "smart". Pick your word, your verse, and live by it this year. This quite likely, will make for an astounding future...

Addendum: It is December 30th, 2021, and I see how the past commitment, to a word with meaning, and a life verse, saved me from complying with wickedness

Many of my friends and I parted ways, because they chose to disobey God, living in fear for their lives, and not only acquiescing with the edicts of wicked, murderous men, but wanting me and my family to do the same. I did not fall prey to predatory ways, and the friends that have remained, truly are, part of my future, on earth and for eternity, because they too, refrained from giving themselves over to demonic ways

God gave me wisdom, in my obedience... my only regret, is the tetanus shot I got from a doctor that went on to betray far more patients then she loved to healing: she is an accomplice to murder, and I am grateful God gave me discernment, and kept me far from her deadly "preventive medicine" clutches 

Monday, January 22, 2018

What Do You Want?

What do you want?

I don't know what I want! I say this emphatically, and I ask you the same question: do you know what you want?

Spun round and round
Do you recall those playground spinners, the merry-go-rounds from your childhood? I have a phantom memory of one that was well used by hoards of recessed children. 

It was metal, sectioned off like a cut pie, and was chipping paint, was it blue, or red? Getting on meant holding on, because once that thing was in motion, it travelled at light speed. A boy or two would grab hold of one of the metal pie dividers, and start the turning process; they would jump on for the remainder of the ride when the spinning was at maximum capacity. I have a vague memory of what it was like to stumble off of the crazy carrousel, sidestepping to an almost fall, because the world was topsy turvy. That thing made me nauseous, and I still can't do circles for fear of being sick. 

Why am I sharing this with you, dear reader? Let's find out, together

We don't know what to expect
When I was a kid, I didn't know what to expect. That spinning wheel was a popular bit of fun, and out of curiosity, I got on. When being whipped through the air, there is no thought of, well, anything really. The time span between curiosity and gleaned understanding is often short. 

I got on, it spun, I toppled out: it is simple. I didn't have time to want anything, to be desirous of something different, because I was a part of the ride, the experience. 

This is how I feel now. I was on a ride. The spinning, while not breakneck speed, was a steady turning, a continuous pace. I was not whipped round and round, but I did not know how to get off of the ride in fact, I don't recall how I got on and stayed on... Like my phantom childhood memory, I have chipping patches of paint coating my recollection. When did the spinning start, and if it has been slow and steady, why does it feels like I have been centrifuge shot out of the ride?

So I stumble, and I sidestep, and I am dizzy. I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't want, which is a start, isn't it dear reader? I shake my head and think, do I turn in the opposite direction, to regain equilibrium, to regain straight sight? Do I wait, find a quiet place to rest until the world stops spinning and I can again, walk confidently? There is a short time span between curiosity and gleaned understanding: this, I know to be true.

It shall be given him:
Gleaned understanding, now that is indeed, one thing that I want and it will, be given to me:

If any of you lack, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him (James 1:5) 

The spinning has stopped. I see a hand held out to me and I take it, stepping off of the carrousel of my own accord. I am not dizzy, I can see straight ahead. No boys to spin me round and round... grin. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Unseen and Felt

My pastor's going in
January 14th, 2018. My pastor goes in, flashlight in hand. He is armed and dangerous, ready to strangle hold lies and snuff the life out of them with truth. He is clear and direct as he fire dances with the devil, and what we humans have bought into, hook line and sinker. We have bought what has been propagandized at a huge price that impoverishes our society, weakening ethics and morals at the expense of wholeness in families. You want a root cause, dear reader, for why and what we are seeing in the news, at our work, in our own homes? Then listen, read, understand the unseen world and its pervasive and prevalent perpetual attacks on us as individuals and family members. My pastors question, "Does life make sense if this is all there is?" starts his sermon. I quote him liberally here, because perhaps, you too, have asked this question?

Self-centredness, no protection
If this is all there is, then it is hell, defined as: "the full exploitation of our human self-centredness and sin without anything to protect us from the full exploitation of human sin. That whatever you want, you get at the expense of everybody else, and there is no God; there is nothing that regulates the moral and ethical standards in hell. It's the absence of God." 
End quote

Biggest God made elephant 
Human self-centredness, does this sound familiar? Am I pointing at you, right now dear reader? While I point at you, do you glare at me and say, You are the same, perhaps even worse!? 

While we exchange accusations, we acknowledge that selfishness exists, and that we are all guilty of it in some form or another, wouldn't you agree? Before you feel trapped here, let's address the biggest God made elephant in the room: His existence, and that the unseen world, is reality that reaches far beyond our physical here and now, into eternity in both directions, of past and future. Without agreeing on this, than our divide becomes a great chasm, and I go my way and you go this way...

