Monday, April 20, 2015


I want playmates, not cell mates~I use this phrase to describe the relationships I want to have with the people I share my life with. I believe in diving deeply into the soul, swimming close to the sharp and dangerously beautiful coral reef hidden in the depths, pushing off from the bottom to surface and gather air to splash about, head above water, to see what looks different after the dive? I do this diving solo and in company and when I am especially blessed, with soul mates. I like what is hidden from the eye because of the mystery, the search and find elements of beneath the surface treasures. Part of diving deeply involves a willingness to go many fathoms down, to dark lonely places that may appear to threaten existence, no man's land with few if any inhabitants...those that live there belong to the dark, the cold waters without light. The soul has its requests and to ignore the subtle and then not so subtle demands of its voice is foolishness and self depriving. This will sound like nonsensical gibberish to the uninitiated, the surface is meant as an invitation to all who read this and want more from life than meets the eye, those who are curious, the audaciously inclined adventurers of this world. A thin veil separates us from the spiritual realm. Our eyes and ears, hearts and minds can be trained or perhaps, be reminded to see and hear with intuition and know that we are spirit and not mere mortals. While the flesh has its needs, it is the soul that hungers for satiety, for satisfaction of cravings that go beyond the rumbling of a tummy that gets fed and quieted. I mentioned playmates, not cell mates. I dive deeply and I do believe it is a diving rule to go with a partner, safety first. My playmates are my diving partners, the ones I entrust with my well being, my safety. When we visit dark places, we do not stay there, they do not become our last stop, our prison cells. I am a child of The Light and my preferred company, those that I hold near and dear to my heart, they know what I'm on about, they too, live and love in The Light. This is dedicated to Louisa Marziali. Lets go diving again soon sweet soul sistah, I love YOU. 

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