Accommodating can be a nasty or lovely word, depending on the context. It means: fitting in with someone's wishes or demands in a helpful way. It can also mean: provide lodging or sufficient space for. In the first definition, the feeling or sentiment may have the flavour of obsequiousness giving relationship some imbalance. It is the second definition that we will enjoy together.
I was coaching a client recently and while I was listening, I was really grateful for not interrupting her, mid sentence. There is a coaching skill called intruding and it is used in session when a significant point is made by the client and heard by the coach-it is not considered rude and it is agreed upon by both as part of the coaching relationship. I would like to say that I only use this skill strictly as a professional coach but this would be a lie-I not only intrude, I have been know to interrupt others, mid sentence...sometimes out of sheer boredom with what they are saying and sometimes out of necessity due to time constraints or I have to admit, irritation at the nonsense coming from their mouths (ok that was a lot of honesty, lets move on). So my client was speaking and I was about to interrupt, to intrude because I had an insight and instead, I remained quiet and listened and and, my jaw, it dropped open. I could barely sit in my seat and I had to ask, what do you mean? I was dumbfounded by HER insights, her deep gathering of brilliant observations and awareness and I was stunned into a state of gratitude and awe. If I had not provided sufficient space for her to share, if I had not accommodated her discernment, I would have failed her as a coach and only served myself and my ego, and we both would have known that an opportunity for growth was misplaced or lost somehow. I have to admit, accommodating someone else's talent is a lot of fun and I get PAID to do it! Oh, and the best part of all this is I am surrounded by talent, how cool it THAT? Happy New Year, I hope you and your talents are appreciated and accommodated greatly in 2016.