Without eternity, take a grab at happiness
"If this is all there is, then I totally understand why happiness would be your main goal in life. I would totally understand why you would want to be so selfish and just worry about yourself and step on other people. I can understand why all truism is kind of... or moral and ethical boundaries would be stretched, if this is all there is. Right? Really, cuz if this is all there is, then why not grab everything possible that life would give you if you're gonna check out and you don't know when you're gonna check out? Seriously, why would we even bother with moral and ethical standards or not getting ahead for yourself if this was all there is End quote

The chasm
I have to tell you dear reader, that this message is simple, and the propagator would have us believe otherwise. Morals and ethics are directly linked to our beliefs about this very life we are living. If this is all there is, than grab the brass ring, get all you can out of this life, your one chance to have it all. This was the lie my pastor grabbed hold, and strangled the breath out of. 

In the unseen world, you have thoughts, feelings, sentiments and beliefs, and they manifest themselves into choices, lifestyles, habits, behaviours, selfish and otherwise: what you believe becomes who you are

Truth told:

What you believe becomes who you are

I leave you with this. Even if there was no afterlife and that is the great lie propagated by fakes and frauds who indulge in fairytales, can you be happy, truly happy, living solely, soul(y), for yourself? 

December 30th, 2021
Addendum: In this slightly revised version, I have removed the pastors name: he, shamefully, went the way of the world, proving himself a hireling, and so selfish, as to live this self fulfilling prophecy, sacrificing the flock that God entrusted him with. He will go down in history, with the many other pastors that cowered in a corner, while the church burned all around him in hell fire: for shame. December 30th, 2021.

"Seriously, why would we even bother with moral and ethical standards or not getting ahead for yourself if this was all there is..."

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Offside and Alongside

What would you do?
You watch, listen, and hear harsh words, cruel and crushing expletives directed at someone, and you are aghast. What do you do dear reader? I know what I would do, what I have done publicly. I stepped into the fray as defender of the weak, the attacked, the maligned one. 

I cannot witness abuse and turn a blind eye. I am not a hero, I am a human, and I would think, dear reader, you would do the same? Alas, not all humans are created equal.

Who we are when we see injustice, is a statement of character, or lack there of, wouldn't you agree? If you detect a hint of judgement in my tone, I shrug here and agree. You got me: my sin is conviction.

While out for dinner with a kind and gentle man, I got educated on the term offside, defined as: of a player in sports occupying a position on the field where playing the ball or puck is not allowed, especially (in soccer) in the attacking half ahead of the ball and having fewer than two defenders nearer the goal line at the moment the ball is played. 

In a nutshell, offside is an unfair advantage, an attempt at scoring, when there is no one to defend the net. Now, let's look at the attack on an innocent person who has been shoved down, and kicked by someone who is offside. The attack is unexpected and indefensible. because a power imbalance has been established. In other words, when people don't play by the rules, winning is easier for the one who plays dirty. While I have a quick cat like response to injustice, my cool wise friend has another approach...

He is coach, edifier of the young. He sees insecurity and wonders at this, looking for root cause. Speaking into the minds and hearts of his players, he tells them what they are capable of and they believe, because truth be told, they are capable of much. In the stands, there is one who shouts you failure, you not-good-enough, you loser, what is wrong with you? 

The coach hears this, and his eyes turn to the son, the one on the ice that cannot please, no matter how hard he tries, no matter what he does to gain favour. The coach finds the boy that will one day be a man and says, your father, he is offside. He is wrong: don't listen to his words. You are a good player. The coach, he came alongside the boy. He did not attack the attacker, he went to the heart of the wounded.

Mortal soul combat
The devil, he plays offside. He attacks the indefensible with cruelty and suggestions of you failure, you not-good-enough loser, what is wrong with you? To argue with him is foolhardy. 

God, He comes alongside and says something else... The Father says, you are mine, and I love you like My own son, My own daughter. You belong to Me and I will defend you against the liar and his deception:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am weak and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30) 

A call to justice
My friend, he did what Jesus did and does. When we are attacked offside, He comes alongside and speaks gently, and with a humble heart, giving much needed rest from the burden on our souls. He lightens the load, dear reader, and I ask you
  • Is this you? 
  • Can you relate? 
  • Does justice call you to speak, to act, to fight for the oppressed and wounded, so that they know the love of The Father through us, His earthly family representatives? 
There is a call to justice dear one, and it is here, it is now. If you can look away, pretend it is not your business, your duty to say something and do something, then I ask you, where will you turn when it is you, that has been attacked, offside?

