Introduced to The Way
Many years ago, I was introduced to coaching. It had a mystical appeal, an otherworldliness sublimity. I did indeed, feel overwhelming awe and still do because it is soulful work, to have a client trusting me with their heavy heart, their brokenness, and their hopeful desire to be fully alive. This is a tall order, to fit the bill of service required to help someone heal and have ultimate freedom and joy. Thankfully, it is not my job to complete, my royal employment is to live the law of love, Jesus does the rest through me.
Coaching is a form of modelling. There is listening and then there is hearing. The coach listens to the heart stirrings of the client, but they also watch for the soul that seems to go into hiding from painful truth, or from scary thoughts. Heart hide and seek...
The coach goes after the essence of the human, and invites that part of the person to be present to their own glorious makeup, their very own image of God ness. I am a declared Christian Coach. It behooves me to see and say You, dear one, are a replica of The One ,and it is your privilege to live and love just like He does; it is my privilege to witness the appropriation of glory: to be just like Jesus, and to see others become like him too!
How to relate
Jesus modelled coaching thousands of years ago. It would be a great heresy for me to deny, that any and all good practices of being a relational human has been taken directly from the pages of The Bible. Nothing is new under the sun, and since all good and perfect gifts come from above, the coaching skill set happens to be something I must thank Him for, with an honourable mention to the outstanding coaches that I learned from experientially. God as my first mover, directed my steps to becoming a certified coach
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17)
He walks next to you. You turn your head and your eyes meet. He looks deeply into your soul and you drink in the compassion, the love that spills from His gentle, penetrating gaze. At all once, you have nothing to hide, and nowhere to go, because here is the best place in the world.
Wordlessly, you feel understood and know that no matter what, He loves you and then loves you some more. You look around and wonder who you can share this with, wanting to share with everyone. And He says go, make disciples, tell them about Me and My Father. Go tend my sheep; I want none to be lost.
Christian: when you feel Him near, it is because He is, and always has been. Isn't it a wonder?
Go tell it on the mountain, over the fields and everywhere...