Where, pray tell, will your children turn?

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Phone dictionary delight
Denouement-the outcome or resolution of a complex series of events. Oh dear reader, this word is a delight. It appeared as the word of the day on my phone dictionary. I want me some denouement, don't you?

As it happens
This morning I was looking up the meaning of a word and denouement presented itself on my phone screen, as the word of the day. This word I did not recognize captured my attention, and I decided to learn its meaning. My desire for resolution in my own complex series of life events, was amplified when I realized there is an actual word to describe what I am longing for, that I could not name or put my finger on! I clicked to hear word pronunciation, and a lovely male voice spoke: it is a French word
  • Is denouement destiny? 
  • Is it the story ending? 
  • Is this what we want? 
As I consider these questions, I search...

The recipe
"Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice" (a quote from shmoop.com) 

Yes, and no
The answer to my question, of do I want the story to end is yes, and no... according to shmoop, Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice, and this, dear reader, is what is known as the spice of life!

While we are all in a rush to finish a project, rush through our day to complete our work, and give ourselves a pat on the back for another day done, we have forgotten to savour the flavour! In larger than life terms, when there is a series of complex events that have us ensnared and tangled up with our own raw emotions, we want resolution and we want it now

Denouement! Denouement is a longing for a finale, the conclusion, the end... denouement can be relief in the form of resolution and renewal, or it can be the end of the end, death. However we look at this word that describes outcome, it is life that happens before the conclusion that adds climax and suspense, and this is our aliveness. This engages the parts of us that are passionate. Who we are is pronounced in conflict and complication. Our character is present through it all. 

Upon reflection
An old family friend in advanced years said this: "If I could do it all again I would. I would give up all I have to start over." This statement has echoed in my memory, and presented itself every once in a while, as a reminder that I am alive and being in-the-thick-of-it, is exciting and exhilarating. Does this mean I don't want conflict resolution? Well, no, conflict resolution is essential for emotional stability and a sense of well-being. Which brings me to this denouement, this conclusion...

I believe. I know. I am confident. The outcome of my complex series of events is not all up to me, and this is very, very good. The spice in my life is faith, a faith so strong that no matter the circumstances, I am promised a good ending. The ingredients that make up my story are people, relationships, ones that have gone sour and ones that sweeten daily. I have spicy people in my life too, those that challenge my thinking and add some cayenne pepper to my perspectives. I do not long to do it all again, because i am doing it now, and life is wonderful in all of its weird and wacky ways. 

Few can say that they are truly alive; I am one who can 

My conclusion
Denouement happens daily. It is the little stories that we tell ourselves, and each other. The conclusions we arrive at that bring us sadness, laughter, heartache, joy. Our outcomes are emotional, aren't they dear one? Our resolve is a choice, meaning part of the end result is written by each of us and in the end, will you say if I could, I would do it all again? 

Will you be one of the ones that can declare, I lived and loved well? 

You have time, dear reader, there is still time...  

Monday, January 8, 2018

Canned Christianity

"I didn't go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity" C. S Lewis

That was then
What the heck is C. S talking about? The statement above is an anachronism, because today, we have available to us a plethora of Christian flavoured pops to choose from, comfortably selected from our own theatre style viewing seats! When I snuggle in for the show, I mean the service, I am more than happy as I exit the building to face my week with a smile. Christianity is a relief. Be good, do good and if you are truly faithful, ask for the big stuff and abundance can be yours too... insert cheesy smile. Sometimes, the preachers get dangerously close to causing an emotional and almost spiritual  kerfuffle, mentioning some guy named um, whats that guys name again, you know the one, it starts with the letter J?

Modernizing Christianity is a good thing
Anyways, I can't help but appreciate the modern version of religion, because everyone can be a part of it and find a way to make it work for them. It's like the clothes in our closets, you know? You get to choose what you look and feel the best in without someone telling you what they think about your selection. It is freedom to choose and after all, God did give us freedom of will: we get to have at it, pick and choose what works for who we really are, and match that up with our religion. 

Modern day Christianity is currently being perfected, and C. S Lewis' ideas are a little outdated: all that stuff about sacrifice and giving your life to a God that cannot be seen? And the bible is an ancient tome written by some guys about some guy who died for his friends to save the world; sounds like Superman to me. Which reminds me, I have been meaning to get myself a Super Woman t-shirt, because sometimes I feel so good, I believe I can save the world!

I'm my own person
So here is the bottom line, just so that we can get clear about what is available out there: Christianity is based on a Son submitting to the will of his Father to the point of death, for the sins of the human race. He asks us to submit too, even to the point of death. 

I don't know about you but this is a tough one for me; I mean submit, to the point of death, in this life? Doesn't that put me in a vulnerable position that might not work out too well for me? What if Gods will isn't my will, wouldn't that mean I am going to lose, and give up everything I have? For what, I ask you? 

This suggestion goes against everything I stand for and believe in: I am in charge here, and I will not have anyone angle me otherwise...

It is all very strange to me, because I really love myself, I mean finally, I know what self love is, because I have been working on it for years. I am not going to give up what I have worked so hard to feel good about, not now, not for anyone, not ever. 

Besides, I have been to church-God loves everyone and he hasn't asked me for a thing yet, from what I have heard. I just know that God would never leave me out, because I am a good person, and I get along with most people. Religion doesn't have to be all heavy, and when it gets that way, I can always leave a little early, no one would care or notice.

Anyhow, I am glad I got this off my chest: it has been enlightening to share. I'll see you at the late service on Sunday... I hate getting up too early. Thank God for the 11 o'clock huh? 

See you soon, take care and God Bless😊

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Wind, it Howls

The wind
The wind is howling and I feel like howling too. It is bitterly cold outside, and frostbite is a possibility for exposed skin... I have this idea that if we are out in the cold for too long, our hearts can become frozen: frostbitten hearts.

Tender heart
As I endeavour to keep my heart soft and tender, open to love, it wants to close and be put on ice, feel less, know less than less. It's the explaining that I am having trouble with these days, the explaining to myself and to others, the what and why of hearts gone bad, wrong, sideways, off track, derailed, MIA, frigid. 

If I can see it in others, is it contagious? Is it something I can contract? No no, wait, you cannot catch frostbite, right? Of course you can't, but exposure to frost bitten hearts can cause heartache in others, and this is my fear, that mine might get frost nip, the beginning stages of frostbite.

I never want to be a contagion dear reader, never 

Being wild
The howl of the wind calls to me and I want to be wild with it, go out there and wander, braving the storm it warns is approaching. I want to feel the sting of cold and see my breath. I want to lie down in the snow, and look up at the sky, and see the clouds blowing quickly by, travelling somewhere, dissipating, and gathering again to form over someone else, lying in the snow... someone else, lying in the cold looking up, in wonder after wandering. I don't want a cold heart, I want my heart to race and chase and feel and never be iced. The wind is a call to similar hearts, ones like mine. 

Heavy grief
What I feel is heavy grief. The longing to not feel, would be a giving in to frostbite, a cooling of the life force that surges through my veins. I am fire, not ice. I am energy, not frozen statue... 

I move and never lie down for too long. While lying in the snow, I look up in awe, knowing I can stay as long as I like, but not long enough to freeze there.

The wind howls and my others can hear it too 

The cold, this winter, is my comfort. It reminds me of what warmth is. I know them both and the wind, it howls...

Thought Worms

Subtle suggestion not so
One of the worst feelings, is the nagging one that suggests that I am all alone; that I am a solo act and must, make it, on my own. 

This is a subtle suggestion, whispered in my ear that can become an obnoxious heavy metal sounding repeated refrain, that jangles the nerves. To believe I am all alone is to forget who walks along side me and is ever present. When the volume of the loud speaker head banger message crowds out reason, I have to ask myself:
  • What is my worry? 
  • Where did this anxiety enter in, and; 
  • How come? 
With the questions comes the answer: 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Now I laugh, looking at the slick lies, as I shine the scorching spotlight of Gods word upon them, and have them squirm in place, writhing like slimy worms that dry and shrivel on sidewalks, attached to hot concrete. 

The thought worms cannot survive, and the little pretenders become a visible embarrassment, drying, disintegrating, and disappearing when the sun comes out.

Knowing the enemy
Where do worry and anxiety enter in? These are the questions, when that troubled feeling niggles and settles, taking up residence in your mind and heart.

You have this sense periodically, don't you dear reader, of impeding doom, of gloom that shadows and darkens your soul.

These are not foreign experiences to you and to me. This morning, I woke with troubled thoughts, and I had to dispel them, prevent them from pervading and prevailing. I could not do this by myself, no matter how I chased them, and tried to make them stop from perpetuation of pesky plight like scenarios in my mind (I am having some kind of fun with alliteration dear reader!). 

My point, you ask? It is this and always and forever will be this: 

We have an enemy and his name is Satan. He has a lot of workers, and they love to hate and torment; it is their sick pleasure to make you and I squirm. They wickedly snicker and sneer, when we are the ones pinned with the ideas they propagate, and they endeavour to see us writhe and shrivel, drying up all alone in our own miserableness of thought hell. 

Here again, I laugh, because while they try to dry, I go to the well and drink deeply from the living water...

Drink deeply
How can I possibly end this piece of writing better... 

He that beleiveth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38) 

He is beside me and it is His voice that says come to the well, and drink deeply 

Won't you join us there?

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Epiphany and Luther

Today is Epiphany-this is what my calendar shared with me. I asked Siri what the day meant and he said "you got me" which made me laugh. I know the definition of epiphany but alas, to have one, to have many, is an astounding experience.

Come with me as I share mine, so that you too, can have the light switches go on in your head and heart.

A baby born
Luther, baby Luther. You came into the world and breath was a struggle. Your little lungs tried so hard and yet, you needed help. Humans saw and responded, and they hooked you up with tubes and other apparatus, and your very own incubator. Behold, this was not enough, you needed more than what human hands had to offer, until of course, two hands were clasped together in prayer, and more joined the one, and there was a great cry, a resounding plea, please Lord, make the babe strong, give him the breath of life. 

And he did. And he will

Luther, born the year that commemorates Martin Luther, the great reformer, the honest one that struggled and fought, and knew his God, and would not back down to anyone for anything. It is by grace we come into this world, and it is by grace we are saved, and it is mercy in our struggles, that He bestows when in faith we cry out, Lord, help me, Lord, help the helpless

And God answers, it is your faith that has healed you

A cry for mercy
Tell me dear reader, have you cried out, mercy, mercy Lord, give me mercy? Have you cried out save me, I am struggling and it is hard to breathe Lord? In your panic and despair have you looked about you, tried to find someone, anyone to hook you up with something that will make it easier, make the pain go away, make you, better?

A babe, in hospital, with equipment to maintain life. He was placed, a gift entrusted, given to humans doing their level best. Other humans, knowing not what to physically do, but doing the incomparable, pray and release the power of God Almighty. 

The babe begins to breathe using lungs fuelled by ether

You have breath dear one, fuelled by ether too, the unseen aiding in your continuance, without your asking but perhaps, others ask for you? 

Perhaps hands are clasped in prayer, joined by many, all pleading to God on your behalf, mercy Lord, mercy, heal this one too... the unseen aiding in your continuance? 

Consider it now, if you have not yet. Luther, the man, the babe: both reliant on a God felt rather than seen

Oh to have such faith 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Seeing Stars

Shooting Stars
Tiny exhibition for my eyes only
Shooting stars are a wonder to behold. Have you seen a shooting star, or perhaps, many in the night sky? 

Last summer I had the pleasure of watching a celestial display, the darkened heavens dotted with bright lights, combined with streaks of brilliance. Gods fireworks put on for anyone who happened to look up. This morning, I stretched with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, I saw my own personal display of fireworks, shooting stars that appeared real but are apparently, (I just learned from a google search) a result of the "retina being rubbed by the gel in your eyeball"... I do recall rubbing my eyes after which, the stars appeared!

Watching the stars
When the stars appeared, I kept my head back and I watched them, with my eyes moving slightly to and fro, until the last one left my peripheral vision. I delighted in the tiny, only for me exhibition. I took the time to notice that God designed the heavens and the earth, and He gave each one of us an inbuilt ability to see His handiwork, to celebrate in precious moments of wonder. Science is the gift of explaining the physical how come, but dear reader, science does not explain the why of fireworks, the why of a God that loves us so much, that He gives us our own personal moments of awe. Awe can be everywhere but sometimes, we forget to look, appreciate, take the time to notice and be thankful.

Today is my birthday
Today is my birthday. I wondered this morning, why this day? Why did God select January third as the day He would introduce me to His universe? He picked this day for me, and He picked your birthdate too, dear reader. How come? I mean why, oh why, would He give us this amazing gift of life? 

I asked Him this question, and I am guaranteed an answer because I asked. This too, is a wonder, that the God of the universe would choose to have a personal relationship with little old me, and with little old you too!

Being a star
I want to shine brightly, how about you dear one? 
I want to illuminate someones day, what about you, dear reader? 
I want someone to know, this day, that they were chosen by God to be here, that He picked their date of birth, and that He loves them so much, that they are the shooting stars in His eyes...

Isn't this how we feel about people we love: our children, our friends, our spouses? I am taking the time today to see the stars in my life, those who shine brightly and light the way. 

What will you take the time to appreciate and admire, in someone else, this day? 

Happy Birthday to you, I know you have one, just like I do. Let us celebrate everyday

Rub your eyes a little, perhaps you too, will see shooting stars